• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Nov 19, 2021

Universal acclaim - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
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  1. Nov 23, 2021
    The richest and most musically adventurous album of her career.
  2. Nov 22, 2021
    There are no glaring missteps, and it’s generally a very good effort from a singer who could have crumbled under the pressure of heightened expectations, but instead continues on the path she forged for herself.
  3. Nov 22, 2021
    30 might not have been the cleanest of breakups, but it more than translates in lyrical form.
  4. Nov 22, 2021
    Adele has deepened the niches that made her preceding songs so powerful. But instead of playing it safe with only those established tricks, her bold exploration of new terrain on "Cry Your Heart Out" and "Oh My God" help Adele not only become the world's top hitmaker, but also a pop music visionary.
  5. Nov 22, 2021
    Now she has an album that ups the stakes and nuance of her artistry. Not just in telling a story over the course of 12 songs, or by making a record that interacts with more modern musical ideas, or in how she’s using her voice with newfound multitudes, but by being bold enough to share it all so vulnerably, with the entire world listening.
  6. Nov 22, 2021
    On 30, she displays the confidence to share her boldest vocal, stylistic, and thematic interests.
  7. Nov 22, 2021
    30 overreaches for the rafters a little too often. But the sophisticated interplay of Adele’s nuanced vocal and the Garner piano sample here lingers long in the mind.
  8. 91
    A surprisingly personal album that showcases how Adele has matured, both as an artist and as a person, since the middle of the last decade. She could have built on her blockbuster success in a cynical way, copy-and-pasting "Rolling in the Deep" and "Hello." Instead, she lets her emotions guide her, with triumphant results.
  9. Nov 19, 2021
    While more sonically ambitious in moments with bits of synth and vocal effects, 30 mostly stays the course of past Adele works: undeniable melody over gimmicks, piano and guitar built to transcend.
  10. Nov 19, 2021
    Meeting titanic expectations, this linear journey of the heart is Adele's most cohesive statement to date, pairing her inimitable voice with a dozen engrossing vignettes, reminding us that all we can do is keep trying.
  11. Nov 17, 2021
    Even as she sings about desperation and uncertainty, on “30” Adele’s voice is more supple and purposeful than ever, articulating every consonant and constantly ornamenting her melodies without distracting from them. Details are fastidious.
  12. Nov 17, 2021
    An album with novelistic depth, when ‘30’ turns once more for its London-rooted conclusion, Adele seems to reach a new level in her stratospheric career.
  13. Nov 17, 2021
    For Adele, 30 is an emotional breakthrough — a refreshingly candid body of work that is revelatory. While the album is about “divorce, babe,” the record’s 12 songs go deeper.
  14. Nov 17, 2021
    An album that meets the breach with enough wrenching, life-and-death drama to leave you completely spent by the time its hour is up, then ready to immediately reinvest. Because, besides being that exhausting, it’s also that good.
  15. Nov 16, 2021
    “30” offers deep thoughts on love’s causes and consequences. ... Adele’s singing — soaring yet pulpy, gorgeous even at its rawest (as in “To Be Loved”) — gives these musings the blood-and-guts believability her fans crave. There’s some of the brainy energy of Joni Mitchell’s “Blue” here, though it’s filtered through the homey wisdom of Carole King’s “Tapestry.” ... Until people stop breaking one another’s hearts, we’ll keep needing ugly-cry ballads — and nobody does those better than Adele.
  16. Nov 16, 2021
    Adele has never sounded more ferocious than she does on 30—more alive to her own feelings, more virtuosic at shaping them into songs in the key of her own damn life. It’s her toughest, most powerful album yet.
  17. Nov 16, 2021
    The real masterstroke of ‘30’, however, comes with how these lyrics - the pain, the self-flagellation (sometimes cruel, often mocking), the hope, the acceptance - are expertly matched musically.
  18. Nov 16, 2021
    This is certainly her strongest album yet, a work of catharsis, therapy and succour. It does what pop music is greatest at: gathering up emotions, focusing them and pouring them out to songs that everybody can sing, but few can sing quite as well as Adele.
  19. 80
    The songs themselves are good. Grounded in pathos, they tend to be handsomely crafted ballads about love and its various agonies – but it’s her vocals that sell them.
  20. 80
    30 sees Adele settle into the maturity and wisdom that the album presents, and truly is a coming of age. It is a well-considered progression for her, and while there are some missteps along the way, it is so good to see her moving forward.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 1301 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Nov 19, 2021
    30 is one of the most flawless and personal albums I've ever had the pleasure to listen to, this is definitely Adele's greatest work to date.30 is one of the most flawless and personal albums I've ever had the pleasure to listen to, this is definitely Adele's greatest work to date. The lyrics are exceptional they are just so deeply personal, beautifully raw, and heartwrenching; obviously she has always been very personal with her music but it really feels like she poured every bit of her heart and soul into this album giving us a candid look into just what she's been through the last couple years and how much she's struggled and still struggles. Her vocal performances on this album are remarkable and beautiful, just flawless she's never sounded better and stronger also love how she vocally experimented more. The production is outstanding, love the cinematic quality; I really love how she experimented with different sounds and genres on this album and doing more upbeat music while still having her classic slower and ballad type songs she in my opinion really pulled it off. The artwork as always is simple but effective and very beautifully photographed. Also I thought the voice notes on some of the songs were a nice touch that made the album feel just that bit more personal. This is by far the best album I've heard all year, just absolutely perfect an A+ album, and definitely one of the all-time greatest albums I've ever heard. Full Review »
  2. Nov 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. Adele very creatively, sonically, artistically shut down her critics who criticized her for sticking to one genre, even though she never did, her albums have always been quite versatile in terms of the sound they have. 30 is Adele's best album, 6 years wait was completely worth it. I'm gobsmacked and I have no words to describe how excellently produced this album is, on top of which Adele's extraordinary vocal abilities and talent SHINE throughout. Strangers By Nature starts the album in the best possible way. The grand vibes that it gives off are incredible to start your album with. then Easy on me starts playing and you think about how you've loved this song so much for the last whole month. My Little Love is tear jerker, Adele wrote this song with her tears, love, adoration and affection she has towards her son. the most personal song by her in her whole career. Cry your heart out changes the tone of the album and does completely opposite to what you've expected while thinking about the song title. It's then topped by OH MY GOD, which is an AMAZING bop by adele, it shows another musical side of her that she doesn't always let out in her albums. Another bop comes along with it, Can I GET it, adele's voice is so sexy and gorgeous in this song. The whole mood of album changes with I Drink Wine, All Night Parking and Woman Like Me. She does so extraordinarily well in all these songs, you think she just outdid herself but then comes the HOLY TRINITY of this album, HOLD ON, TO BE LOVED and LOVE IS A GAME, cementing adele as one of the best vocalists we have and emphasising on the fact that she's one of the greatest music artists the world has ever seen. ALBUM that's so extraordinarily made, you just want to hug it. MASTERPIECE!! Full Review »
  3. Nov 19, 2021
    I don’t think she carried jazz & blues well. Only ‘Easy on Me’ & ‘To Be Loved’ are the tracks that feel the classic Adele. She more suitableI don’t think she carried jazz & blues well. Only ‘Easy on Me’ & ‘To Be Loved’ are the tracks that feel the classic Adele. She more suitable to pop instead of other genres. Full Review »