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Universal acclaim- based on 15 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15

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  1. JayL
    Apr 20, 2003
    Pure genius.
  2. TristanP.
    Jun 21, 2002
    absolutely fab*
  3. KS2
    Mar 4, 2003
    This album is good. Although it is a total rip off, its a good rip off. So go rip it off.
  4. edgara
    Mar 2, 2005
    I heard the music before I saw the shows. The addicting beats latch on to your ears and dont let go. Very enjoyable stuff...very.
  5. JamesK
    Jan 4, 2007
    I would say 3/4 of this cd is the best electro-pop ever produced-emerge being the highlight.The remainder falls a bit flat compared to the dizzy heights of emerge & the like but still an awe-inspiring debut and highly recommended!!
  6. DavidB
    Mar 18, 2003
    still fresh after all these years! so yesterday it's tomorrow
  7. AnalogueB.
    Sep 29, 2007
    I originally bought this back in 2003 after hearing the superb 'Emerge'. On first listen, I was a little disappointed and convinced it would get no more than a couple of playthroughs before being added to my ever growing pile of "regrettable purchases". How wrong I was! 4 years later, I'm still giving this album regular rotation. Electro at its best. Hugely recommended. I originally bought this back in 2003 after hearing the superb 'Emerge'. On first listen, I was a little disappointed and convinced it would get no more than a couple of playthroughs before being added to my ever growing pile of "regrettable purchases". How wrong I was! 4 years later, I'm still giving this album regular rotation. Electro at its best. Hugely recommended. Just be sure not to give up on it after a single listen. Expand
  8. Jun 9, 2015
    An album with great synth-pop and techno tracks. Some tracks doesn't have any sense, they seem made by someone playing around with a software, not knowing anything of electronic music. You can hear a strong eighties influence and the mood is a mixture of Kraftwerk and Prodigy.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 18
  2. Negative: 1 out of 18
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    It's both impressive and pointless. [28 Feb 2003, p.79]
  2. Long stretches of #1 sound like the synth-pop soundtrack to a vintage video game: thin and static.
  3. Fischerspooner might be harking back to a more colourful age, but '#1', more than any other album apart from, perhaps, 'Original Pirate Material' is very much The Sound Of Now.