• Record Label: Ultra
  • Release Date: Sep 25, 2012

Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 13
  2. Negative: 1 out of 13
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  1. 10
    What strikes you first about Album Title Goes Here, apart from the moronic postmodernism-for-tweens title, is how resolutely un-danceable it is.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 83 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 62 out of 83
  2. Negative: 10 out of 83
  1. Jan 16, 2013
    I think this is an excellent album.
    has excellent songs like Professional Griefer, The Veldt, Channel 42, maths and Supperliminal think
    I think this is an excellent album.
    has excellent songs like Professional Griefer, The Veldt, Channel 42, maths and Supperliminal think Deadmau5 did a great job
    Full Review »
  2. Oct 12, 2012
    This is the worst album I have ever heard from deadmau5. I am a huge fan since 2008. I saw him and had the opportunity to meet and talk toThis is the worst album I have ever heard from deadmau5. I am a huge fan since 2008. I saw him and had the opportunity to meet and talk to him in 2009. Cool guy. This album seems like it was rushed. None of the tracks flow together, each song sounds like 2 songs put together, yeah cool but it doesnt sound relevant, it just sounds like to completely different songs in one that have nothing to do with each-other. superliminal was cool but it doesnt even come close to what hes capable of. October, Veldt and profession greifers (only the intrumental) are great. The sound qaulity is really good but the rest of the songs sound cheesy (no pun). The tracks sound like amature work. deadmau5 used to blow me away with his music now I am only shocked at how horrible some of the songs are. I hope he was just rushed into making this album and I think he should take some time off and focus on making music instead of having some pretty lights. I mean thats cool n all but I seriously am not going to another show unless he comes out with a better album and or he just doesn't play majourty of the songs. I also liked failbait for what it is, and most of the collabs are great. but this album terrified me. Where did that deadmau5 funk go? Full Review »
  3. Oct 13, 2012
    For anyone who's familiar with EDM's favorite mau5, Album Title Goes Here is as expected more of the same, and whether that be a yay or nay,For anyone who's familiar with EDM's favorite mau5, Album Title Goes Here is as expected more of the same, and whether that be a yay or nay, is up to the listeners. For newer audiences that may not be familiar with the EDM cult, "Professional Griefers" featuring Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance is probably the most accessible track, featuring electronic guitar-esque stuttered beats along with Way's signature aggressive vocals. Its recommendable tracks are "There Will Be Coffee", a progressive house breakdown that's strong on melody, "The Veldt", another progressive house song strong on melodies which blend swimmingly with newcomer James' soothing voice, and "Telemiscommunications", which features synthpop songstress Imogen Heap in one of her most plausible vocal performances to date. However, its negativity derives from the negatives previous album faced: deadmau5's sheer lack of progression, with tedious opener "Superliminal" and headache inducing "Maths" being notable examples of that. So far fans, it depends on whether you're looking for the same ole, same ole. And for newer audiences, it just depends on what you expected from the hype. Full Review »