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Generally favorable reviews- based on 511 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 63 out of 511
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  1. Oct 10, 2010
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I like how everyone uses the term "old Linkin Park". If i remember correctly, and i believe i do, everyone bashed Linkin Park when Meteora came out because "it sounded too much like Hybrid Theory". Linkin Park then dished out Minutes to Midnight. Imagine that, a band that listened to the fans, M2M didn't sound like Hybrid Theory or Meteora for that matter. And now with A Thousand Suns, which everyone is correct, it doesn't sound like their previous stuff yet again. It's something new to sink our teeth in. I can honestly say i like the musical taste of A Thousand Suns. Yeah, it may only have 9 songs out of the 15 tracks, but throughout all of their albums, they have always had instrumentals. I for one thoroughly enjoy the instrumentals. I have been a fan since the Hybrid Theory EP, and Linkin Park has not disappointed me yet. A Thousands Suns may not meet a lot of your expectations, especially if your not acceptive to new ideas. All work in forms of art, whether it be painting, drawing, music, poetry, woodworking, etc., came from someone with an idea. This is Linkin Parks newest idea, and it is art, whether you want to believe it or not. I bought A Thousand Suns on 9/14/10. The best album I have bought all year. I give it a 9 out of 10. Expand
  2. Oct 11, 2014
    An incredibly ambitious and thoughtful album that revolves around nuclear disasters and self-destruction. Linkin Park challenged themselves to create this experimental piece, and have definitely challenged listeners around the world with it. Lyrically its dark and intense, and musically its different than anything you've ever heard. Ambient and electronic alt-rock meets tribal beats,An incredibly ambitious and thoughtful album that revolves around nuclear disasters and self-destruction. Linkin Park challenged themselves to create this experimental piece, and have definitely challenged listeners around the world with it. Lyrically its dark and intense, and musically its different than anything you've ever heard. Ambient and electronic alt-rock meets tribal beats, reggae rhythms and even metal screams in one of the greatest albums of all time. Expand
  3. May 20, 2017
    This album made me almost cry.
    Linkin Park confirms to be one of the most interesting band of our times with this masterpiece, i loved songs like Burning In The skies, Waiting For The End, Robot Boy and Iridescent.
    When They Come For Me, Wretches And Kings and The Catalyst are revolutionary and the whole album should be heard once before you die.
  4. Oct 2, 2010
    I've always liked LP's more calm songs (e.g. Hands held High, Not Alone, Leave Out All The Rest) and I'm finally glad they are starting to play more through their hearts. True, they may have lost many of their fans, but by the same token, have gained far more. I've been a Linkin Park fan for a long time, and this is definitely the best of the albums, IMO. I would agree, that their songsI've always liked LP's more calm songs (e.g. Hands held High, Not Alone, Leave Out All The Rest) and I'm finally glad they are starting to play more through their hearts. True, they may have lost many of their fans, but by the same token, have gained far more. I've been a Linkin Park fan for a long time, and this is definitely the best of the albums, IMO. I would agree, that their songs have great meanings in it, they sing through experience and inspiration, and has just proven to people, that this is truly what they are. Most people, have searched their new songs, like "The Radiance" and "The Requiem" on Youtube, and have questioned, "How is this considered a song?". But if you were to listen to the album as a whole, no pauses between transition of song, You would feel that many of the "filler" tracks, go together. So before you criticize, buy the album, listen, and listen again. Expand
  5. Mar 3, 2017
    A big experimental change for LinkinPark that came out in their favor, with heavier sound and a big mix of genres in the album and each song for at self. musical capabilities of the band are pushed to their limits and the result is an amazing experience at first and a reliable blast for every other listing.
    A more artistic LinkinPark is what people asked and they got one of the most
    A big experimental change for LinkinPark that came out in their favor, with heavier sound and a big mix of genres in the album and each song for at self. musical capabilities of the band are pushed to their limits and the result is an amazing experience at first and a reliable blast for every other listing.
    A more artistic LinkinPark is what people asked and they got one of the most bizarre albums to surface mainstream rock
  6. Apr 25, 2021
    Хороший альбом, мне больше всего запомнились "The Catalyst" и "Burning In The Skies"
  7. Nov 4, 2010
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I gotta say that when i listened to MTM i was not blown away as usual when i listen to a Linkin Park album, i was like, hey where are the old songs and their typical energy, i was kinda disappointed. But when i listened to A Thousand Suns, i was speechless, i know that they're not the same musically and not have that energy they used to have in their first 2 albums, but the change was so in the right direction with outstanding music and great lyrics, i mean the band is growing up and surely their music should be also, as the music they made in the past was GREAT in its own time, but don't expect them making the same kind of music ( nu metal rap core ) for the rest of their career, so i think that MTM was an experimental album for the new direction and A Thousand Suns is their final project which is PERFECT. Musically in my Point of view the album is kind of a mix between U2 and Coldplay and the old Linkin Park with somehow African beats.
    The highlights of the Album are ; Waiting for the end, Robot Boy, When They Come for Me, Iridescent
  8. Oct 20, 2010
    The Requiem (9/10)
    Interesting epic.
    The Radiance (10/10) The speech goes well with the concept. Burning In The Skies (8/10) Nice experimental sound. Empty Spaces (7/10) War in a backyard. When They Come For Me (9/10) Powerful and huge. Robot Boy (10/10) Perfect harmony. Jornada Del Muerto (10/10) Good experimental abstract sounds. Waiting For The End (10/10) One of their best songs yet.
    The Requiem (9/10)
    Interesting epic.
    The Radiance (10/10)
    The speech goes well with the concept.
    Burning In The Skies (8/10)
    Nice experimental sound.
    Empty Spaces (7/10)
    War in a backyard.
    When They Come For Me (9/10)
    Powerful and huge.
    Robot Boy (10/10)
    Perfect harmony.
    Jornada Del Muerto (10/10)
    Good experimental abstract sounds.
    Waiting For The End (10/10)
    One of their best songs yet.
    Blackout (10/10)
    I love Chester's scream. The only scream I actually like.
    Wretches & Kings (8/10)
    Chester's fake accent on this one is funny.
    Wisdom, Justice, & Love (10/10)
    Gotta love Martin Luther King, Jr.
    Iridescent (9/10)
    Cool song. Interesting message.
    Fallout (9/10)
    Great intro to another epic.
    The Catalyst (10/10)
    The album's lead single, and deserving of it.
    The Messenger (10/10)
    Possibly Chester's best singing yet.
  9. Jul 29, 2011
    It's brilliant to see that this band can excell in multiple genre's. I listened to and loved their nu-metal style music on the Hybrid Theory album, as for each one of their next albums, noticing the changes in their style with each one. Everybody complains about how Linkin Park isn't what it used to be and that the new album is terrible, these are the sort of people who listen to bandsIt's brilliant to see that this band can excell in multiple genre's. I listened to and loved their nu-metal style music on the Hybrid Theory album, as for each one of their next albums, noticing the changes in their style with each one. Everybody complains about how Linkin Park isn't what it used to be and that the new album is terrible, these are the sort of people who listen to bands like Everlast, who pump out the same song with a different rythym a few hundred times until they have an album series. Linkin Park changes with each album, nobody else seems to notice this fact and it makes their fuzzy little heads explode when Linkin Park makes an alternative album that is just as good as all the others but in a different genre. It is a change, not for better or for worse. They are keeping their music fresh and I will keep listening to it and loving it, no two songs are the same. Which is more than I could say for the bands that are considered popular in recent times. This album also plays out as a story, each song leading into the next with intermissions every few songs to trasition the theme into a different stage, I have noticed alot of people complaining about this and this is my response: You do not have to listen to the intermissions, or the story of the album. Just play the music, it is a very minute task to put some songs into a playlist. In conclusion, this album is brilliant to me, just like all the others. It saddens me that people never broaden their horizons to music, everyone seems to have such a narrow view and it sickens me to see people bagging this album because of this. Look at it in a different light to the previous songs and you will enjoy it. If not, go back to Miley Cyrus and Flo Rida you sheep. Expand
  10. Oct 24, 2010
    I was hoping for something a bit different from Linkin Park for their next album. Minutes to Midnight had strayed from their previous albums to a slight degree, and successfully, I thought. But I wanted more. My favorite bands don't keep putting out the same record with the same sound, they try to reinvent themselves. Sometimes band fail at this (like The Killers, in my opinion), andI was hoping for something a bit different from Linkin Park for their next album. Minutes to Midnight had strayed from their previous albums to a slight degree, and successfully, I thought. But I wanted more. My favorite bands don't keep putting out the same record with the same sound, they try to reinvent themselves. Sometimes band fail at this (like The Killers, in my opinion), and sometimes they succeed. Well, with A Thousand Suns, Linkin Park definitely succeeded. The sound is new, but it's amazing. It represents a more mature Linkin Park. It retains elements of their old style that I liked but twisted enough to make it sound new. This album has been compared to Radiohead's Kid A in that it is so new and out of left field, but nevertheless it is a masterpiece that will alienate some but ultimately lead the band to better, more creative works. Bravo Linkin Park. Expand
  11. Apr 12, 2011
    It is definately a creative album if you listen to it from start to finish youll see that the 9 full length tracks along with the 6 intros tell a story sum up a great album
  12. Jun 28, 2011
    The album really proves to be something of a kiss-of-death for a lot of fans and even I held my doubts approaching this album. However, A Thousand Suns also proves how much creativity you can get from a somewhat minimal and fairly abstract approach to song writing and conposition. It's melodramitic and silly at times but the album is an easy listen all the way through with its genreThe album really proves to be something of a kiss-of-death for a lot of fans and even I held my doubts approaching this album. However, A Thousand Suns also proves how much creativity you can get from a somewhat minimal and fairly abstract approach to song writing and conposition. It's melodramitic and silly at times but the album is an easy listen all the way through with its genre defining sound. Expand
  13. Jul 1, 2011
    With every Linkin Park album to release there are usually three things. The fans, the critics, and the fans who respect the bands attempts of change of style and/or genre. I am one of the last, and always will be. To this day I won't understand why so many people dispise Linkin Park, sure "Runaway" isn't the most smartly written tune around but there is always light to be found in theWith every Linkin Park album to release there are usually three things. The fans, the critics, and the fans who respect the bands attempts of change of style and/or genre. I am one of the last, and always will be. To this day I won't understand why so many people dispise Linkin Park, sure "Runaway" isn't the most smartly written tune around but there is always light to be found in the darkness. Besides that your talking to a guy who listens to Four Tet, Yeasayer, Deerhunter, Talking Heads, and Led Zeppelin all in one day. But what A Thousand Suns is and does is superb. It is no less than the next step for this band combining the alternative sense found in Minutes to Midnight and a newly found electronic style. The theme around the album is "endgame" or the apocalypse, armageddon, the end of the world, or whatever you wish to call it. It shows the lives of a group of people who are all living in the real world when this happens, "The burning in the skies of a thousand suns", hence the name. There are 16 tracks on A Thousand Suns. Only 9 are actual "tracks" though, the rest could be described as audio commentary and distorted noises that blend in with the albums mood and atmosphere that amp up the next song, and its just brilliant. A Thousand Suns is the type of album that should be listened to from start to finish without stop for the most positive reactions. It is a story of the end times that we live in today, and beautifully filtered distortions, interferences, and vocals. It truly shows Linkin Park's maturity in their writing and lyrcism, now singing and rapping about topics much more adult, and canon. Not only is A Thousand suns their most smartly written album, it is quite possibly their best, sitting right in line with Meteora and Hybrid Theory. It is a different beast than anything you've heard from the Linkin 6, and is truly wonderful.
    The only problems I can add up is that while the "filler" tracks are great, they take away from the real songs and leaves you wanting a little more in the track department, I mean...9 isn't enough, other than that a perfect record.
  14. Jul 11, 2011
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is my favorite album from one of my favorite bands Linkin Park. I just love the way A Thousand Suns turned out. They go from a nice gentle song that is sad and raw like The Messenger, and go to a more hard core, heart pumping song like When They Come For Me. It is such a diverse album and it can attract many audiences. Expand
  15. CRL
    Aug 27, 2011
    As a concept album, A Thousand Suns is excellent. As music, A Thousand Suns is still excellent. I can understand why the original Linkin Park fans have their doubts, but on a rainy day there is no better album to listen to than this one. Even the minute-long songs (there purely for the 'concept' side of the album) are good in their own little way, and the way they're interspersed withAs a concept album, A Thousand Suns is excellent. As music, A Thousand Suns is still excellent. I can understand why the original Linkin Park fans have their doubts, but on a rainy day there is no better album to listen to than this one. Even the minute-long songs (there purely for the 'concept' side of the album) are good in their own little way, and the way they're interspersed with the usual full-length songs works perfectly with the tone of the album. It may not be what everyone was expecting, but in no way does that mean it isn't great. Expand
  16. Dec 12, 2010
    Best album of this year in my opinion , meaningful lyrics with a completely new sound which i never heared before. Rick Rubin showed again that can be a genius at what he does
  17. Oct 21, 2010
    Just finished listening to the album straight through, from 1 to 15, no breaks. It is...amazing.

