
Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. It is a fantastic album, no less so than the one before it.
  2. Being sampled by Lemon Jelly on this astonishing new album is nothing less than an honor.
  3. Though sampling has been done to death, the stealthiness which which Deakin and Franglen incorporate their borrowed material will be required study for wannabe producers and hop-headz; in that regard, it's on a par with the seminal Paul's Boutique.
  4. Perhaps their best outing yet.
  5. It's breathtaking and essential listening for all fans of electronic music.
  6. It’s clear that Lemon Jelly have well and truly upped the ante.
  7. New Musical Express (NME)
    LJ retain their title as the world's premier inner-space invaders. [29 Jan 2005, p.58]
  8. So it essentially comes down to the fact that “Come Down on Me” and “Go” are likely going to be two of the best tracks of the year, but that a great deal of ’64-’95 is less likely to stick to memory.
  9. Under The Radar
    It takes their happily slanted electronic sound and infuses it with a sinister mood and heavy guitar sounds. [#8, p.106]
  10. Despite the wide range of musical styles used here, each one is absorbed into that unique Jellies sound, smoothed and polished almost beyond recognition into a sumptuous, unthreatening ambient groove with echoes of The Orb, Groove Armada and Zero 7.
  11. Uncut
    The tone is less whimsical, occasionally ecstatic, and at times reminiscent of big beat. [Mar 2005, p.91]
  12. Entertainment Weekly
    It's an admirable creative stretch, but the resulting mash-ups are little more than pleasantly diverting. [4 Feb 2005, p.135]
  13. '64-'95 succeeds when Lemon Jelly stick to their bread and butter: pleasant and facile ambience.
  14. While a lot of '64-'95 works, much of it appears to arrive sporting ironic quote marks.
  15. Q Magazine
    For all the wit, layered invention and easy-on-the-ear harmonies Deakin and Franglen bring to '64-'95, there's a corresponding lack of intrigue. [Feb 2005, p.94]
  16. None of the samples really evoke the years in question, and Lemon Jelly doesn't put the years in any kind of relevant order, so the overall point of '64-'95 seems a little vague.
  17. While their sounds are pleasant enough, where Lemon Jelly fall short most often is in their unimaginative arrangements.
  18. Magnet
    Feels like a product of the past. Not the distant past, either, where at least its retrofits could be forgiven as homage. Lemon Jelly captures electronica circa 1993. [#67, p.102]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. Aug 9, 2015
    Early Lemon Jelly is heard to beat. They put out some of the most innovative and unique electronica of the last 20 years. Most of my favouriteEarly Lemon Jelly is heard to beat. They put out some of the most innovative and unique electronica of the last 20 years. Most of my favourite LJ material resides on their Eps. The advantage of an EP is the duration - for the artist, its easier to sustain the quality over the shorter period while for the listener its easier to maintain focus on the material, especially when your not dealing with your straightforward song structures. I thought Lost Horizons was decent but felt the material struggled to keep me engaged the whole way through. I feel similarly about this record but to a lesser extent - some great moments and probably would have been another classic EP if shorter but as a long player the impact of the great moments are somewhat diluted by the lesser tracks and sometimes by the length of the tracks themselves - it sometimes gets to a point where you feel the material is padding for the album. Its great music to have in the background or to work to and if you like the band then this is well worth checking out. Full Review »
  2. Jun 19, 2013
    As many other reviews have said, this album sis a grower! After one complete listen through I was really disappointed. After KY & LostAs many other reviews have said, this album sis a grower! After one complete listen through I was really disappointed. After KY & Lost Horizons I considered 64-95 to be quite a lazy album. A band with immense vision and talent who had only used about half it...

    However after a few more listens I'd say this album is actually very good. In some ways it is more subtle than the previous 2, it is not as quirky, jolly or humorous but it is the tiny little embellishments that build the album into a whole. One of those albums that you can hear something different everytime you play it.
    Full Review »
  3. Patrick
    Nov 4, 2007
    Few electronic albums are able to stretch a smile across my face as wide as Lemon Jelly's incomparable pastiche exercise, Few electronic albums are able to stretch a smile across my face as wide as Lemon Jelly's incomparable pastiche exercise, '64-95.' Taste oughtn't be argued, but this is certainly one of my favorites. Full Review »