• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Nov 19, 2021
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Universal acclaim- based on 1301 Ratings

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  1. Nov 19, 2021
    30 is so vulnerable that, I felt everything Adele sang about, something that hardly happens to me, especially with albums. My best tracks are To Be Loved, it is so deep that I saw my self hugging myself after the first listen. I’m glad she is not in that state of mind at the moment, I’m happy for her.
  2. Nov 20, 2021
    This is not the best album of 2021, this is the best album in history. Thank you Adele
  3. Nov 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Wow. Wow wow wow. I didn’t think i would love this album so much. For sure, no doubts my fav Adele album. She was soooo experimental with it. It sounds so new and fresh but still quintessential Adele. She made the songs sound happy and sad at the same time how is that even possible. And I love the message behind her songs. Every song is so unique and adorable. A 10/10 album. Will be streaming. Expand
  4. Nov 20, 2021
    one of the best records this year. powerful & organic with so much depth as she explores & shares her feelings & past experiences in a manner that the listener can as well in parallel reflect, resonate & relate to. credit to the diverse sounds in the project too. thank you Adele for this one. easily strikes & captures the soul deeply with To Be Loved being my instant favourite.
  5. Nov 19, 2021
    Adele is back with 30, which in my opinion, is one of the best albums of this year, with the beautiful voice of adele, and songs that although they are not as memorable as other songs by the artist, leaves you with the sweet taste you heard a great album
  6. Nov 30, 2021
    Adele is an eminence, "30" one of her masterpieces, a new book towards the future of music. A very mature album, maybe much more mature than something commercial like pop music.
  7. Nov 25, 2021
    I appreciate how much Adele has experimented with this album. She has seamlessly incorporated a wide range of genres and sounds, without anything sounding 'out of place'. The track list is also perfectly put together, each song tells a story and goes into the next flawlessly. Most impressively, some of the best vocals and lyrics of her career are in this album. Worth the six year wait?I appreciate how much Adele has experimented with this album. She has seamlessly incorporated a wide range of genres and sounds, without anything sounding 'out of place'. The track list is also perfectly put together, each song tells a story and goes into the next flawlessly. Most impressively, some of the best vocals and lyrics of her career are in this album. Worth the six year wait? Absolutely. Expand
  8. Nov 20, 2021
    I love this album so much. Hold on and to be loved is my favourite. Adele's voice is increadible as always. Oh my god gonna be a hit. Strangers by nature have a disney vibe, hope that Adele will made Christmas version for this song. Perfect album !!!
  9. Nov 20, 2021
    I never heard any Adele's albums fully before until 30 dropped. This album is feeling of when I was at the late night show with romanticize dinner and this album is perfectly fit with the whole vibes. This album also showcase Adele's versatility with more jazz, pop (but not like she did before with such as pop ballad songs) and a little bit trap sound. Lastly, this record does remind me ofI never heard any Adele's albums fully before until 30 dropped. This album is feeling of when I was at the late night show with romanticize dinner and this album is perfectly fit with the whole vibes. This album also showcase Adele's versatility with more jazz, pop (but not like she did before with such as pop ballad songs) and a little bit trap sound. Lastly, this record does remind me of Amy Winehouse with song like Cry Your Heart Out and All Night Parking. Overall, this album is probably or her most personal and it's her magnum opus. Expand
  10. Feb 1, 2023
    '30' is the most flawless and personal album by Adele. It this project Adele are experimenting with her music which is just great for her.
  11. Nov 22, 2021
    This album was worth the wait, beyond my expectations and so beautiful. I think this is her best album so far.
  12. Nov 19, 2021
    So emotional, deeply impressed. To be loved was biggest song of the album and it break the heart of half of the universe .
  13. Nov 20, 2021
    When Adele had a pretty big break since her last album, I was worried that this album wouldn't do as well as the last one, but I was wrong. This album is fabulous, I think it will get the same or more love as her past albums.
  14. Nov 19, 2021
    It's more than fantastic This is a new adele better than last one But like always she have a nice deep and full of meaning
  15. Nov 20, 2021
    Magnificent! Great as a Hollywood film, and simple as an independent film. Strangers By Nature brings with it a dramatic and dark introduction aka Disney, a true tribute to Judy Garland. Easy on me, weak as it may be, in the sense of being the work's flagship, becomes immersed in the proposed aesthetic of the album, not weakening the whole. My Little Love, along with All Night ParkingMagnificent! Great as a Hollywood film, and simple as an independent film. Strangers By Nature brings with it a dramatic and dark introduction aka Disney, a true tribute to Judy Garland. Easy on me, weak as it may be, in the sense of being the work's flagship, becomes immersed in the proposed aesthetic of the album, not weakening the whole. My Little Love, along with All Night Parking and Love Is A Game, brings an elegance that, until then, was not seen in Adele's previous works. Woman Like Me, drinks a lot of Bossa Nova and R&B becoming more worked than, for example, Million Years Ago from 25, her third album. Hold on is full of Gospel and her progression to the choir pop is magnificent, she proves to her past divas (Aretha, Amy and Etta) that she is a strong successor. In the end, Adele brings in her new album a mix of several genres, being them Raggae, Country, Pop, Folk, Gospel, Jazz, R&B and soul in an elegant and crystalline way. Expand
  16. Jan 7, 2022
    Sonically diverse yet cohesive, this is Adele's best album yet. It's vulnerable and personal
  17. Nov 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Tiene tantos sonidos y tonos que te hacen querer escuchar una y otra vez, transmite demasiados sentimientos, puedo decir que valió la pena esperar 6 años Expand
  18. Jan 9, 2022

    Este álbum es una montaña rusa de colores y emociones. A diferencia de 25, donde Adele mantiene el mismo estilo de inicio a fin, 30 es una variedad nueva de géneros, melismas y notas vocales. El coro nunca tuvo una participación tan notable como en este disco, como en HOLD ON, una sinfonía orquestal que te envuelve de inicio a fin. Hay canciones muy POP como como CRY YOUR HEART OUT,

    Este álbum es una montaña rusa de colores y emociones. A diferencia de 25, donde Adele mantiene el mismo estilo de inicio a fin, 30 es una variedad nueva de géneros, melismas y notas vocales. El coro nunca tuvo una participación tan notable como en este disco, como en HOLD ON, una sinfonía orquestal que te envuelve de inicio a fin.