    Unfortunately, the majority of reviews for this (and Minutes to Midnight) suffer from the same disease as those of Iron Man 2, the Matrix Reloaded, and every other sequential piece of entertainment ever made: Another [Blank] Syndrome. ABS is where the reviewer, or any listener, will think,
    Just finished listening to the album straight through, from 1 to 15, no breaks. It is...amazing.

    Unfortunately, the majority of reviews for this (and Minutes to Midnight) suffer from the same disease as those of Iron Man 2, the Matrix Reloaded, and every other sequential piece of entertainment ever made: Another [Blank] Syndrome. ABS is where the reviewer, or any listener, will think, "This is another [blank]" BEFORE forming an opinion of the work itself, which causes the opinion to be filtered and corrupted unfairly.

    Most reviewers and Internet trolls will think, "This is another Linkin Park what do I think of it?" And that's just wrong. It's almost...vile to do that. Instead, you should think, "What do I think of this album? It's [whatever opinion here]. OK, now I can think about how it's from Linkin Park". This way, the work gets judged fairly on its own merits.

    And A Thousand Suns has plenty of amazing merits of its own to fall back on. "Burning in the Skies" is my favorite LP song on this album, and somewhere in my top 5 LP songs. It's a beat-and-guitar driven anthem that, while one of Chester's softer works, accentuates his vocals perfectly. Listening to this song without thinking pulls you into the epic, post-apocalyptic world ATS creates, and when you begin to hear the lyrics you wonder just who ATS is about--are we all as doomed to nihilistic abolishment as the beginning of this album, or do we have hope like the end points out?

    On another note, as everyone says but almost no one actually tries to do, listening to this album from beginning to end really gets it point and artistry across a thousand times more strongly than just piecing it together out of order and/or from single alone. Many of those "filler tracks" that are condemned by so many critics really make the album what it is, and without them, it would be "just another rock album".

