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Universal acclaim- based on 613 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 34 out of 613
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  1. Dec 23, 2022
    worse than 4 your eyez only xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo bad asf overrated xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxo
  2. Dec 20, 2022
  3. Mar 25, 2022
    very enjoyable album with some of the best production in modern rap

    best song: g.o.m.d.

    worst song: st. tropez
  4. Dec 3, 2021
    Timeless project one of coles many albums that show he is one of this generations best
  5. May 26, 2021
    Definition of a classic. No rapper has ever evoked emotion as genuinely as Cole does on this project
  6. Apr 11, 2021
    An easily accessible record from Cole; however, it does seem to come across as shallow at moments.

  7. Apr 6, 2021
    this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8
  8. Mar 25, 2021
    This is just one of the greatest albums ever, J. Cole really shows his struggles and reflects on his youth through out this Album. J. Cole has great lyrics and flow on all the songs. The beats complement the mood of the song very well. It's really hard to top an album like this.

    Favs: Love yourz, Fire squad, January 28th, No Role Modelz least fav (but is still love it): Note to
    This is just one of the greatest albums ever, J. Cole really shows his struggles and reflects on his youth through out this Album. J. Cole has great lyrics and flow on all the songs. The beats complement the mood of the song very well. It's really hard to top an album like this.

    Love yourz, Fire squad, January 28th, No Role Modelz

    least fav (but is still love it):
    Note to self

  9. EZR
    Jun 5, 2020
    Album changed my life

    Made me a Cole fan
  10. Feb 2, 2020
    An imperfect masterpiece. 2014fhd is sonically pleasing and itʼs overwhelmingly honest. But since Iʼm a big cole fan and Iʼm a little biased, itʼs perfect for me. He has a few corny bars here and there but they donʼt really ruin any song for me and I like his voice so I donʼt really mind his singing. What I like about him the most is that he puts his heart into what he says and you donʼtAn imperfect masterpiece. 2014fhd is sonically pleasing and itʼs overwhelmingly honest. But since Iʼm a big cole fan and Iʼm a little biased, itʼs perfect for me. He has a few corny bars here and there but they donʼt really ruin any song for me and I like his voice so I donʼt really mind his singing. What I like about him the most is that he puts his heart into what he says and you donʼt hear that nowadays. He can convey a heartwarming/nostalgic feeling but that requires a connection between the listener and the artist. With all that being said I believe he can do much better. He has the potential of making one of the greatest albums ever imo. Looking forward to his next album. Cole world no blanket! Expand
  11. Jan 28, 2020
    Really great with the theme of Cole's life from the early days of Forest Hills Drive through to his days of becoming a celebrity and reflecting on the past. Also like how the love theme is present throughout.
  12. Jan 24, 2020
    This album is a masterpiece, every song has deep meaning and delivery is amazing also this album has the best Intro ever and you can't change my mind. MASTERPIECE
  13. Aug 17, 2019
    This is THE adolescence album. Imma be playing this from now through college.

    Best Tracks:Wet Dreamz, No Role Modelz, Intro, Love Yourz, January 28th, ’03 Adolescence, Hello, Apparently, A Tale of 2 Citiez, Fire Squad, St. Tropez, G.O.M.D.
    Worst Tracks:Note to Self
  14. Jul 28, 2019
    A masterpiece of an album. The concept takes you on a journey that helps you feel a connection to the artist. The lyrics are soulful and relatable. The tracklist is airtight with plenty of repayable tracks. This is undoubtedly Cole's best album and a classic of the decade.
  15. May 28, 2019
    Every song is good. Worth listening to over and over again. You will not be disappointed
  16. Jan 29, 2019
    2014 Forest Hills Drive is not just another rap album, its art. When I first listen to his album the first time I thought it was decent. However when I listen to the album a couple more times, I fell in love with it. 2014 Forest Hills Drive by J Cole make one of the greatest albums of his career, and one of the best albums of 2014. This album is a must listen.
  17. Dec 3, 2018
    A true entertainment album. The lyrics are good but not great, but the production is elite and Cole's rapping is perfect.
  18. Oct 26, 2018
    2014 Forest Hills Drive is a masterpiece from an artist that has changed the rap game. No features, no guest voculs, only vague samples. This is what makes this album so impressive, that such a young artist had the confidence in himself to deliver without any help, and he 100% did.

    From 'No Role Modelz' to 'Wet Dreams' and 'Hello' to 'A Tale of 2 Citiez', almost every track hooks you in
    2014 Forest Hills Drive is a masterpiece from an artist that has changed the rap game. No features, no guest voculs, only vague samples. This is what makes this album so impressive, that such a young artist had the confidence in himself to deliver without any help, and he 100% did.