    Hay canciones muy POP como como CRY YOUR HEART OUT, OH MY GOD, CAN I GET IT, que la primera vez que uno las escucha puede sorprender ya que Adele no nos tiene acostumbrados a ese tipo de género. Y no es lo mismo que las canciones "alegres" de sus anteriores trabajos, como Rumor Has It o Send My Love, las canciones pop de 30 tienen a una Adele con autotune, latidos y silbidos a lo Dua Lipa. No está mal, pero Adele es conocida gracias a la simpleza de sus canciones y cómo tan solo necesita su voz y un piano o una guitarra para hacer una canción increíble. En 30 se juega un poco más con la edición de voz, la distorsión para lograr notas humanamente imposibles.
    En síntesis, 30 propone una Adele que sigue siendo ella, pero tratando de incorporarse cuanto sea posible a un género hasta ahora ajeno a su imagen. No digo que esté mal, solo que, al menos en mi caso, necesitaría tiempo para acostumbrarme a esucharla a ELLA cantar así.

    Mis canciones favoritas:
    (las tres útlimas)
    - Hold On
    - To Be Loved (la balada más balada de todo el álbum. Así como 21 tiene Someone Like You; 25, All I Ask, 30 tiene este penúltimo track, donde esuchamos a una Adele aún más furiosa, con tan solo un piano sonando lento de fondo, y con varios vacíos de sonido, con una estructura in crescendo estremecedora).
    - Love Is A Game (un cierre de oro para el álbum. El estribillo es muy pegadizo. Un pedazo de canción de inicio a fin).

    ¿Es 30 el mejor álbum de su carrera?
    Sin duda es el álbum más conceptual de toda su discografía: con una intro, medio, interludio, desenlace y outro bien marcados. Cuenta la historia desde la separación (Strangers By Nature), lidiar con un divorcio y un hijo en el medio (Easy On Me; My Little Love) y la lucha para que esto no le afecte al hijo. En el medio, está la búsqueda de diversión y compañía efímera. Luego el arrepentimiento por todo el descontrol que uno causó, y la aceptación de que uno es una mierda para por fin dejar de fingir ser otra persona (I Drink Wine). Luego, la superación de todo lo que quedó atrás (Hold On), la resignación (To Be Loved) y, como cierre, el inicio de una nueva etapa en la vida, una reflexión acerca del amor y poder vivirlo en plenitud aceptando que esto es un juego en el que uno va a sufrir, a conciencia. Pero siempre, primero, amándose a uno mismo (Love Is Game).

    30 es todo un logro discográfico. Volvió Adele con nuevas propuestas, más exploradora. Es un álbum refrescante y sin duda está a la altura de los demás y se acerca mucho a ser el mejor álbum. BRINDO POR ELLA.
  19. Nov 19, 2021
    She is The best and The album is gorgeous. The world loves Adele and its great to have her back
  20. Nov 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It is definitely a new sound for Adele. Her voice is beautiful as always but the songs on this album don’t move me the way hers have in the past. That being said “oh my god” is extremely catchy. Expand
  21. Nov 20, 2021
    30 I am so fresh, nothing like what we expected, there is no doubt that Adele surprises us more. A perfect album from start to finish, the best release of the year
  22. Nov 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Simplemente es un álbum magnífico, ese rango vocal, esos sonidos, es superior, épico No tengo palabras para tan grande hermosura de álbum. Expand
  23. Nov 19, 2021
    I loved it, it was wonderful ... 30 is higher
  24. Nov 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. her best album already, oh my god and to be loved are the best of the album. Expand
  25. Nov 19, 2021
    A different álbum from a phenomenal singer. Adele came to change what we thought we knew about her. Bravo! Her best album so far.
  26. Nov 19, 2021
    Este álbum es de otro mundo, una joya.
    Sin duda alguna Adele es la industria musical. Sublime!
  27. Nov 19, 2021
    Excelente álbum, todas sus canciones son arte sin duda alguna a valido la espera 6 años Todos te amamos Adele ella a vuelto
  28. Nov 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A piece of art!!!! All the songs are amazing she really can write, it's perfect the sounds are so diferent Expand
  29. Nov 19, 2021
    Es un álbum demasiado bueno, empieza con algunas baladas sentimentales y después hace Boom, de los mejores albums, muchos dicen que se reinvente y en este álbum lo hizo logro hacerlo aunque siempre habrá comentarios negativos es la Verdadera Industria.
  30. Nov 19, 2021
    Overall, 21 and 25 are better albums with more solid tracks. However, her voice does stand out more than usual on 30.

Universal acclaim - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Nov 23, 2021
    Despite her albums being snapshots, sometimes a little more diversity in subject matter would be a good thing. Ultimately, while some intriguing risks have been taken, 30 is probably the weakest, as well as conversely the most intimate and in many ways bravest, Adele album to date.
  2. Nov 23, 2021
    The richest and most musically adventurous album of her career.
  3. Nov 22, 2021
    There are no glaring missteps, and it’s generally a very good effort from a singer who could have crumbled under the pressure of heightened expectations, but instead continues on the path she forged for herself.