    With them, though, it's so much more. It morphs from a music album to a lyrical story, one of optimistic realism in the face of seeming hopelessness and destruction. And though some tracks break from that story ("When They Come For Me"), they serve as sort of a meta-reference to listeners, like a storyteller breaking face for a moment to warn the listeners of what they're about to hear. To use that track as an example, it warns the listeners "This is not another LP rock album. This is not an album. This is a story, a story with a beat." If only critics would listen to these warnings before picking up a pen or tapping a keyboard.

    The journey from The Requiem's/The Radiance's apocalypse to the The Messengers's optimistic voice is cleverly executed, and though I'm one of the many "Shufflers" who, these days, listen to songs out of order at completely random times, this is one album I'll never chop up.

    Overall, I'd give this album a 4.5/5. A Thousand Suns is, and should always be considered, a masterpiece.

    -IMP ;) :)
  18. Dec 25, 2010
    Well since this an LP album I would probably be giving infinity out of 10 however 40% of the album is full of fillers. Some of them are bearable but Empty Spaces just ticks me off. When they Come for Me would have been awesome, MINUS the SWEARING. LP, You have fans who are KIDS!!!!!! Don't scare the crap out of them. Leaving all the things mentioned above I loved the album
  19. Mar 2, 2011
    On every album Linkin Park have there commanding moments and times when it is more experimental. On this album most of the actual songs they nailed (Burning in the Skies, Wretches and Kings, Waiting for the End, The Catalyst and Iridescent). Amazing songs, and with wretches and kings and Waiting for the End it is familiar territory for Linkin Park. Wretches and Kings is an all grown upOn every album Linkin Park have there commanding moments and times when it is more experimental. On this album most of the actual songs they nailed (Burning in the Skies, Wretches and Kings, Waiting for the End, The Catalyst and Iridescent). Amazing songs, and with wretches and kings and Waiting for the End it is familiar territory for Linkin Park. Wretches and Kings is an all grown up version of their old sound, except with they more matured lyrics. Waiting for the End is kind of the same, except its not all angry like Wretches, its a softer and more technified version of their old stuff again with deeper lyrics. Even though the other songs on the album are more experimental (When They Come for Me, the Messenger, Blackout and Robot Boy), doesnt make them bad songs. They have just as much quality as the others but you can tell this is Linkin Park exploring new territory, and thats fine. This album is superb the only bad thing i can say about it is too much interludes, but some of them are pretty good such as the Requiem and Wisdom, Justice and Love. Other than that the did exactly what the wanted to with this one, like me you will probably have to get used to it to enjoy it and hear it as it supposed to be heard, but after that you will love it! Expand
  20. Mar 29, 2011
    If there is one word to describe a new release by Linkin Park's expectations, the word is "epic." Well, One Thousand Suns is just that. The band seemed to stray away from all the big producer influences and all the mainstream-song qualities. Like the boring pop-song qualities found in Minutes to Midnight. This album is raw, and experimental. Instead of just making another Linkin ParkIf there is one word to describe a new release by Linkin Park's expectations, the word is "epic." Well, One Thousand Suns is just that. The band seemed to stray away from all the big producer influences and all the mainstream-song qualities. Like the boring pop-song qualities found in Minutes to Midnight. This album is raw, and experimental. Instead of just making another Linkin Park album, they created a new and fresh sound. Maybe they weren't even expecting the album to be a crowd pleaser, but it certainly turned out to be. One Thousand Suns is proof that even a mass-appeal band like Linkin Park can have some great ideas of their own, and they're not afraid of the strict standards of industry. One Thousand Suns could easily be one of the best albums of the year. Expand
  21. May 16, 2011
    Might not be as groundbreaking as their debut album, but fills in whatever Minutes to Midnight left empty. Could have used a few more songs, then have the filler tracks integrated into the songs though.

    Fave song: When they Come for Me (Mid-eastern beats for a revitalized rapcore anthem, with lyrics that will probably leave their haters dead in their tracks...) Least fave song (aside
    Might not be as groundbreaking as their debut album, but fills in whatever Minutes to Midnight left empty. Could have used a few more songs, then have the filler tracks integrated into the songs though.

    Fave song: When they Come for Me (Mid-eastern beats for a revitalized rapcore anthem, with lyrics that will probably leave their haters dead in their tracks...)

    Least fave song (aside from the filler tracks): Robot Boy (Had me scratching my head as to its message, notwithstanding the epic melody...)

