• Record Label: Kinetic
  • Release Date: Aug 6, 2002

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Alternative Press
    Its sweeping cinematic scope and all-instrumental tracks recall the lushness of Orbital in their prime. [Oct 2002, p.86]
  2. Urb
    An impressive artistic debut. [Oct 2002, p.96]
  3. Mixer
    The album will wear thin on short-attention-spanned listeners who need their dance albums dosed with a bit more variety. [Aug 2002, p.79]
  4. Q Magazine
    As a cohesive armchair trance soundtrack, Airdrawndagger is a clear success. [Sep 2002, p.106]
  5. This bummer sounds more in league with Yanni than Moby.
  6. Airdrawndagger fades so listlessly into the annals of anonymity.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 16
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 16
  3. Negative: 2 out of 16
  1. JohannR
    Dec 13, 2006
    Composer and DJ Sasha, seem to have been inspired to levels of musical proficiency as a present day Bach would be with electronic Composer and DJ Sasha, seem to have been inspired to levels of musical proficiency as a present day Bach would be with electronic instruments. This is probably the best example of high quality lounge trance in recent times. This music fits in perfectly with the technology rich communications environments we live in today, and Airdrawndagger may go down as one of the greatest CDs published in the dawn of the millennium. Full Review »
  2. IanC
    Dec 18, 2005
    The most important electronic album since FSOL's "Dead Cities". Reimagines and redefines what trance is and should be, with nary a snare The most important electronic album since FSOL's "Dead Cities". Reimagines and redefines what trance is and should be, with nary a snare build or cascading arpeggio to be found. Most highly recommended. Full Review »
  3. JacobM
    May 20, 2005
    This album is one of Sasha's masterworks in my opinion, allthough there are some portions that I tend to skip through, this album is This album is one of Sasha's masterworks in my opinion, allthough there are some portions that I tend to skip through, this album is excellent fluffy bliss in the clouds. Full Review »