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The Town And The City Image

Universal acclaim - based on 10 Critic Reviews What's this?

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 21 Ratings

  • Summary: The follow-up to 2004's 'The Ride' is a timely 13-track song cycle about American immigration.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 10
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 10
  3. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. The Town and the City isn't likely to be the soundtrack for your next party, but it's an exciting and emotionally powerful experience that grows with each listen.
  2. Uncut
    A tour de force of intertwined sound and imagery. [Oct 2006, p.117]
  3. Los Angeles Times
    This is an album in the classic, pre-digital sense, in which the very sequence of songs suggests meaning and connection. [12 Sep 2006]
  4. The New York Times
    Los Lobos has swerved away from the upbeat music it plays on the jam-band circuit, harking back to its quietly startling 1992 album, “Kiko.” [25 Sep 2006]
  5. Mojo
    What Los Lobos's thirteenth long-player lacks in surprise it makes up for in groove and mood. [Oct 2006, p.103]
  6. PopMatters
    Review #1: Stands as one of the band’s best efforts. [score=70]; Review #2: The Town and the City is just as tight and adventurous as anything else coming out this year. [score=90]
  7. Blender
    Their first protest record. [Oct 2006, p.137]

See all 10 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 9
  3. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. NancyF
    Dec 20, 2006
    THE TOWN AND THE CITY is a flawless gem that contains some of the best songwriting efforts to date by David Hidalgo and Louis Perez. "LUNA", THE TOWN AND THE CITY is a flawless gem that contains some of the best songwriting efforts to date by David Hidalgo and Louis Perez. "LUNA", written by Cesar Rosas, is captivating. If you haven't listened to LOS LOBOS lately, you owe it to yourself to become acquainted with this aural odessy from East L.A.'s finest! Expand
  2. JackieT
    Dec 14, 2006
    Another masterpiece from a great American band.
  3. JohnH
    Dec 16, 2006
    Los Lobos is The Band, with longevity. Hard to believe they've kept the quality of their albums at this level for over 20 years... God bless em.
  4. ToddW
    Oct 10, 2006
    Go tell every lost soul in every town and city: If Los Lobos didn't include primarily minority members, they would be hailed in the same Go tell every lost soul in every town and city: If Los Lobos didn't include primarily minority members, they would be hailed in the same breath as any other American recording artist you care to name in the popular Sewerstream. Perhaps it's a good thing for those of us who ignore conventional wisdom (idiocy?), because these guys have been making groundbreaking music for more than 20 years. Their latest is no different. If you don't like exquisite rock-n-roll with a touch of a Latin beat making you think about society's ills, keep your head up your nether orifice. You can have your American Idol flotsam and jetsam, leave the rest of us alone so that we may continue idolizing a great American band. Expand
  5. salomey
    Oct 27, 2006
    they haven't sound this good in quite a bit this album is more wonderful than I can express right now the voices, the guitars, they haven't sound this good in quite a bit this album is more wonderful than I can express right now the voices, the guitars, everything thank you Los Lobos (great album, bad review :D ) Expand
  6. LawrenceP
    Oct 16, 2006
    Impossible not to love...the music and the guys that make it.
  7. TylerrM
    Oct 7, 2006
    Whenever I think fo this band I only thing of "Los Lonely Boys" and I really don't like that.

See all 9 User Reviews