    P.S. Read my so-called track-by-track review here for more details: (
  22. Sep 14, 2010
    A thousand suns is awesome. I think the band has done a great job in redefining their music. If we don't compare this album with the previous ones, and listen to it, then we can find it enjoyable and meaningful.
    (Considering our current state)
  23. Sep 14, 2010
    Linkin park has proved yet again why it is considered one of the best rock bands in the world with this latest offering. A thousand suns is unreal. Extremely impressed. This album has created a sort of thirst in me which can only be quenched by their next album. LP never ceases to amaze me . MY VERDICT
  24. Sep 15, 2010
    After Linkin Park produce their best record, an unfortunate situation is unfolding - it's a record that many LP fans may not adhere to, and arguably the people who will like it will be deterred by the fact that, well, it's a Linkin Park album. The band have always had a particular aesthetic, but somehow I'm left with the feeling this is the record they have always been trying to make.
  25. Jan 13, 2011
    This album does sound different than the other albums that's for sure, but to me it's for the better. The lyrical themes are just downright amazing and the way they sound is very unique. But the only down side is how a little over half the tracks are just fillers. But that doesn't stop me from thinking this is a amazing album and definitely worth picking up. I'd give this a high mark ofThis album does sound different than the other albums that's for sure, but to me it's for the better. The lyrical themes are just downright amazing and the way they sound is very unique. But the only down side is how a little over half the tracks are just fillers. But that doesn't stop me from thinking this is a amazing album and definitely worth picking up. I'd give this a high mark of 9/10, and a spot in my top 25 best rock albums of 2010. Expand
  26. Sep 17, 2010
    This album is not for "Hybrid Theory fans"! It is an album for people that likes music and the originality on it.
    Linkin Park has made their most different album ("Minutes to Midnight" already was a different album) and the musical experiment is very obvious listening it.
    With fifteen track, nine are real songs, five are bridges between song and song and "The Requiem", one of the best
    This album is not for "Hybrid Theory fans"! It is an album for people that likes music and the originality on it.
    Linkin Park has made their most different album ("Minutes to Midnight" already was a different album) and the musical experiment is very obvious listening it.
    With fifteen track, nine are real songs, five are bridges between song and song and "The Requiem", one of the best intros that I've heard in my life.
    "The Catalyst" is the presentation single of this album on an intelligent strategy of marketing. That track shows the change most significative of the album, but the rest of the album is most properly to what Linkin Park used to play.
    The best tracks: "Waiting for the end", "When they come for me" and "The Catalyst"
    The worst: Absolutely nothing.
  27. Sep 24, 2010
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. After abandoning its nu metal roots with the somewhat confused Minutes to Midnight back in 2007, Linkin Park has followed through its search for a new defining sound with its latest release A Thousand Suns. The album is the band's the gloomiest, most despondent one ever. And while Suns is supposedly a concept album which runs along the lines of devastation and hope within it, it is ironically the sextetâ Expand
  28. Sep 4, 2011
    Indescribably amazing. This is truly an "album". It is nothing like those other pop artists who just put together a bunch of random songs and then call it an album (when in reality it is merely a collection of songs). Listen to the track "A Thousand Suns: The Full Experience". That plays the entire album in the order it is meant to be played and gives a use to all of those interludes. TheIndescribably amazing. This is truly an "album". It is nothing like those other pop artists who just put together a bunch of random songs and then call it an album (when in reality it is merely a collection of songs). Listen to the track "A Thousand Suns: The Full Experience". That plays the entire album in the order it is meant to be played and gives a use to all of those interludes. The band is growing up and maturing. Just because YOU aren't, that doesn't mean these guys are "sellouts" or any of those other harsh names given to them. Top songs (for those of you who choose not to listen to the entire album as a whole): Iridescent (personally, I see this as the best on the album), When They Come For Me, Waiting For the End, and The Messenger. Expand
  29. Jun 25, 2012
    Those giving this album a negative review sound ignorant. This is a very conceptual and artistic album. It's not meant to produce hit singles that stand alone while every other track is garbage, it's meant be listened to as a whole. Each song blends into the next. So particular songs may be considered "filler" or "un-linkin park" by themselves, but they all serve a purpose in making theThose giving this album a negative review sound ignorant. This is a very conceptual and artistic album. It's not meant to produce hit singles that stand alone while every other track is garbage, it's meant be listened to as a whole. Each song blends into the next. So particular songs may be considered "filler" or "un-linkin park" by themselves, but they all serve a purpose in making the album as a whole great. Burning in the Skies, Catalyst, Irridescent, and Waiting for the End are the main songs on the album and they are all fantastic. The other inbetween short tracks help build the mood of the album and lead into these climactic and brilliant songs. When looked at as a whole, this album is essentially one long, beautiful song. I challenge any "critic" to sit down and listen the the entire album as a whole, with it's beautifully haunting intro, iconic speeches brilliantly set to music, and epic full songs. Any linkin park fan, or plain old fan of truly good music for that matter, will recognize a masterpiece has been created here. One only needs to take the time. Expand
  30. Sep 14, 2010
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is experimental again. Everybody remembers how surprising was M2M. Songs are deep like never before but 5 skits is little too much. The album kicks of with the loong intro...It's 2 songs already in 3 minutes. Disappointing! But then...The best song of this entire album is coming...
    Burning in the Skies is absolutely awesome. Chester's singing is beautiful and even Mike proves that he can sing! (10/10) ...
    Then another skit which could be intro of the next song. Track which has 18 seconds. Not so much...
    But next track When They Come for Me is good. I don't like the chorus that much and Mike has had better raps before but when the part where Chester sings: "Oh When They Come for Me, When They Come for Me, I'll be gone..." is the best part of the entire album. Amazing! (8/10) ... Robot boy is pop. I like it, Mike sings there, but it's not one of the best of the album. (7/10) ... Jornada Del Muerto is another skit and it's kinda like Robot Boy's outro but I like it better than Robot Boy. (8/10) ... Waiting for the End: I don't like Mike's weird rapping here but Chester's singing makes this song reaally beautiful! The chorus is probably the most beautiful of the whole album! (8/10) ... Blackout is an interesting track. Chester's screaming at the beginning is great because it's the only one song which contains his shout! The slow part is good too but I don't like it together that much. (7/10) ... Wretchers and Kings: I'm tired of the listening of the looong speech at the beginning and it's at the end again! C'mon LP it would be much better without that. The song is good. Mike brings some good rapping and Chester is really powerful. It's probably the closest song to the old LP. (8/10) Another speech after that but now it's skit...
    Then Iridescent. It's wonderful! Mike's singing is better than ever, Chester is great as always at slow songs and it got some beautiful lyrics. I love this song! (9/10) ... Fallout it's another skit and samples Burning in the Skies...Why?
    We all know The Catalyst. I didn't like it at first but it grew at me and even though it's not my favorite, it's one of the better songs! (8/10) ... The Messenger is the worst track of this album. It's probably Chester's worst singing ever. Weirdest song from Thousand Suns. (5/10)

    This album is going to be discussed a lot. I like it a lot but it has a little too many skits there and horrible outro. Many people would say it's not Linkin Park anymore. But I like it better, than if it was another HT or Meteora. They are older now and they're making a new music. It's not bad at all! Good job LP!!!
  31. Sep 15, 2010
    Linkin Park has definitely changed their sound over the years, but they've always kept the artsy touch to all their music, regardless of the album. This feels like a different Linkin Park, but it still feels like Linkin Park, all the while keeping everything fresh, new and awesome. Obviously it's a slightly different genre of music than it was in Hybrid Theory and Meteora, but if they keptLinkin Park has definitely changed their sound over the years, but they've always kept the artsy touch to all their music, regardless of the album. This feels like a different Linkin Park, but it still feels like Linkin Park, all the while keeping everything fresh, new and awesome. Obviously it's a slightly different genre of music than it was in Hybrid Theory and Meteora, but if they kept coming out with stuff that sounded like those two albums it just wouldn't be special anymore. As such, some fans of Hybrid Theory and Meteora may be slightly disappointed that this has a very different sound, but at the same time this album may attract new fans because it has its own sound. And despite the fact that it's a different sound, this album is put together very well, what with the awesome quotes in the songs and in the skits. It's an album that you have to put in and listen to from start to finish to truly enjoy. As there are no pop music tracks, it's hard to pick just one song from the album that you would call the best song. It's best to just take it in one after the other and let Linkin Park take you on an epic, fresh, artsy journey. I'm really happy they made this album and I can't stop listening to it! All the tracks are so different and it's easy to distinguish them all, they all have different artsy sounds and effects. Thanks again Linkin Park! Expand
  32. Mar 10, 2012
    A concept album is not easy to pull off. Linkin Park, a band I never had great respect for until this point, has probably pulled off not only a great album, but possibly one of the greatest and most beautiful concept albums ever made. I'm serious. It's up on the top of my list with Pink Floyd's The Wall and Coldplay's Mylo Xyloto.

    Everything that makes a great concept album, the setting,
    A concept album is not easy to pull off. Linkin Park, a band I never had great respect for until this point, has probably pulled off not only a great album, but possibly one of the greatest and most beautiful concept albums ever made. I'm serious. It's up on the top of my list with Pink Floyd's The Wall and Coldplay's Mylo Xyloto.

    Everything that makes a great concept album, the setting, the theme, the way they are passed over in the music, emotion and flow of the album, plus more, are all there in this album.
    I have to admit, I've never liked Linkin Park much until I listened to this album. In My Opinion, Hybrid Theory and Meteora are decent. Minutes To Midnight was a disaster. A Thousand Suns is a masterpiece.
    It makes me sick inside that I've never heard such great songs like "The Catalyst", "Burning In the Skies", "Iridescent", Oh god, don't get me started on "Iridescent". That song is absolutely beautiful. One of the greatest songs ever written in the modern era.

    Tracks such as "Empty Spaces" and the absolute most powerful piece on the album, "Wisdom, Justice and Love", a haunting rendition of one of Martin Luther King's speeches, shouldn't be panned because they aren't actual songs. This is not your usual Rock album, people. This is a concept album. Get over it.

