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Universal acclaim- based on 387 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 22 out of 387
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  1. Oct 4, 2016
    This is pretty dreadful. Hopefully its a grower, but its screechy, annoying, overly-vocoded grinding nonsense that sort of meanders around melodies and never finds any.
    I loved For Emma. The second album was...average. Overrated. This is pretty terrible
  2. Nov 2, 2016
    Sad, just sad.

    Another seemingly bright musical talent seduced by the dark side of self-indulgent idiots thinking we'll buy unfinished junk. This record is the musical equivalent of Warhol's soup cans with the exception that at least Warhol was unique. This sonic junk gimmickry has all been done before. Maybe I can come redecorate Justin's house with junkyard finds and rotting
    Sad, just sad.

    Another seemingly bright musical talent seduced by the dark side of self-indulgent idiots thinking we'll buy unfinished junk.

    This record is the musical equivalent of Warhol's soup cans with the exception that at least Warhol was unique. This sonic junk gimmickry has all been done before.

    Maybe I can come redecorate Justin's house with junkyard finds and rotting fruit and sell it as art?
  3. Dec 21, 2016
    To me it is incomprehensible how a musical act can go from Masterpiece to Mutilated garbage in 4 short years, there is nothing even remotely similar to Bon Ivers previous music on this album. This is truly bad, I struggle to believe that anybody truly liked this, despite positive reviews.

    Im utterly shocked how Bon Iver could blurt out something like this after creating 1 utterly
    To me it is incomprehensible how a musical act can go from Masterpiece to Mutilated garbage in 4 short years, there is nothing even remotely similar to Bon Ivers previous music on this album. This is truly bad, I struggle to believe that anybody truly liked this, despite positive reviews.

    Im utterly shocked how Bon Iver could blurt out something like this after creating 1 utterly beautiful album and followed that up with another great album, only to completely shatter the perfect illusion like this. One of the biggest dissapointments in music I have ever experienced. I made an account here just to write this.
  4. Aug 11, 2019
    An amorphous clump of electronic navel gazing, it is so vague as to barely suggest any points. It seems more interested in complex overly long musical passages than telling a story or something worthwhile

Universal acclaim - based on 41 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 39 out of 41
  2. Negative: 0 out of 41
  1. Magnet
    Nov 16, 2016
    Vernon's gorgeous falsetto and vice grip on melody hold it all together beautifully. [No. 137, p.52]
  2. Nov 3, 2016
    While some may sneer at the glitches and production tricks that pepper the record, thinking them mere gimmicks, those who stick around long enough will be rewarded by a string of mature, thoughtful songs emerging from their concealment, gradually revealing a little more of themselves with each play.
  3. Oct 14, 2016
    Vernon is in no rush to clear up any of this--to harden ideas about himself or his art--on 22, a Million, which represents an even bigger leap than Bon Iver’s previous record.