Description: From director John Dahl comes the stirring true story of one of the most spectacular rescue missions ever to take place in American history: "the great raid on Cabanatuan," the daring exploit that would liberate more than 500 U.S. Prisoners of War in the face of overwhelming odds. A gripping depiction of human resilience, the film vividly brings to life the personal courage and audacious heroism that allowed a small but stoic band of World War II soldiers to attempt the impossible in the hopes of freeing their captured brothers. (Miramax)


Production Company Miramax, Marty Katz Productions, Lawrence Bender Productions
Release Date Aug 12, 2005
Duration 2 h 12 m
Rating R
Tagline Two proud races, brothers-in-arms... A daring mission that will earn them the respect and admiration of the entire world.
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