
Universal acclaim - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 34
  2. Negative: 0 out of 34
  1. 100
    As subversive as it is weird.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    A hip-hop tour de farce. [14 Oct 2005, p.152]
  3. Filter
    An entire record of scorching wordplay, groovy soundscapes, jaw-dropping cadence and Aqua Teen Hunger Force cameos. [#17, p.93]
  4. Both guys are so irrepressibly playful that they get serious at their peril--they're better off as a nonstop musical goof.
  5. The best album of the year in the hip-hop underground.
  6. Anyone intrigued by Doom should adore this album.
  7. Lyrically, Doom hasn't sounded this vital since Viktor Vaughn's "Vaudeville Villain."
  8. Rather than detract from the funkified weirdness, the guest spots from the Adult Swim crew actually add to the craziness.
  9. Magnet
    Finds both beatmaker and rapper at the peak of their powers. [#70, p.89]
  10. Paste Magazine
    Wonderfully askew. [Feb/Mar 2006, p.96]
  11. [A] psychedelic rap reality worth wigging to.
  12. It's an excellent album if you're in on the joke.
  13. Like Paul's Boutique, The Mouse and the Mask is at times frustrating in its top-heaviness. Thank god it's got Doom.
  14. Even though the album maintains a barely serious attitude from start to finish, it's impossible to doubt the talent and style present.
  15. The Mouse and the Mask, while it may not be answering life's questions, is an enjoyable and highly original achievement.
  16. The addition of Adult Swim characters into damn near every track isn't always seamless or clever, and the album could do without "Bada Bing" or Meatwad's intentionally painful bonus-track cover of Doom's "Beef Rapp," but otherwise, this stellar collaboration threatens to give underground synergy a good name.
  17. Proof once more, that you can be experimental, extreme and eccentric but be excellently hip hop all at the same time.
  18. The Mouse and the Mask’s levity is the antithesis of the dense Madvilliany, and it continues Doom’s steady march toward achieving legendary status.
  19. Uncut
    This is MF Doom's most accessible moment to date. [Nov 2005, p.108]
  20. It might not be the underground hip-hop record of the year, but it is easily on the short list.
  21. The beats on The Mouse and the Mask are remarkably consistent, satisfactorily complex, and surprisingly subtle.
  22. It's not as revealing as Doom's other work, and Danger Mouse's big, Technicolor productions here are a little too trivial to be immortal. But for what it attempts-- which is basically a comedy record with no-joke skills-- it exceeds expectations.
  23. Spin
    Doom's playing it safe. [Oct 2005, p.133]
  24. Los Angeles Times
    An ingeniously clever album. [13 Nov 2005]
  25. Rolling Stone
    It's a fun ride. [6 Oct 2005, p.154]
  26. The Mouse and the Mask's downfall, though, is its excruciatingly narrow scope.
  27. Though not really getting the joke can somewhat divorce the listener from proceedings, the slick, masterful production and real-life cameos from the likes of Ghostface and particularly Cee-Lo on the majestic 'Benzi Box' make up for the feeling of exclusion.
  28. Q Magazine
    Doom's bizarre raps prove a good match for Danger Mouse's eclectic approach. [Nov 2005, p.123]
  29. Mojo
    An entirely silly album. [Jan 2006, p.120]
  30. It’s not a bad album, and Doom’s rapping is damn near unparalleled; but when you come right down to it, The Mouse & the Mask kinda feels like a throwaway.
  31. While this buoyant link-up is no disgrace, its main ingredients - copshow brass, cartoon flutes, professor voices - are fairly familiar rap tropes.
  32. Alternative Press
    Both participants' artistic weaponry [is] set for "stun" instead of "kill." [Dec 2005, p.216]
  33. Abandoned in the spotlight, Doom appears to falter, though again I think it’s just because we’ve grown so accustomed to cherry-picking his lyrical gems from a well-blended stoned barrage.
  34. Blender
    Surprisingly pedestrian. [Nov 2005, p.134]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 69 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 65 out of 69
  2. Negative: 3 out of 69
  1. Mr.E.S.Pony
    Oct 13, 2005
    Since I'm both a fan of the two primaries on the album and of adult swim this was a marriage made in heaven. A sick, twisted heaven Since I'm both a fan of the two primaries on the album and of adult swim this was a marriage made in heaven. A sick, twisted heaven where milkshakes run amok on answering machines and balls of ground meat freestyle, where the master of ceremonies wheres a metal mask and the score to it all is arranged by a rodent. Full Review »
  2. Dec 12, 2010
    This album is a counter culture work of genius which borrows popular elements from the mainstream Gorillaz LP and subverts them in what canThis album is a counter culture work of genius which borrows popular elements from the mainstream Gorillaz LP and subverts them in what can only be described as one of the most original hip-hop albums of all time. MF Doom is legendary like a modern day Shakespeare who growls and spits with vigour and distaste. Expertly crafted with compressed beats and samples that no one would have the balls to use, it is clear that DangerMouse is a voice for a movement of new school producers who cannot be pigeonholed or defined by genre. The only logical step is for them to create their own. Every track is similar in style and to the duo's credit each attempt is an improvement in quality and leaves you with a satisfied listening experience. Full Review »
  3. DillonG
    Jun 19, 2006
    danger doom rocks the hip-hop scene with their intelligent use of comical rhymes, comic book and cartoon characters, and danger mouse is danger doom rocks the hip-hop scene with their intelligent use of comical rhymes, comic book and cartoon characters, and danger mouse is great at mixing beats and at producing. their best guest appearances were obviously Talib Kweli and Ghostface. (cee-lo was alright.) it was abstract and surreal, but it could've integrated more social commentary and been more straight-forward at times....other than that, very solid first album, and hopefully many more to come. Full Review »