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Generally favorable reviews- based on 40 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 40
  2. Negative: 2 out of 40

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  1. BillB.
    May 27, 2008
    Absolute Raw Energy and Emotion. 3 Doors Down has finally gone back to their roots and somehow improved upon them. Pages may be the best song they have ever recorded, and none of the other songs disappointed. This is an album that needs to be listed to LOUD in order to fully experience. It will leave your jaw hanging...
  2. Scott
    Jun 25, 2008
    I'm a hardcore 3 doors down fan and was pleased.
  3. Mislav
    May 22, 2008
    The Hartford Courant is pretty accurate in their description. It doesn't have much noticeable artistic growth, though it's another solid set of songs. If you know you like previous 3 Doors Down music then you will probably like this, but it's not likely to draw new fans.
  4. TimR.
    May 22, 2008
    Through out the years 3 Doors Down have been getting softer, but thankfully for the fans who want rock, 3 Doors Down has come back alive with this album. This may not be "the" album, but its a step in the right direction with the bands rockin sound and masterful lyrics. It has powerful rockin tracks such as Pages and Citizen Soldier, fist pumpin tracks in Train and Its Not My Time, to Through out the years 3 Doors Down have been getting softer, but thankfully for the fans who want rock, 3 Doors Down has come back alive with this album. This may not be "the" album, but its a step in the right direction with the bands rockin sound and masterful lyrics. It has powerful rockin tracks such as Pages and Citizen Soldier, fist pumpin tracks in Train and Its Not My Time, to increadibly deep tracks such as Your Arms Feel Like Home and She Don't Want The World. This album will not please all critics, but it is definitely a worth while one if you are a 3 Doors Down fan or just an average Rock n' Roll fan. 8/10 Expand
  5. Sep 20, 2010
    This album varies from being motivational, story telling and emotional. Each song is different from the last, being able to name the song with only the introduction playing. 3 Doors Down has also released some singles including 'Citizen/Soldier' and 'It's Not My Time' have amazing stories to them. This is rated in my top 10 favourite albums, with 13 songs within, well worth buying.
  6. Jul 19, 2011
    Very good album, full of energy and quality vocals and guitar. Highlights include track no.2 Citizen/Soldier and track no.3 It's Not My Time. This album is definitely one of the bands best work yet!
  7. May 8, 2014
    Great album + Awesome Band = EPICNESS .I love everything about them....they are unique in their own way.Their songs are full of heart sad feelings sometimes which makes them good to listen when you feel lost or just left behind by the ones you loved
  8. Jun 3, 2019
    I just love 3 Doors Down. People don’t make music like this anymore. Their new album got heart and soul to the point that I don’t think that there is not one bad song on this record. Just incredible.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. That's the ultimate irony of 3 Doors Down as they mature: try as they may to pour out their angst-ridden hearts, by riding out their success and smoothing out their music they've turned into mildly aggro background music at malls and movie theaters across the nation.
  2. Taut musicianship, well-crafted songs and potent vocals make this a landmark album in an already multiplatinum career.
  3. 40
    On their self-titled fourth album, one colon-blowing mid-tempo after another shows the strain.