
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. For the most part, the album is an ebullient musical Mardi Gras, with Anastasio's dexterous, hard-driving guitar work the unifying thread.
  2. This solo disc by Phish phrontman Trey Anastasio offers some delicious bait.
  3. While the artifact quality and live vibe of this music come as no surprise, the show band emphasis of Trey Anastasio suggests that this artist may be placing a little less faith in the voodoo of improvisation and more in the payoff guaranteed by musicians who can tear up the same charts night after night.
  4. Alternative Press
    Sounds Phishy enough to satisfy the masses and fresh enough to reach those without a predisposition for patchouli and patchwork. [Jun 2002, p.76]
  5. His ambitious self-titled solo debut goes a long way in turning over a new musical leaf, thanks to the presence of a top-notch nine-piece band and a host of complex, melodically inventive tunes that could please a wide range of listeners.
  6. Closely packed with urgent horn breaks and friendly guitar solos, Anastasio's new songs are less diffuse than his old roomy improv workouts.
  7. Blender
    Non-devotees may prove tougher to convince, but nothing here overstays its welcome -- and Phish fans once again have a reason to live. [Jun/Jul 2002, p.102]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. JasonD.
    Sep 18, 2002
    This guy has got to be one of the coolest guitarists and writers of all time. His efforts shall stand timeless and the Hall Of Fame awaits This guy has got to be one of the coolest guitarists and writers of all time. His efforts shall stand timeless and the Hall Of Fame awaits his arivall!!! Push On Till The Day!!!.May night never end Full Review »
  2. ChristineB.
    Jul 2, 2002
    Awesome! I'm a new convert. Saw him on Tonight Show recently and he was dynamite!
  3. BrewerW.
    Jun 18, 2002
    You can't expect Trey to play on improv when recording studio release records. The shows were awesome. San Francisco and both of the You can't expect Trey to play on improv when recording studio release records. The shows were awesome. San Francisco and both of the Vegas shows rocked! Love ya, you King of Prussia! Full Review »