• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Oct 14, 2003
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 31 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 31
  2. Negative: 1 out of 31

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  1. DonH
    Oct 17, 2003
    Despite some of the harsh critiques of this fine CD, This is a brilliant pice of work. Piss on most of these critics. The new Beatles are baCK!! dh
  2. stk
    Oct 25, 2003
    travis r back...4real...i m glad 2 hear their beautiful songs again...
  3. BenG
    Jun 20, 2005
    The best band around have made another amazing album. Well done lads! More more more please!
  4. tomb
    Oct 16, 2003
    fantastic, great melodies
  5. Andy
    Oct 18, 2003
    There have been a lot of mixed reviews for this CD with most of them being on either extreme ends... A lot of the complaints about 12 memories is that it doesn't stand up to the Man Who or is not as upbeat as previous Travis Albums...I think comparing the album to their previous ones is a complete mistake cause if you want an album that sounds like the Man Who then listen to the Man There have been a lot of mixed reviews for this CD with most of them being on either extreme ends... A lot of the complaints about 12 memories is that it doesn't stand up to the Man Who or is not as upbeat as previous Travis Albums...I think comparing the album to their previous ones is a complete mistake cause if you want an album that sounds like the Man Who then listen to the Man Who...You should accept the new Travis Album for what it is and give them credit for attempting to create an album that is incredibly different from their previous three... If you are a true Travis fan, you'll love this CD cause it contains unique songs that catch on to you quickly and which I loved on my first listen. Definitely worth the money. Expand
  6. Oliver
    Oct 22, 2003
    it's moving, charming, sometimes dark, sometimes uplifting, and from the first until the last second simply a great record by a great band.
  7. DavidS
    Oct 23, 2003
    This is a good album. It lacks the charm of the earlier work, but it is a definite departure from the common English Trad-rock they laid out in previous, less sophisticated, but preferable albums.
  8. Max
    Oct 24, 2003
    This album is a great album by Travis, the songs that stand out are Peace the fuck out and re-offender. The other voter hates music,
  9. MarkL.
    Oct 30, 2003
    I like this Album! Its got very pretty melodic songs with affecting lyrics. Its enjoyable. Dont like the last track tho or that slow one in the middle, but the rest are all boffo.
  10. spencer
    Oct 1, 2005
    By far the best Travis cd and better than anything Radiohead has ever done. It's not poppy and overly melodramatic as some of their others. The sound of a band progressing.
  11. matta
    Oct 5, 2005
    Not quite as bad as the metascore would indicate, this third album from Travis still is the about the equal of Invisible Band, but very inferior to The Man Who. THere is a handful of nice tracks though especially Quicksand, Peace the Fuck Out, Somewhere Else, and Love Will Come Through.
  12. matts
    Oct 24, 2006
    Good not great. Clearly some filler involved. Overall, an enjoyable album with some really great songs. This next comment is for SPENCER who claimed that "12 Memories" is ...."better than anything Radiohead has ever done." How does one even respond to such a grossly misguided statment? Maybe Thom Yorke didn't sign your tour t-shirt backstage or your ex beau just loved em. Not only is Good not great. Clearly some filler involved. Overall, an enjoyable album with some really great songs. This next comment is for SPENCER who claimed that "12 Memories" is ...."better than anything Radiohead has ever done." How does one even respond to such a grossly misguided statment? Maybe Thom Yorke didn't sign your tour t-shirt backstage or your ex beau just loved em. Not only is Radiohead heads and shoulders above the rest...."O.K. Computer" is probably the best album ever made. Expand
  13. JustinA
    Oct 16, 2003
    A little bit disappointing for me since I really like all three of their previous albums, but especially the last two. The anti-war stuff is a little overdone for my taste. Still, some good stuff that Travis fans will like. I like Peace the F*** out the best.
  14. IvanP
    Nov 12, 2003
    At first I was unhappy and uncertain about the new direction that Travis went with this album but after repeated listens, I have come to love 12 Memories as much, if not more, than their previous efforts. Almost every song has the brilliant melody associated with everything than Fran Healy's writes. Highlights for me include Some Sad Song, Paperclips, Re-Offender, Happy To Hang At first I was unhappy and uncertain about the new direction that Travis went with this album but after repeated listens, I have come to love 12 Memories as much, if not more, than their previous efforts. Almost every song has the brilliant melody associated with everything than Fran Healy's writes. Highlights for me include Some Sad Song, Paperclips, Re-Offender, Happy To Hang Around and Mid Life Krysis. Amazing! Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Gone are the inspired melodies and sweet emotional turns of their past triumphant albums, replaced by boring philosophical musings and wafer-thin tunes.
  2. Weighted with tunes that approach middle age with tension and caution.
  3. Buttressing these sentiments (and singer Fran Healy's dewy voice) is just the type of production Travis needed: jarring guitar solos, zigzagging harmonies, snow-crunching percussion.