    Overall, this is one of the ages. One your kids should know about and embrace. A Thousand Suns, as I said before, Is a masterpiece. I honestly don't think Linkin Park can pull this off ever again. Hell, I don't think any artist currently can ever top this album for a long while.
  33. Sep 14, 2010
    They taked a big step with this album, actually their changed a lot, but, they changed for good, really, i like the new style, i think this album is better than minutes to midnight :P
  34. T3D
    Sep 15, 2010
    linkin park has always been one of those bands who amaze you every time they come out with an album.A THOUSAND SUNS is no exception...there just one word that can describe this masterpiece:wow.
    a thousand suns is like a delicious soup,with all the perfect ingredients mixed in perfect proportion. I am still humming the songs which means for me its a 'pass'
    these are the songs that are
    linkin park has always been one of those bands who amaze you every time they come out with an album.A THOUSAND SUNS is no exception...there just one word that can describe this masterpiece:wow.
    a thousand suns is like a delicious soup,with all the perfect ingredients mixed in perfect proportion. I am still humming the songs which means for me its a 'pass'
    these are the songs that are worth listening to:
    the catalyst
    waiting for the end
    the messenger
    when they come for me
  35. Sep 15, 2010
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Something something really fresh and unique coming from Linkin Park. The old fashioned method of cranking formulaic radio singles is gone. The band has caught onto it's old creative gleam of it's Hybrid Theory days, finding new ways to combine and make new sounds, which has been missed since their second album is an expansion of Hybrid Theory, and their third ended up with a lot of reinvented wheels. Going against the standard grain, the band announced that this album wouldn't be all compact singles. It's an "album album", something designed to be listened to as a whole rather than in bite sized pieces than what's usual, nowadays. The digital download of the album even came with one 47 mp3 track containing the entire album. While this makes some parts as individuals unfortunately quite short, the album as a whole is quite a journey. It's also (basically) a concept album, while not like Pink Floyd's The Wall was. Themes of death and apocalypse echo though the whole of the album.

    Compared to their earlier work, the songs in this album generally carry more of a beat, and lack the layered distorted guitars, trading for it in parts for a heavy electronic buzz, but yet also turning soft often. If you were expecting a rehash of Hybrid Theory, this album's not it.
  36. DME
    Jun 7, 2012
    A Thousand Suns is a completely original and creative album, but not without flaws. I really wish the interludes and bridges were combined with other tracks rather than standing alone. I also wish there was a couple more heavier songs. Overall, it's an excellent album. The best tracks are When They Come For Me, Blackout, Wretches and Kings, and Waiting For The End.
  37. Oct 19, 2010
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Well you all we're partially right linkin park did make this album alot different from any other album they've come out with but it was definitely for the better all of you so called "linkin park fans" out there that are ragging on this song apparently dont know how to listen to music first of all when you listen t this album you have to listen to EVERYTHING they say thru out each song and if you do listen to it you'll realize that every song has a meaning and if you listen to the album as a whole you'll soon realize that this entire album has a hidden meaning and if you do your research you'll figure it out this entire albums' lyrics is about the manhattan project and if you couldnt figure it out then you shouldnt even think about calling yourself a linkin park fan so again they did make this album alot different than any other album this cd actually has a hidden meaning behind it and from reading these reviews it looks like none have you figured it out and im sorry to have to tell you the meaning to this album but it looks like noneof you were going to figure it out so hopefully youll actually listen to this cd and give LP a chance before you start talking **** about it as a matter of fact i like this album so much im listening to it as im writing this every song on ths album is amazing if you actually take the time to listen to it and think about what they say and see the meaning in the lyrics and find the meaning behind the album and on that note im going to end this review by saying Linkin Park is a lyrical **** genius. Expand
  38. Mar 15, 2013
    I thought you would hear another hard disk linkin park, but after Minutes To Midnight, I had high hopes to return with a hard sound and indeed were less hard now.
    Outrage?? Would you buy? Whatever your choice, you certainly will not be left indifferent. A high-level production, some very good songs and others who aspired to be, make this A Thousand Suns in a job that could have given more
    I thought you would hear another hard disk linkin park, but after Minutes To Midnight, I had high hopes to return with a hard sound and indeed were less hard now.
    Outrage?? Would you buy? Whatever your choice, you certainly will not be left indifferent. A high-level production, some very good songs and others who aspired to be, make this A Thousand Suns in a job that could have given more of themselves. It's a shame to see that something is halfway, but it's what brings so much experimentation.
  39. Sep 16, 2010
    You may hate it at the beginning , but when you actually care about everything in the album and how this is something that you didn't expected and you hate to like it.
    The song that maybe will remind you more of the old LP is "Wretches and Kings" and other great song in the CD is "The Catalyst"
  40. Sep 17, 2010
    Like many others who have reviewed this album, I too remember when Linkin Park used to be a nu-metal act. Initially when I listened to samples of this album I was massively disappointed - I was hoping for a return to their roots rather than a sidestep into a completely different sonic world.

    Hybrid Theory and Meteora were great rock albums. A Thousand Suns is not a great rock album. But I
    Like many others who have reviewed this album, I too remember when Linkin Park used to be a nu-metal act. Initially when I listened to samples of this album I was massively disappointed - I was hoping for a return to their roots rather than a sidestep into a completely different sonic world.

    Hybrid Theory and Meteora were great rock albums. A Thousand Suns is not a great rock album. But I have to admit, it's a pretty decent offering nonetheless. Comparing it to the mediocre Minutes to Midnight - the new album is inventive, clever and generally a more entertaining listen.

    My advice - if you're a closed minded music listener who doesn't like trying something new then this album is not for you. If, on the other hand you appreciate musicians for their creativity, I suggest you give it a go. It's not exactly revolutionary stuff, but it's got enough substance to be worth a few listens.
  41. Oct 24, 2011
    The Best Album Of The Decade ............................No Doubt Linkin Park Have Created Their Own Beautiful Genre
    This Album is a very special achievement of linkin park ....................................................................
    The Have founded thier best 1.The Requiem/The Riddance The Two Songs A Complete Intro To The Decade Ender 2.Burning In The Skies This Song is
    The Best Album Of The Decade ............................No Doubt Linkin Park Have Created Their Own Beautiful Genre
    This Album is a very special achievement of linkin park ....................................................................
    The Have founded thier best
    1.The Requiem/The Riddance The Two Songs A Complete Intro To The Decade Ender
    2.Burning In The Skies
    This Song is personal with some regret and hard feelings 3.Empty Spaces/When They Come For Me
    These songs are percussion Based and have high drumming but still have low voice of Chester
    4.Robot Boy
    GREAT.............. simply great ..........................This song reminds me of the times when i was not welcomed to a place
    5.Jordana Del Muerto]
    The Path of a man after death is described by this song
    6.Waiting For The End
    WOAH.................................................................................The Best Of linkin park EVER
    A rock song with Screaming Chester
    8.Wretches And Kings
    Another Pap/Rock Song with elements Of Hybrid Theory
    9.Wisdom Justice And Love/Iridescent
    The Two love songs in A thousand Suns
    Robotic Voice of Shinoda with chorus of Burning in the skies
    11.The Catalyst/The Messenger
    The Perfect Album Ender