    From 'No Role Modelz' to 'Wet Dreams' and 'Hello' to 'A Tale of 2 Citiez', almost every track hooks you in with its inquisitive beats and sometimes emotional lyrics. This is a non-stop listen album that should go down as one of the best Hip Hop albums of this decade.
  19. Jun 30, 2018
    Thats a classic album. J. Cole delivered some fire on this one. Great production and the lyrics are on point. Album contains songs that everybody can relate to.
  20. Apr 24, 2018
    this is his second best album no hits no real standouts to me I just like every song. the ontro is really good. love this album hope he can make something just as good in the future
  21. Mar 25, 2018
    J.coles story telling skills are un real. every track is unique only one forgettable track : st tropez
  22. Jan 30, 2018
    The first classic that J.Cole has in my opinion is definitely this album, his third. 2014 Forest Hill Drive introduced me to J.Cole as a storyteller MC. Painted vivid pictures that made me understand why people make the Nas comparison.
  23. Sep 4, 2017
    His best work to date. Delivered through Incredible production and a signature flow that is hard to compare to any other artist in the game. Very real and raw lyrics make this album a hip-hop classic.
  24. Jul 18, 2017
    good album..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  25. May 23, 2017
    This is a truly great album to just sit back and chill while listening to. There are some hard hitting songs and also some softer songs that greatly even the album out. I don't dislike any of the songs.

    Best songs: No Role Modelz / St. Tropez / Fire Squad
  26. Mar 6, 2017
    Easily the best album of all time. I refuse to give anything else close to this project. From now on, I base my albums from 1 to 10, where the only way it can be a 10 is if it somehow beats this album. Cole is the greatest of all time. Hands down
  27. Dec 15, 2016
    Incredible album that truly expresses the story of J Cole. Give it time, multiple listens, and enjoy the art. Certainly one of my all time favorite albums
  28. Nov 17, 2016
    Like a reviewer in the comments, I also made an account to write a review in defense of this album. I do not know what album the reviewers were listening to, but this was clearly not the same J. Cole. One "critic" labeled J. Cole as indecisive. However that is completely false, this would be an apt description of J. Cole before this album, except this album changed this trait. Cole touchesLike a reviewer in the comments, I also made an account to write a review in defense of this album. I do not know what album the reviewers were listening to, but this was clearly not the same J. Cole. One "critic" labeled J. Cole as indecisive. However that is completely false, this would be an apt description of J. Cole before this album, except this album changed this trait. Cole touches on very real and important subjects such as the position of the black community in January 28th, being grateful for what you have in Love Yourz, addressing the falseness of the modern age with No Role Modelz, and finally him battling himself in Tale of 2 Citiez. J. Cole takes on a trip through his own real experiences and he does it in a masterful and entertaining manner. His songs are not to the point of denseness and meaning of a Kendrick Lamar, yet it is easier to enjoy his songs because of this. Additionally, these songs are fun, the beats are mastered excellently, and his rapping skills maybe only surpassed by a hand few in the game. This is hip hop at its finest in the new era where most rappers rap about the same shallow objects. 2014 Forest Hills Drive is a gem in the modern day of hip hop and should be appreciated as such. Expand
  29. Oct 8, 2016
    If J. Cole knows anything, its how to tell a story from beginning to end. Such a masterpiece. This is not just one of my most favorite albums of all time, but it changed who I was as a person. It should me the reality of life, and I have no idea how he will be able to top himself after this. Hopefully he continues with this sound and what he is doing because things will only get better from here.
  30. Dec 2, 2015
    I literally made an account just because the critic score was so wide off it's unbelievable. This album is timeless, every track is on point. I'm dumbfounded by MetaCritic's "critics." You guys are clearly suffering from a lack of education on hip-hop and are the reason great artwork like this doesn't get the deserved recognition. The lyricism has it's blow-my-mind-away moments and withI literally made an account just because the critic score was so wide off it's unbelievable. This album is timeless, every track is on point. I'm dumbfounded by MetaCritic's "critics." You guys are clearly suffering from a lack of education on hip-hop and are the reason great artwork like this doesn't get the deserved recognition. The lyricism has it's blow-my-mind-away moments and with the calming, resonating and nostalgia-based records there's also those crazy excitable this-man-going-in records. It's 2015 and this album is still the best from then until today - Dec 12. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Uncut
    Feb 3, 2015
    You long for a bit more of the ardour of "Fine Squad." [Mar 2015, p.73]
  2. Jan 5, 2015
    He speaks some incisive truths about class, race ("Fire Squad") and relationships ("Wet Dreamz"), but those insights are too often undercut by crass humor. The production falls short, too, with dull beats to match his languid flow.
  3. Dec 18, 2014
    Consistent, yes, but not the king yet.