• Record Label: ATO
  • Release Date: Sep 18, 2015

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Sep 18, 2015
    This is a record that takes its time, relying a lot on Rick Steff’s piano and organ to color in between the music’s straight lines. That’s not to say that Nichols avoids hooks, or that the songs don’t still stick in the head.
  2. Uncut
    Sep 25, 2015
    All A Man Should Do is a thing of considerable depth and sensitivity. [Nov 2015, p.79]
  3. 80
    They’re at their most fun singing about whiskey while the brass section forces you to get up and dance. But on All a Man Should Do, they deliver something special--an album that shows our weary travelers making peace with the world and maybe even finding happiness in it.
  4. Sep 18, 2015
    This album does find the fine band reaching for something different, and they hit their target with skill, assurance, and clarity.
  5. Sep 17, 2015
    Even on an album full of obvious nods to music of the past, Lucero manages to surprise.
  6. Magnet
    Sep 17, 2015
    The Memphis ambassadors display strength after songwriting strength. [No. 124, p.59]
  7. 70
    All A Man Should Do keeps their solid streak going while tweaking the formula just enough to both earn new converts and surprise the faithful.
  8. Sep 17, 2015
    All A Man Should Do is the band's first album in three years and could do with more of the tenacity that has made them crowd favourites, and less of the self-pity.
  9. Sep 17, 2015
    Nichols's gravelly vocals are more immediate and heartfelt than ever, especially on the dark, ruefuI I Woke Up In New Orleans, about self-destructive alcoholism. Lighter subject matter works less well (the pleasant ditty I'm In Love With A Girl, the lacklustre Throwback No. 2) but has enough southern soul to keep things interesting.

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