
Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 22
  2. Negative: 2 out of 22
  1. Apart from the slow-burning, spine-tingling opener Electronic Performers, though, the duo seem reluctant to exploit their remarkable gift for melody, and tunes are too often mangled or left to fizzle out.
  2. 60
    Like Radiohead with Kid A, Air benefits greatly here from the extra slack given only to those somehow deemed "artists" rather than mere musicians. Coming from almost anyone else, this album would end up in the trash heap long before it had a chance to sink in.
  3. Uncompromising and wildly unpredictable, but only intermittently entertaining.
  4. The faux naive stance is merely irritating, the bubblegum track merely cute, the cheese rock quotient merely cheesy.
  5. It's nice that 10,000 Hz. Legend sounds very little like Air's masterworks Premier Symptomes and Moon Safari. Unfortunately, it also sounds like Air trying very hard not to be Air.
  6. On their second proper longplayer, Air project that melancholy forward, depicting romantic recollections from a future world in which "technology" has attained sci-fi levels.
  7. Blender
    This time around, both Air's jokes and their grooves have lost their grace... [Jun/Jul 2001, p.104]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 29 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 29
  2. Negative: 2 out of 29
  1. Jan 19, 2018
    Experiental, eletronic and stunning. This album is the best, and remember a good time together with my girlfriend in a beach. Amazing, piece of art.
  2. Apr 20, 2017
    One of the best Electronic albums of the 2000s, from the jaw dropping beginning of Electronic Performer to the soothing Caramel Prisoner, thisOne of the best Electronic albums of the 2000s, from the jaw dropping beginning of Electronic Performer to the soothing Caramel Prisoner, this album has got it all. Full Review »
  3. Alex
    Oct 19, 2007
    Every song on this album absolutely sings to me. I first got hooked by "How Does It Make You Feel", but quickly found the rest of the album Every song on this album absolutely sings to me. I first got hooked by "How Does It Make You Feel", but quickly found the rest of the album to be just as redeeming. 10,000 Hz Legend is one of those rare albums that you can just play from start to finish and lose yourself. As much as I love Moon Safari and Pocket Symphony, this is undoubtedly my favourite. Full Review »