    Complete BEAUTY
  42. Feb 29, 2012
    this album is so emotional the song songs on this album are just so **** good its just amazing. linkin park is so god damn good its just amazing. my favorite song on this album has to be iridecent
  43. Sep 15, 2010
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Experimental, different, but still Mikey and Chester, and still Linkin Park. personally i enjoyed the album, cuz i had prepared myself for new materials. to all those who say linkin park have lost their track: They're the band to follow, if they were to stick to their original music, they would probably turn into hundreds of other bands that top the chart and disappear the following week. LP dare to change, so they survive. human being instinctively doesn't accept innovation and new things, he tends to go on with the same old pattern of thinking, but get over it.
    There's enough of the old LP in ATS: Wretches & Kings and The Catalyst. absolutely awesome!
    Burning in the Skies is simply spectacular, though i cant name it the best song of the album.
    Then I'm so excited to hear mike's rapping, When They Come For Me is more like Fort Minor rather than LP, but why should i care since i luv mike and every line he drops!
    ATS is about to give a message, but i myself dont get the message thru several short 30 second songs, i just skip them. message lost! better put them along the full songs next time.
    i just found Waiting for the end a bit weird, its more like TEEN SONGS rather than LP, but guess i'll get to like it overtime.
    The Messenger was really really soothing, though again it's drastically experimental and new, but it worked for me, i guess i'll listen to that when i'm overwhelmed, :)
  44. Sep 17, 2010
    This album is different from the other but also is way more good and power full lyrically i think this album is unique as they created their own genre with hard work congratulations guys.
  45. Sep 18, 2010
    On first listen its quite a shock. The Catalyst was Linkin Park evolved somewhat from Minutes to Midnight and not to removed from the Transformers 2 work. Somewhat synthy, but left you no doubt who it was. But the album is actually quite a departure in many respects. I'm not sure all LP fans will make the adjustment, but I have given it half a dozen listens and its still getting betterOn first listen its quite a shock. The Catalyst was Linkin Park evolved somewhat from Minutes to Midnight and not to removed from the Transformers 2 work. Somewhat synthy, but left you no doubt who it was. But the album is actually quite a departure in many respects. I'm not sure all LP fans will make the adjustment, but I have given it half a dozen listens and its still getting better every time. Given their talent I would expect nothing less. Give it a chance - its quite a Grand piece of work. Expand
  46. Sep 18, 2010
    As a long time fan of the band i can see why a lot of hardcore LP fans would be disappointed with this album as they stray even further from the sound that made them famous but this is a good thing. LP delivers a very different sound to their other music, incorporating a lot of different styles that give the band a fresh new sound that really shows how they have matured over the years.As a long time fan of the band i can see why a lot of hardcore LP fans would be disappointed with this album as they stray even further from the sound that made them famous but this is a good thing. LP delivers a very different sound to their other music, incorporating a lot of different styles that give the band a fresh new sound that really shows how they have matured over the years. While my only complaint is that the album has maybe a few too many interlude tracks, the album comes out very solid, giving the listener a large variety of very different tracks that offer much more replay value than previous albums where tracks fell into sounding very similar. While i know they may lose a lot of older fans due to this, they have most likely already gained a new legion of listeners who previously could not stand their sound. Expand
  47. Sep 20, 2010
    Different people have different views and different thoughts . Linkin Park's A Thousands Suns has a whole new genre , taking music to the next level . The album does not sound anything akin to any other . People complained about having too many skits , well the Hybrid Theory has 12 songs with 1 of the 12 an instrumental , Meteora has 13 songs with a skit and a instrumental out of the 13 ,Different people have different views and different thoughts . Linkin Park's A Thousands Suns has a whole new genre , taking music to the next level . The album does not sound anything akin to any other . People complained about having too many skits , well the Hybrid Theory has 12 songs with 1 of the 12 an instrumental , Meteora has 13 songs with a skit and a instrumental out of the 13 , Minutes to Midnight has 11 songs and 1 skit and A Thousands Suns has 15 songs and out of the 15 , 6 of them are skits . Despite having only 9 songs , all of the songs are totally in a different level . All the songs contain a special element in it , an element that no other artist have tried . A very good example "Blackout" and "The Messenger" . I think if people can accept the birth of Auto-Tune , why not this new genre ? Expand
  48. Sep 21, 2010
    one word:FANTASTIC!!!!
    i love all of the songs of the album:the requiem (10/10) ;the radiance (9/10); burning in the skies (10/10); when they come for me (10/10); robot boy (10/10); jornada del muerto( 8/10); waiting for the end (10/ 10); blackout (10/10); wretches and kings (10/ 10); wisdom,justice and love (7/10) ; iridescent (10/10); fallout (10/ 10); the catalyst (10/10); the
    one word:FANTASTIC!!!!
    i love all of the songs of the album:the requiem (10/10) ;the radiance (9/10); burning in the skies (10/10); when they come for me (10/10); robot boy (10/10); jornada del muerto( 8/10); waiting for the end (10/ 10); blackout (10/10); wretches and kings (10/ 10); wisdom,justice and love (7/10) ; iridescent (10/10); fallout (10/ 10); the catalyst (10/10); the messenger (8/10); LINKIN PARK forever!!!

