
Universal acclaim - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Jun 9, 2023
    This LP is a triumph, an outstanding set of songs and performances from someone who has already proved they're one of the strongest, truest voices in American roots rock.
  2. Jun 6, 2023
    Weathervanes is a bit of a downer. Regardless, though, it’s Isbell’s reliably exceptional songwriting, the bursting-out-of-the-gate energy of the 400 Unit (just listen to the barnburner that is “When We Were Close”), and a talent for subtle but inescapable hooks which make the doom and gloom of these songs not only bearable, but rather inviting.
  3. Jun 5, 2023
    While the writing on Weathervanes is carefully crafted and wildly impressive, what sets the record apart in a discography full of tattoo-worthy couplets is the contributions of The 400 Unit. They’ve undoubtedly been an integral part of Isbell’s past few efforts, but the band has never sounded so locked into an album’s singular vision.
  4. Jun 8, 2023
    It may not be perfect from start to finish, but Weathervanes again affirms Isbell’s place as an Alabama legend—right there next to Saban.
  5. Jun 28, 2023
    Even by Isbell’s lofty standards, Weathervanes is a big swing, and the band hits a home run.
  6. Jun 6, 2023
    Brutally beautiful. .... It’s Isbell’s strongest album to date.
  7. Uncut
    Jun 5, 2023
    Weathervanes is another imperious demonstration of Isbell's signature ability to simultaneously project confidence and vulnerability, both musically and lyrically. [Jul 2023, p.32]
  8. Mojo
    Jun 5, 2023
    It's a familiar mix of delicate acoustic tracks and crunching country rock - but The 400 Unit has evolved via the deepening emotional heft of their leader's songwriting. [Jul 2023, p.86]
  9. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jun 5, 2023
    Thoughtful, compassionate, heartbreaking and more, it's a record that is above all, deeply human. [Jul 2023, p.84]
  10. Jun 8, 2023
    Weathervanes’ unsettled moments wind up making the sun-bleached vibe of the rest of the album feel earned.
  11. 70
    Isbell’s ninth LP is a cautious refinement rather than a reinvention for the Americana icon – and as he explores a familiar set of themes, the lyrics can sometimes feel as though they could have been directly pulled from the cutting room floor of previous studio sessions.
  12. Jun 6, 2023
    Lyrically, this is mixed but has its strong points. Few write with his kind of insight. Yet, musically it fails to generate enough sparks with most of the songs stuck in similar mid-tempo modes. The true ballads are strong.
  13. Jun 5, 2023
    Ultimately, then, Weathervanes showcases both the Isbell who can bring the entire world into focus with just a few lines and an acoustic guitar, and the Gibson-toting Isbell with the hot-shit backing band. But he continues to come so close yet so far from reconciling the two.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. Jul 11, 2023
    It's a nice to be brought back to this raw and oily sound of american rock and country. It is still a cliché for itself, and Jason IsbellIt's a nice to be brought back to this raw and oily sound of american rock and country. It is still a cliché for itself, and Jason Isbell preferred to stay in a safe place, exploring those chords we already know and grew up with to the extent of making them part of a very pop current. That current is over now and, as I said, it is nice to hear and feel like when this rock meant something strong, yet, there is nothing strong enough to hold on to or save out from what the history already made of it. Full Review »
  2. Jul 3, 2023
    Impressive! On the first few times listening to this album, Jason Isbell really comes across with powerful messages and unique easy-goingImpressive! On the first few times listening to this album, Jason Isbell really comes across with powerful messages and unique easy-going songwriting in an already crowded space. The production and overall vibes are excellent. Full Review »
  3. Jun 22, 2023
    This really missed the mark. Gave it a few listens and it's not doing anything for me. Oh well. Too many great musicians out there to forceThis really missed the mark. Gave it a few listens and it's not doing anything for me. Oh well. Too many great musicians out there to force it with his music. Full Review »