• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Sep 23, 2013
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 72 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 46 out of 72
  2. Negative: 22 out of 72
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  1. Dec 20, 2013
    Queen destroyed prism of katy perry, the best album of 2013, SLAY, voice of generation, content the best music taken this year, wild the best music and first single already launched, conceptual urban.
  2. Dec 16, 2013
    Probably one of the best albums of 2013. "Alive" is an excellent album, not connected like "Who You Are", but still excellent! Jessie J's voice shows that she is an incredible singer. The songs I love from this album are Breathe, Alive, Magnetic, Excuse My Rude and mainly Sexy Lady, the biggest hit of the album in my opinion. It should be a single. It's My Party isn't that bad, but I thinkProbably one of the best albums of 2013. "Alive" is an excellent album, not connected like "Who You Are", but still excellent! Jessie J's voice shows that she is an incredible singer. The songs I love from this album are Breathe, Alive, Magnetic, Excuse My Rude and mainly Sexy Lady, the biggest hit of the album in my opinion. It should be a single. It's My Party isn't that bad, but I think it crashes the album connection and meaning, it appears to be some randomly release track.
    The bad things about the album are that the singles choices were made wrong and the album promotion is horrible (but expecting from Island this is what we get...). I hope after the US version release of "Alive" Jessie get more recognition with this excellent work.
  3. Dec 17, 2013
    This album is actually pretty good. She can sing her a*s off as prooved on "I Miss Her". She does her best in "Unite" and "Breathe", both co-written by Sia and produced by StarGate. Probably the weakest song on the album is "It's My Party". The sounds are good, her vocals are amazing, good album overall.
  4. Dec 16, 2013
    While the main two singles from the album (Wild and It's my party) are as generic as it gets, the album itself is composed of 16 well thought, well presented tracks that showcase perfectly the powerhouse Jessie J's voice is. As a whole, the cd might come off as chaotic, and it gives the impression that the tracks were just thrown in there without much thought, but when listening to theWhile the main two singles from the album (Wild and It's my party) are as generic as it gets, the album itself is composed of 16 well thought, well presented tracks that showcase perfectly the powerhouse Jessie J's voice is. As a whole, the cd might come off as chaotic, and it gives the impression that the tracks were just thrown in there without much thought, but when listening to the tracks alone you quickly realize the hidden beauty that Alive is.
    Favourite tracks: Hero, Magnetic, I Miss Her, Harder We Fall and Excuse My Rude
    Most hated songs: Wild and Conquer the world
  5. Dec 20, 2013
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. rainha rainha rainha rainha rainha rainha rainha rainha rainha rainha rainha rainha rainha rainha rainha rainha rainha rainha rainha rainha rainha rainha rainha Expand
  6. Dec 8, 2013
    This is another great album by Jessie J. Her voice is awesome and I really like most of the songs, especially "Excuse My Rude", "I Miss Her" and "Wild".
  7. Sep 26, 2014
    Amazing album. Jessie J is the best UK pop singer in a long, long time. Her voice is a amazing and certainly she has a lot o potential.
    Excuse My Rude, Alive, Hero and Magnetic are highlights.
  8. May 1, 2014
    Best album of 2013! Jessie J always making good music! Excellent material, proving that Jessie J is the best artist today! It is an amazing eclectic album!
  9. Aug 26, 2014
    O tão aguardado retorno da rainha do UK foi marcado por muitas cobranças da parte do público no quesito vendas. Wild, primeiro single deste álbum, teve como debut #5 UK, passou 2 meses no top 10 e ainda entrou na lista dos singles mais vendidos da Inglaterra de 2013. It's My Party, segundo single que teve debut #3 UK. Thunder, o terceiro e infelizmente último single, não conseguiu uma boaO tão aguardado retorno da rainha do UK foi marcado por muitas cobranças da parte do público no quesito vendas. Wild, primeiro single deste álbum, teve como debut #5 UK, passou 2 meses no top 10 e ainda entrou na lista dos singles mais vendidos da Inglaterra de 2013. It's My Party, segundo single que teve debut #3 UK. Thunder, o terceiro e infelizmente último single, não conseguiu uma boa posição que ficou fora do top 10 britânico. ALIVE ganhou certificado e em pouco tempo ganhará platina no UK, segunda maior indústria musical. Composições dela, sem precisar comprar como outras ai e óbvio, a sua tremenda voz que é de dar inveja marcam este ótimo álbum, mas muito fraco se comparado ao Who You Are. Vamos aguardar os próximos capítulos até seu sucessor. Expand
  10. Dec 2, 2014
    The best album of Jessie J, no doubt. All the songs are great, unite, breathe and gold are very good, not to mention wild and its my party. Jessie deserves much recognition and many awards.
  11. May 25, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Jessie J amadureceu muito nesse álbum, tanto musicalmente quanto vocalmente, amei. Expand
  12. May 25, 2018
    Its a good Pop Album! Hight points to I Miss Her, Wild, Sexy Lady and Alive!
  13. Oct 28, 2020
    it is so good! I really love the vocals, the vibes... breathe is my fav song of the album. She's one of the greatest vocalist of our generation
  14. Apr 11, 2021
    Um álbum impecável. Jessie J lendária, incrível, melhor voz do mundo, ela arrasa
  15. Apr 11, 2021
    Álbum lindo, pessoal e emocionante.
    Jessie escreveu arriscando tudo no início da carreira, não foi tão bom quanto esperado nas paradas, mas mostrou o talento que tem.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Dec 4, 2013
    As it stands, Alive is too easy to ignore.
  2. 60
    It's by no means a bad record, although the ballads are best avoided.
  3. Dec 4, 2013
    For most of the album, however, Jessie J shows how wide her range is.