    enjoy the music!!!
  49. Sep 24, 2010
    Stepping away from their conventional sense of music, Linkin Parks latest release produces a much more melodic and relaxed vibe. It is more an album so show the bands maturity and development as a whole, to leave behind the nu-metal scene that they were so heavily involved in, and produce something that the knew all along that would not please all their fans. In summary if your open toStepping away from their conventional sense of music, Linkin Parks latest release produces a much more melodic and relaxed vibe. It is more an album so show the bands maturity and development as a whole, to leave behind the nu-metal scene that they were so heavily involved in, and produce something that the knew all along that would not please all their fans. In summary if your open to different music tastes then I suggest you indulge in this absolute pleasure of an album, but please just don't expect to listen to the same music they produced 8 years ago. Expand
  50. Oct 6, 2010
    Linkin Park is my favorite band, and by hearing thousand suns i could see that they are really trying hard to create their new identity (new kinda music) in music industry. A thousands suns is quite good album. But it do not stand as it has to be. Overall album is fine but not epic, what everyone except from band like Linkin Park.
  51. Oct 10, 2010
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. When I first listened to "A Thousand Suns," I didn't like it one bit. It was not what I expected from Linkin Park, and so I convinced myself that it was a terrible album.
    About the third time I listened through the album, I had the revelation that it was one of the most uniquely brilliant and powerful sonic experiences of my life.
    The album's full-length tracks are all memorable and amazingly well-written. There are several interludes which are the most interesting and powerful interludes I've ever heard. Their spine-chilling simplicity and musical genius are indispensable in holding the album together. I absolutely love how almost all the tracks segue into one another, it creates a sense of continuity and makes the listener never want to stop.
    1. The Requiem. I never would have thought that Linkin Park could record an intro track this awesome. It's almost hauntingly pretty. The vocals are great, and the keyboards create a singularly awesome atmosphere.
    2. The Radiance. I got chills down my spine the first time I listened to this. And every time since. The excerpt from Oppenheimer's speech after viewing the first atomic bomb test combines with the pulsing beats and keyboard effects to create a interlude that is both intelligent and straightforward. It basically says to the listener: "hey, we're talking about nuclear warfare on this album. Intense stuff, right?"
    3. Burning In The Skies. A great first full-length track for ATS. Not amazing on its own, but it definitely fits in the flow of the album.
    4. Empty Spaces. 18 seconds long, but a nice interlude for the sake of flow. nice semi-intro for the next track.
    5. When They Come For Me. Holy Jesus amazing. Awesome guitar and percussion, Mike's rapping is powerful and intense, and Chester's vocal prowess is at its height. The song conveys a sense of almost bursting energy and intensity. The outro with Chester's wild vocal melodies finishes that perfectly.
    6. Robot Boy. Slow, but pretty and emotional. The song builds marvelously and Chester does a great job singing. The piano is eloquent.
    7. Jornada Del Muerto. I have no idea what Chester is saying, but its not in English. Either way, this track is also hauntingly beautiful, and another great interlude.
    8. Waiting for the End. Amazing. The somewhat reggae-sounding rapping and smooth, slurred singing complement each other beautifully. This song is possibly my favorite on ATS.
    9. Blackout. My least favorite on ATS, but still very good. Chester's singing/screaming isn't great, but the instrumental layers of the song make up for it. The outro is awesome too, with an unexpected but interesting melodic vocal part by both Mike and Chester.
    10. Wretches and Kings. Again, the bursting intensity of When They Come For Me. The guitar, despite being semi-atonal, is rather powerful and helps give the song a heavy and agressive edge. Chester's chorus is also very intense.
    11. Wisdom, Justice, And Love. MLK excerpt. Interesting and intelligent, as always.
    12. Iridescent. Another beautiful softer track, somewhat like a combo between Burning in the Skies and Robot Boy. Great clean vocals.
    13. Fallout. This is to Burning in the Skies as The Requiem is to The Catalyst. repeats lines from the song and serves as a great way to convey a recurring theme.
    14. The Catalyst. It's an eargasm.
    15. The Messenger. Very odd ending. Chester's vocals are terrible, but I don't really think the song would have the same emotional intensity with softer, clean vocals. Still, it leaves an impression on the listener.
    Overall, it's a brilliant album. I love it.
  52. Oct 13, 2010
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is stunning. Shifting the band forward to a new style. Thank god they did not persist on their former viewpoint of making music.For me it´s nearly perfect. I liked it from the first time i heard it. And I am conscious of the fact, that this is something else. Expand
  53. Feb 23, 2011
    Nicolo Bennati
    Mr. Brennan
    February 14, 2011
    Music Review A Thousand Suns
    This multi-popular wide viewed band has captured the minds of many people; whether theyâ
  54. Jun 21, 2012
    The best album to date(as in before Living Things). Linkin Park outdid themselves and the album is very good. You can't do Nu Metal forever and I very much enjoyed the album, its almost perfect, although The Catalyst will break your ears if your listening through headphones at a loud volume.
  55. Jan 18, 2012
    Quite a different sound from Linkin Park, more electronic I'd say. In general "A Thousand Suns" it's a very good album, the lyrics are meaningful, the music is different in a good way, so what else may we ask for?
  56. Apr 11, 2012
    A moderately enjoyable album, yet very thin musically for Linkin Park's usual standards, gone is the almost iconic band they reforged back in 2007 with Minutes To Midnight, and in it's shadow emerges a pop electronic act who place filler above substance. With such impressive previous efforts, it's easy to mark this one down, but it has to be said that Linkin Park have a hit an all time lowA moderately enjoyable album, yet very thin musically for Linkin Park's usual standards, gone is the almost iconic band they reforged back in 2007 with Minutes To Midnight, and in it's shadow emerges a pop electronic act who place filler above substance. With such impressive previous efforts, it's easy to mark this one down, but it has to be said that Linkin Park have a hit an all time low with this lumpy attempt at a concept album.
    The band are very confused at this point in their career, with Mike Shinoda taking lead and the rest of the group running for cover at the final whistle, the creative differences in the band are stretching it across a bed of thorns, yet fanboys will continue to prop them instead of criticising a band who encourage such conduct.
    The album finds a couple of classics in it's midst however, Waiting For The End, which shows off Chester Bennington's amazing vocal capabilities and breathes new air with Dre-quality percussion, and The Catalyst, probably the most interesting and innovative track the band have produced so far in their career, and though there are classics, there are also plenty of interlude tracks which will bring you into the state of tiredness and frustration that Mike Shinoda faced trying to pull such a polarised band together.
    It has to be noted that any organic sound, live drums, guitars etc are almost non existent on A Thousand Suns, it is the album's digital prominence which seperates it from it's meaningful lyrics, which is a deep shame; coming from a band who built plenty of bridges between genres and sounds so early on in their career.
    I blame two things for the outcome of this album, Linkin Park's laziness and Warner Bros. greediness.
  57. Jun 18, 2012
    I thought this album was fantastic. Really showed a new level for LP. It is a much more serious album and you should know that the album is one your going to want to listen to from start to finish. Otherwise your not going to get a good feel for it. This album is not just a bunch of 3-4 minute singles like most of the stuff before it. In summary this is Linkin Park + Depth. Well worthI thought this album was fantastic. Really showed a new level for LP. It is a much more serious album and you should know that the album is one your going to want to listen to from start to finish. Otherwise your not going to get a good feel for it. This album is not just a bunch of 3-4 minute singles like most of the stuff before it. In summary this is Linkin Park + Depth. Well worth a listen. Expand
  58. Jul 17, 2012
    This is definitely the most organic of Linkin Park's albums. Highly experimental and fully of politically and socially charged lyrics, A Thousand Suns holds up well, but it seems to be lacking much of the heart of the albums before it. It's a good album, but not a very strong one.
  59. May 11, 2013
    For now, Linkin Park is quite crap. Not for this album. Though quite far away from maintaing its experimental themes of apocalypse (which they are trying to talk about in the album), Linkin Park's shift has gone unnoticed. And by far this is their best album. Not fantastic but not so bad.
  60. Oct 14, 2013
    Well this is definetaly LP's most controversial album for the fans becuase it throws away the HT and Meteora sound completely and comes in with a completely different. I think this album is really, really good! The Intros or 1 minute tracks is there to boost up the tracks they are connected to for an even more mind blowing experience. What holds this album back is "The Messenger", theWell this is definetaly LP's most controversial album for the fans becuase it throws away the HT and Meteora sound completely and comes in with a completely different. I think this album is really, really good! The Intros or 1 minute tracks is there to boost up the tracks they are connected to for an even more mind blowing experience. What holds this album back is "The Messenger", the closing track. Absolutely HORRIFIC track. The album's second to last song "The Catalyst" would be a perfec closer because it is so epic!! Another unnecesary track n my opinion would be "Robot Boy". It is some piano melody and a line repeated over and over again. It would be cool if it was like 2 minutes but this song is 4:29! Now over to the good songs:

    "Burning In The Skies" is the third track on the album which is connected to the first 2 songs and this is a calm song with chester singing through the whole song. Here is lines repeated again just like "Robot Boy" which I wasnt a huge fan of but the song keeps my interest.

    "When They Come For Me" is another excellent track. It is one of the few times Mike Shinoda really gets to shine along with his rap on

    "Wretches and Kings", his rapping on "Waiting For The End" and singing on "Iridiscent". "When They Come For Me" is very world-music influenced with native bongo drums or something and really cool singing by chester. Aaaahhaahhaaahaa!

    Jornada Del Muerto is the only track under 2:00 minutes i would want to touch on. It is definetly my favorite of the under 2:00 minute songs on this album if I choose one because it has a cool guitar solo or something and Mike's voice sounds really cool while he sings in a foreign language. It is a perfect transition to my second favorite song on this album "Waiting For The End" which is a close second to the lead single "The Catalyst".

    "Waiting For The End" is a really epic 4 minute song that for some reason reminds me a lot of M.I.A's classic: "Paper Planes". Rob's drumming is very good and I hear a cowbell sond or something frequently. Chester's singing is really good.f tones on it. What I think make's this such an outstanding track is the multilayered acapella's that you hear along with all the little details and effects in this song which makes this song quite a masterpiece. Also Mike's rap is really good.

    "Blackout" is the next song and I would say this is one of the most upbeat songs on this war influenced concept album. It has a really catchy melody that is played throughout the song and Chester is almost rapping in this song and it sounds really cool. Also Mr.Hahn's remix of the song that comes in the second half is really well done and is a blast to listen to and is one of the few times where Mr.Hahn really gets to shine and embrace his excellent scratcing and mixing skills.

    "Wretches and Kings" is the next song which starts of with another reference from some old recording. He talks about how the machines are talking over. The Main Riff by Brad with a lot of effects on it is really unique and makes this track really stand out and this song is also another time where Mr.Hahn really gets to shine on his turntable.

