• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: Jan 24, 2006

Generally favorable reviews - based on 35 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 35
  2. Negative: 0 out of 35
  1. Spin
    After only a few spins, The Greatest sounds like another [masterpiece]. [Feb 2006, p.84]
  2. The Greatest isn’t perfect, but its stumbles are neither intrusive nor damning.
  3. In its own still-quiet way, it's a triumph.
  4. Uncut
    Similarly to Lambchop's Nixon, it weaves together new and old, soul and country, black and white, love and hate, to form an understated masterpiece. [Feb 2006, p.74]
  5. This will be on most of the indie-ish year end tops charts this year, guaranteed.
  6. The writing here is sharp and stunning, but the real difference between this and other Cat Power discs is that The Greatest has room to breathe.
  7. Under The Radar
    The rare album that works even better in execution than it does in theory, one that rises far above the genre exercise it could have been. [#12, p.90]
  8. Mojo
    By putting some warm flesh on her musical bones, Chan Marshall is punching her considerable songwriting weight. [Jan 2006, p.116]
  9. Los Angeles Times
    Never so flatly confessional as to be artless, her plaintive sentiments are still nakedly honest, strangely restrained yet unfettered. Still, Marshall's singing occasionally feels distant, negating the intimacy. [22 Jan 2006]
  10. Entertainment Weekly
    Marshall wanders into lulling Orton/Portishead turf so often that it's easy to imagine some of these songs oozing out of the PA system at your local Banana Republic. [27 Jan 2006, p.80]
  11. Despite losing creative momentum down the stretch, it’s still a remarkably affecting and mature record, proof that Chan Marshall kicks off the second act of her career in top form.
  12. Aside from one or two bore-me-ups, this is an album of understated perfection.
  13. You'll need to listen closely to understand and appreciate, but Marshall is worth it.
  14. Her ability to draw out more and more truth with each album is indisputable, and on The Greatest, she reaches a golden landmark of self-assurance.
  15. Many of these new forms shift her into the role of a band leader - a role that, maybe, could solidify her as the "voice of a generation" that overzealous press releases have claimed her to be.
  16. For what it is, The Greatest is exceedingly well done, and people who have never heard of Cat Power before could very well love this album immediately. However, it might take a little more work for those who have loved her music from the beginning.
  17. A textbook lesson in sublime but understated country soul.
  18. Q Magazine
    Her most natural fit. [Feb 2006, p.102]
  19. New Musical Express (NME)
    Not quite the greatest per se, but bloody close. [21 Jan 2006, p.33]
  20. Like all Cat Power records, The Greatest is a mostly sad, heartbroken, hopeless, rainy-day affair; it just isn't damaged. For that reason, it's also going to gain her a lot of new fans.
  21. Though it's an interesting idea and is at times stirring, the results don't always work as well as one would hope.
  22. Billboard
    A song or two with a bit more oomph would have been nice. [28 Jan 2006]
  23. Simultaneously the most-fully-realised of Chan Marshall's seven albums and yet one of missed opportunities.
  24. Where the record works best are its bookends -- the places where it most sounds like Cat Power.
  25. If [some]songs catch a magical intangible by pairing Marshall's naked vocal with a ghost of Memphis passion, others fail to turn the same trick.
  26. What's remarkable about The Greatest is how much Marshall accomplishes without ever straining.
  27. Paste Magazine
    Unfortunately, Marshall's own authenticity is too frequently obscured by the album's "authentic" arrangements. [Feb/Mar 2006, p.92]
  28. Blender
    It partly works. [Mar 2006, p.110]
  29. Glossily produced, the new album is much less thorny than Marshall’s earlier works, showcasing the artist’s songwriting and soul singing talents.
  30. It doesn't take a genius to see that this is a wicked concept on paper: Marshall's got the voice and the vibe to make it work, but there's a nagging sense that it wasn't properly planned out.
  31. A number of songs suggest brilliance before stumbling rather into the bland.
  32. Alternative Press
    She's gone from being an indie rocker's wet dream to sounding like the most NPR-friendly singer-songwriter your parents haven't discovered yet. [Mar 2006, p.124]
  33. Magnet
    After making three great albums in a row, for Marshall to turn in a merely decent one seems like a letdown. [#71, p.88]
  34. Though the lyrics are light ("Could We") and often banal ("The Moon"), the warm, Mazzy Star minimalism and neon-roots groove are fairly irresistible.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 89 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 77 out of 89
  2. Negative: 4 out of 89
  1. rass.
    Jan 3, 2009
  2. Jan 29, 2018
    It is a wonderful album. Very slow, yet still engaging. The lyrics tell great stories.
  3. Nov 20, 2013
    People are always trying to be different. This album is the definition of perfection. It's been years since it was first released, but I canPeople are always trying to be different. This album is the definition of perfection. It's been years since it was first released, but I can still enjoy the whole album playing repeatedly today. "The Greatest" is a tremendous accomplishment both musically and lyrically. Anyone giving this album a score below 7 is only trying to not be the "mainstream" reviewers or simply underrating both Marshall and the album. Full Review »