• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: Apr 24, 2001

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. All for You is every bit as impressive a collection as Control, her first collaboration with Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis fifteen years ago.
  2. The album's meticulous attention to detail never overshadows Jackson's frisky good mood.
  3. A packed 73-minute disc with breathy vocals, smooth R&B jams and seductive sentiments.
  4. She has rediscovered The Beat, giving us such funk-strewn gems as 'Trust A Try' and 'You Ain't Right'.
  5. This is her sexiest-sounding record, thanks to Jam and Lewis' silky groove and her breathy delivery, two things that make the record palatable throughout too many spoken interludes and songs that just don't quite click.
  6. All for You overflows with Parliament-etched funky beats, orchestral disco flourishes, and rich bursts of sensuality.
  7. Entertainment Weekly
    Sexy and big and brimming with left-field surprises.... Despite a few missteps, All for You is about as good as modern diva-pop gets. [4 May 2001, p.67]
  8. This is a much more satisfying album than 'The Velvet Rope', even if most of the songs are overlong and a few juggle satin sheet-cliches with self-help ones to numbing effect.
  9. But if Jackson tries too hard to meet a standard of sexual frankness that's heightened in the four years since her last outing, she more than delivers her quota of hits.
  10. 70
    In spite of the sudden changes of mood and style, the album coheres nicely around Jackson's strong personality.
  11. But for all its emotional directness and prodigious length, there's a point on All for You where it all starts wear thin and Jackson's moments of celebration and vindictiveness seem played out rather than genuine...
  12. The album, produced by her longtime collaborators Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis, doesn't drift from their if-ain't-broke-don't-fix-it formula that supplies Janet with dreamy, radio friendly R&B/pop to balance the record's angst and lust.
  13. Like her awkward lyrical ventures into S&M and bisexuality on The Velvet Rope, songs like "Love Scene (Ooh Baby)" and "When We Oooo" aim for hot-and-heaviness but have the chilliness of her brother's famous televised kiss with Lisa Marie Presley.
  14. All for You is, for the most part, signature Janet.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 80 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 49 out of 80
  2. Negative: 17 out of 80
  1. Nov 22, 2019
    Awesome spectacular song to jam to, and loving the vocals and Janet she is truly an iconic star
  2. Oct 21, 2017
    Um dos melhores CDs de Janet, All for You traz uma inovadora sonoridade, feita com por Janet e seus longos colaborades Jimmy Jam and TerryUm dos melhores CDs de Janet, All for You traz uma inovadora sonoridade, feita com por Janet e seus longos colaborades Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, além de Rockwilder. O álbum se aventura de pop até rock. Full Review »
  3. May 3, 2023
    Matthew Alexander "Matt" Sinegar [SIN-NA-GAR] (An EXTREMELY Mature & EXTREMELY Heterosexual (Straight) African-American/Black Man):
    All For
    Matthew Alexander "Matt" Sinegar [SIN-NA-GAR] (An EXTREMELY Mature & EXTREMELY Heterosexual (Straight) African-American/Black Man):
    All For You (2001) Is Literally Always One Of My All-Time Favorite R&B Albums.
    Full Review »