    "Iridiscent" is the next song I want to talk about. Featured in Transformers 3. It is basically a ballad with Mike and Chester singing back and forth. Not the most interesting on the album but is definetaly a very good song.

    "The Catalyst" is the last song I want to talk about. I remember back in 2010 when I heard this for the first time. At that time I had been listening to LP for about 2 years and I had no Idea they were gonna release a new album. I logged in to spotify and went to Linkin Park's discography page and I saw this song "The Catalyst". I listened to it and my mind was blown. This song was truly epic. It was'nt traditional 3:30 minute LP this was something completely different. I could not stop listening to it.

    Well this has been my review and I enjoyed writing it while listening through the whole album. Overall score: 9.4/10
  61. Sep 29, 2013
    At the beginning of the listening of this album, I was a little divided good or bad album Good or bad come back I've found my answer this album is an experimental album, this album is a concept album, this album is the best (from the Linkin Park discography).

    All the tracks are worked, the writing is very high, the group had mix Rock with Experimental and it fuc*ing works ! So
    At the beginning of the listening of this album, I was a little divided good or bad album Good or bad come back I've found my answer this album is an experimental album, this album is a concept album, this album is the best (from the Linkin Park discography).

    All the tracks are worked, the writing is very high, the group had mix Rock with Experimental and it fuc*ing works !
    So well appreciate this album at its first listening isn't really easy, maybe not possible But this album is probably the best Linkin Park album, I wish Linkin Park will return to this composition style and work, because even if I like A LIGHT THAT NEVER COMES or LIVING THINGS well, the landing was difficult after the take-off which was A Thousand Suns.

    The masterpiece The Catalyst
    The best tracks Burning In The Skies, Blackout, When They Come For Me, Wretches And Kings
    The worse track Iridescent
  62. Mar 10, 2018
    Most of my criticisms of this album are of the unnecessary filler instrumentals which have no point to them. Empty Spaces? Come on, that track may as well be called "20 seconds of filler". But the full length tracks are pretty consistently good. Tracks like Wretches & Kings, Blackout, The Catalyst and Waiting for the End show us why Linkin Park is such a great band
  63. May 22, 2019
    A masterpiece! Linkin Park experienced with electronic sounds and it payed off.
  64. Sep 24, 2015
    This is the experimentation that Linkin Park should have done instead of Minutes of Midnight. A Thousand Suns pushes the boundaries for the band, and it's made them stronger than ever.
  65. Jan 11, 2016
    A Thousand Suns é o álbum mais aclamado da crítica e o que tem um maior conceito do linkin Park, o conceito da guerra nuclear. Ele é maravilhoso, com músicas ótimas. É um dos meus três favoritos da banda. Só há uma coisa que ele peca: excesso de faixas curtas.

    Pontos Altos: Robot Boy, Blackout, The Catalyst
    Pontos Baixos: The Radiance, Jornada Del Muerto, Fallout
  66. Apr 16, 2016
    It's an artistic album, I enjoyed and found it creative. There are a lot of overcoming songs which are great and catchy, "Waiting For The End" for example, is one of them.
  67. Mar 1, 2017
    since meteora, a thousands suns is the best linkin park album. is not nu metal but is sooooooooooooo great. viva Waiting for the end, blackout, when they come from me,the catalyst,irisdecent,the mesenger, etc,etc
  68. May 18, 2019
    One of the best album by Linkin Park. The band finally found their own sound and created a truly great album.
  69. Aug 7, 2021
    Great underrated album. I liked the experimentation on this one.
    Best songs: Waiting for the End
    Worst songs: -
  70. Aug 20, 2021
    The album has some bangers, like "Iridiscent", "Waiting For The End" is definitely one of my favorite LP Songs, though the album has wayy too many skits. I still get uncomfortable knowing that 'Meteora' had the Foreword on it, which is basically just the intro for 'Don't Stay' and here they need 2 skits together almost as long as one song to introduce their record and there is more to go.The album has some bangers, like "Iridiscent", "Waiting For The End" is definitely one of my favorite LP Songs, though the album has wayy too many skits. I still get uncomfortable knowing that 'Meteora' had the Foreword on it, which is basically just the intro for 'Don't Stay' and here they need 2 skits together almost as long as one song to introduce their record and there is more to go. It has bangers, it's definitely not bad as i would say, but i feel like a lot of those skits are useless and try to fill the album, which is kinda disappointing to me. Although i must say, this is quite a step up from "Minutes To MIdnight". Expand
  71. Nov 18, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I have never thought that Chester can rap. That is why you should listen this album. Expand
  72. Aug 1, 2023
    Very unique and interesting, I didn't appreciate it much at first but it definitely grew on me more and more over time.
  73. Dec 28, 2022
    A great album with a great concept definitely one of there best and most misunderstood masterpieces
  74. Jun 21, 2023
    Venturing away from their rap-rock formula that thrust them into the limelight with Hybrid Theory, Meteora and Minutes to Midnight, Linkin Park have embraced creativity on A Thousand Suns and its a gamble that pays off in a big way.
    Gone are the back and forth vocal tradeoffs between Shinoda and Bennington and in their place are carefully pieced together electronic rock songs with an
    Venturing away from their rap-rock formula that thrust them into the limelight with Hybrid Theory, Meteora and Minutes to Midnight, Linkin Park have embraced creativity on A Thousand Suns and its a gamble that pays off in a big way.
    Gone are the back and forth vocal tradeoffs between Shinoda and Bennington and in their place are carefully pieced together electronic rock songs with an overarching theme of brooding and impending destruction. A Thousand Suns of course refers to the description of the Manhattan Project and atomic bomb tests - the bombs being "brighter than a thousand suns" and there's an underlying unsettling feeling throughout. It's like we are listening to a musical adaptation of the tension, fear and anticipation during those atomic tests. There's an end of the world feel to songs like Blackout, Waiting For The End and The Catalyst and clever sampling makes the album feel like it could've been written by some musically gifted A.I in response to the events of the atomic bombs being dropped.
    I personally love this album because its different, it's not afraid to stand on its own and it excels in expressing dread. Its ambitious, experimental and a ride that you won't want to get off until it concludes. Chester's voice sounds amazing - especially on Waiting For The End and Iridescent - two of my now all-time favourite LP songs. Just the way these tracks build to a huge conclusion is testament to the group's song-writing prowess.
    I hope this album is remembered for many many years as the wonderful piece of art that it is - not just a band writing by the numbers but letting go of the safety bar and allowing themselves to express their creativity in a big big way.
  75. May 26, 2023
    It's one of the best concept albums in modern rock. The members of the band were not afraid of misunderstanding which could be. They have just made what they wanted to make. The album dives you into unbelievable atmosphere of the imminent apocalypse which depends on what people do and how. Harmonic combination of songs which are calm from despair and songs which are rigid from life'sIt's one of the best concept albums in modern rock. The members of the band were not afraid of misunderstanding which could be. They have just made what they wanted to make. The album dives you into unbelievable atmosphere of the imminent apocalypse which depends on what people do and how. Harmonic combination of songs which are calm from despair and songs which are rigid from life's reality. The best songs, as for me: Wretches and kings, The Catalyst, Burning in the skies. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. With Rick Rubin co-producing, the band embraces not just synth-pop clamor but also dancehall-style chants and U2's grandiosity. It's the sound of Linkin Park feeling their way toward a new identity, but their skill for melody is obvious.
  2. They didn't want whatever their next album was to be predictable, and while A Thousand Suns might have emerged by accident compared to previous LPs, it's certainly a far from plays-to-perceived-type affair.
  3. On its latest release, A Thousand Suns, the six-piece rock act truly breaks the habit of everything we've heard from it before.