
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14
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  1. Feb 11, 2014
    Because even if Acoustic at the Ryman doesn’t flow like one natural performance, the cumulative effect of the record presents Band of Horses as a talented group of musicians who are wholly capable of playing live without sonic camouflage or superfluousness.
  2. Mar 31, 2014
    Acoustic At The Ryman is an unplugged album done right. A live record that’s not just for hardcore fans, it’s a must for all lovers of
  3. Magnet
    Mar 12, 2014
    Acoustic proves, once and for all, that BOH really is just a straight-up folk/rock band--and a pretty great one, too. [No. 107, p.53]
  4. Feb 13, 2014
    Acoustic at the Ryman won’t change your opinions if you’re indifferent to or just plain dislike Band of Horses. However, if you stand with Bridwell’s warmth, there’s joy from the very first harmony. Arenas be damned.
  5. Feb 11, 2014
    Frontman Ben Bridwell's vocals are perfectly suited to the change-up, as are most of the songs here. Band of Horses' 2006 breakout single, "The Funeral," fares the poorest.
  6. Uncut
    Feb 6, 2014
    These dead-earnest takes are suffused with existential melancholy, as the group's feathery vocals bring uplift to the heavy emotional burden of the songs. [Mar 2014, p.71]
  7. Feb 6, 2014
    With the same soft rock moods of America, the Eagles, Crosby, Stills & Nash, or American Beauty-era Grateful Dead, the decreased volume leaves the songs every bit as moody and ominous as their more electric studio versions, but far clearer.
  8. Q Magazine
    Mar 18, 2014
    While their new setting can't quite extinguish their thoughtful charms, it has trampled on their mystique. [Apr 2014, p.103]
  9. 60
    The only real lump-in-the-throat moment is ‘No One’s Gonna Love You’--although admittedly, said lump is gobstopper-sized for the duration.
  10. Feb 19, 2014
    Acoustic at the Ryman isn’t a necessary album by any means but it is reassuring. The musicianship and obvious care that Band of Horses put into this record is a great reminder that they’re far from done and excellent albums might be waiting in the future.
  11. Feb 10, 2014
    For those fans unable to acquire a ticket, this finely recorded set of songs makes for an ample substitute. For non fans however, this is unlikely to thrill.
  12. Feb 6, 2014
    The record is undoubtedly an enjoyable, comforting listen, one that provides an interesting trawl through Band Of Horses’ back catalogue. It is, however, unlikely to appeal to anyone who is not already a fan.
  13. 60
    Performing at a venue that once hosted the iconic long-running Grand Ole Opry show, the band do seem slightly in awe of their venerable surroundings. They certainly never get too chatty here, with Bridwell limiting himself to an occasional aww-shucks ‘Thanks y’all!’ or similar.
  14. Feb 14, 2014
    Acoustic has all the ponderousness of a forgotten episode of MTV Unplugged, and that setting only highlights Band of Horses’ worst tendencies.
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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 2
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 2
  3. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. Feb 12, 2014
    Great album. In fact, I saw their show last night at the Wilshire Ebel - opening show on the tour - and while the transitions were a littleGreat album. In fact, I saw their show last night at the Wilshire Ebel - opening show on the tour - and while the transitions were a little rough, they do an amazing job with the acoustic sets. The stand-up bass rattled some speakers in the very old facility, but these guys are just incredibly good live. I'm a little surprised that BoH is not a household name by now. Full Review »