
Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
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  1. Entertainment Weekly
    Dec 5, 2014
    For Ghostface aficionados, Seasons is easily superior to the new Wu-Tang joint, A Better Tomorrow. [5 Dec 20014, p.78]
  2. The Wire
    Dec 16, 2014
    It scores over its predecessor with a refreshing spontaneity and an illustrious guest cast. [Jan 2015, p.65]
  3. Dec 16, 2014
    It hits all the notes that you want from a Wu-Tang Clan affiliate, and is much a more satisfying project than "A Better Tomorrow."
  4. Dec 9, 2014
    Inspiration flows out of the man throughout the album, and this end-to-end concept is executed with little note-spinning or boring lyrics that just serve the story, and while Twelve Reasons took a big giallo risk and nailed it, this more expected, '70s-favored success still surprises with its vigorous sense of purpose.
  5. Dec 9, 2014
    While it's not the Clan in full, you'd be hard-pressed to find a better supporting cast. If Tomorrow is, in fact, the group's swan song, 36 Seasons proves that Wu's members can do just fine--and maybe even better--on their own.
  6. 80
    36 Seasons continues his recent custom of spinning a thin concept into an engrossing narrative.
  7. Dec 5, 2014
    Without ever being outshone nor outright stealing the show, Ghostface does some of his best rapping in recent years and proves he's still got it.
  8. Dec 5, 2014
    36 Seasons is the result of consummate artistic process and taste--a complete album both lyrically and musically.
  9. Dec 9, 2014
    Despite some padding (an instrumental, unnecessary vocal cover) and ragged musical edges, the most prolific member of the Wu-Tang Clan continues to set the standard.
  10. Dec 9, 2014
    36 Seasons may not be Ghostface’s greatest project, but it is another notable addition to his extensive body of work. Rapping alongside Kool G Rap and AZ for the bulk of the album is certainly a treat, and the two have their own moments of glory. Production, on the other hand, simply does not hold on to the lyrical dynamism present between Ghost, Pharoahe Monch, AZ and G.
  11. Dec 8, 2014
    It's a small, controlled, uncommonly focused album, by an artist well into the kind of middle age that prizes refinement and brevity.
  12. 63
    It's an urgent, soulfully steely album of hip-hop unconcerned with the genre's current twists into pop structures and woozy electronics.
  13. Mojo
    Feb 2, 2015
    Surprisingly marginalised on the latest Wu effort, Ghostface Killah proves he's fighting fit on this gritty, organic partnership. [Feb 2015, p.88]
  14. Jan 29, 2015
    It’s not the second coming of Ironman, but tracks such as Love Don’t Live Here No More, Emergency Procedure, Homicide and Blood On The Streets make this one of the best Wu-related releases of recent years, confirming Ghostface as its most consistently engaging member.
  15. Jan 5, 2015
    His flow is solid on this album, and there’s no reason to suggest Ghostface is done, but if he is trying to recapture something, all we get here is sound and fury.
  16. Dec 10, 2014
    36 Seasons is more in line with the spirit of Ghostface’s recent output, where he’s more prolific and "for the love" than ever and somehow lazier at the same time.
  17. 60
    The ensuing drama is as subtle as a bludgeon to the head, but the interplay between its main personages – including AZ and Kool G Rap--proves these old-timers have fight in them yet.
  18. Dec 10, 2014
    Even at its best, however, 36 Seasons lacks the maniacal forward drive that propels Ghostface’s most electrifying works.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 35 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 35
  2. Negative: 2 out of 35
  1. Dec 9, 2014
    This album is so on point. Mellow beats, seductive vocals, top notch rhyming and a consistent theme running throughout, that of coming back toThis album is so on point. Mellow beats, seductive vocals, top notch rhyming and a consistent theme running throughout, that of coming back to the hood and seeing how much it's changed. Ghostface is on top of his game these days and every album he releases is an instant classic. Anyone that loves hip hop should love this album. Full Review »
  2. Dec 9, 2014
    Hands down the best Hip-Hop album of 2014. I love the idea of having so many features from Kool G Rap and AZ, it makes a great red threadHands down the best Hip-Hop album of 2014. I love the idea of having so many features from Kool G Rap and AZ, it makes a great red thread throughout the whole album. Full Review »
  3. Apr 24, 2015
    With awesome recurrent guest features from Kool G Rap and AZ, Ghostface's pure skills on the mic, the quality of the content of his verses andWith awesome recurrent guest features from Kool G Rap and AZ, Ghostface's pure skills on the mic, the quality of the content of his verses and a pretty good production, 36 seasons is one of the best Ghostface albums yet. Full Review »