Description: A group of 40-something guys, all on the verge of a mid-life crisis, decide to form their local pool's first every synchronized swimming team - for men. Braving the skepticism and ridicule of those around them, and trained by a fallen champion trying to pull herself together, the group set out on an unlikely adventure, and on the way will rediscover a little self-esteem and a lot about themselves and each other.


Production Company Trésor Films, Chi-Fou-Mi Productions, Cool Industrie, StudioCanal, TF1 Films Production, Artémis Productions, VOO, BE TV, Shelter Prod, Canal+, Ciné+, TF1, C8, Taxshelter. be, Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Tax Shelter du Gouvernement Fédéral Belge, Soficinéma 5 Déveleloppement, Cofinova Développement 3, Agence Nationale de Gestion des Oeuvres Audiovisuelles (ANGOA)
Release Date Sep 27, 2019
Duration 2 h 1 m
Tagline Face your fears and dive in.
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