• Record Label: ATO
  • Release Date: Mar 31, 2009
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 20 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 20
  2. Negative: 1 out of 20

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  1. RayB
    Apr 9, 2009
    I only ever vote when i hate an album or I love it. Love it gets a 10, hate it might get a dont care to a 1. This album is great. I play it all the time in the car and I play it loudly. Thank you GOMEZ. They are, in my opinion the new Beatles. I can't ever wait for a new album. The reviewer who rate this less than 9 are probably tone deaf and quite possibly insensitive. Only listen I only ever vote when i hate an album or I love it. Love it gets a 10, hate it might get a dont care to a 1. This album is great. I play it all the time in the car and I play it loudly. Thank you GOMEZ. They are, in my opinion the new Beatles. I can't ever wait for a new album. The reviewer who rate this less than 9 are probably tone deaf and quite possibly insensitive. Only listen to Gomez if you like music. Otherwise, stick to watching football. Yes, I said the new Beatles. Every song is a hit, every song will be a classic, every song is an inspiration. Only the lyrics are uniformly great. Oh, I like the album. Expand
  2. OliverC
    Apr 11, 2009
    In response to "Not sure why the critics didn't care for it." by AM Driver, because they are exactly that. Critics. If they said anything good about the album they'd wouldn't be called critics. I don't get why we listen to critics in the first place. Aren't there people out there that do the opposite? Anyhow, this album is one hell of a grower! Being a huge fan of In response to "Not sure why the critics didn't care for it." by AM Driver, because they are exactly that. Critics. If they said anything good about the album they'd wouldn't be called critics. I don't get why we listen to critics in the first place. Aren't there people out there that do the opposite? Anyhow, this album is one hell of a grower! Being a huge fan of their frist 2 albums I wasn't initially over impressed by A New Tide upon first hearing but after the 2nd and 3rd time through I love it. It's by no means anything too close to Liquid Skin or Bring It On but it does have some fantastic original Gomez panache going on. If you've like any of Gomez' material, give it a listen, well, a few, it just gets better and better. Expand
  3. mfields
    Apr 6, 2009
    I think it is important not to take one's sharing of musical tastes too seriously, especially when discussing them in a forum such as this. This is doubly true when writing about Gomez. This band has always been playful, and has retained a willingness to experiment, at times at the expense of linearity or popular tastes. This is their merit. I'm not sure why we must fault them I think it is important not to take one's sharing of musical tastes too seriously, especially when discussing them in a forum such as this. This is doubly true when writing about Gomez. This band has always been playful, and has retained a willingness to experiment, at times at the expense of linearity or popular tastes. This is their merit. I'm not sure why we must fault them for this on "A New Tide." Once you see them in concert, it becomes crystal clear that they are a terrific, powerful rock 'n roll band. This particluar album is softer, mellower and groovier most of their corpus, but it is still fun. The tide might be low-fi, but the moon that rules the waters is still Gomez. Expand
  4. AMDriver
    Apr 1, 2009
    It may not be the rocker their last release was, but if you like mid-tempo songwriting you'll enjoy it. Better than anticipated. Not sure why the critics didn't care for it.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. The kinder, gentler, safe-for-consumption-by-sorority-girls version is fine, but it's merely entertaining where it used to be enchanting.
  2. Gomez ups the musical ante with A New Tide, a brilliant 11-song collection of lyrical jewels embellished by colorful and unusual textural arrangements that a dynamics-loving jazz band could admire.
  3. There is some nice arrangements here, even if too many of the tracks sound like they belong on some type of chillout/easy listening compilation.