Description: Barbara “Babs” Hug (Marie Leuenberger) is a young radical lawyer fighting Switzerland’s antiquated prison system in the 1980s, and finds it to be an endless, draining battle. She is tracked down by Walter Stürm (Joel Basman), who has just managed to escape from prison…again…and hands her a secret file not supposed to have left the prison. Although a good-hearted soul at his core, Stürm uses his newfound freedom to commit another crime, and soon finds the police closing in. Using her connections, Babs finds Stürm temporary refuge with a militant organization, and takes him on as a client in hopes of using the publicity to advance her cause. Stürm, however, has a very different ideology of freedom, and proves to be more difficult to manage than Babs realizes. Based on a true story.


Production Company Contrast Film, Port au Prince Film & Kultur Produktion, Niama Film, Schweizerische Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft (SRG), ARTE, Teleclub AG, Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR), Hessischer Rundfunk (HR), Ascot Elite Entertainment Group, Bundesamt für Kultur (BAK), Media Desk Suisse, Zürcher Filmstiftung, Kulturförderung Kanton St. Gallen, Swisslos, Deutscher Filmförderfonds (DFFF), Medien- und Filmgesellschaft (MFG) Filmförderung Baden-Württemberg, Schweizer Fernsehen (SF)
Release Date Mar 1, 2022
Duration 1 h 58 m
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