• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Nov 12, 2021
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Universal acclaim- based on 2962 Ratings

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  1. Jan 30, 2022
    Quite possibly the single most overrated album on metacritic. Absolutely does not deserve to be rated above 90 with other uniquely impressive and artistic albums.
  2. XD2
    Nov 19, 2021
    This is no longer creativity, but terrible commerce. The songs sound absolutely irrelevant for 2021.
  3. Nov 24, 2021
    The original album felt more authentic. Now it’s just a messy repackaged compilation of 30 tracks just to pull streaming numbers. Also, Taylor is truly an expert at milking past relationships, even from years ago… Imagine writing a 10 minute song, + numerous versions of it AND a short film (!)… about an ex-boyfriend from 10 years ago! Obsessive behaviour honestly!
  4. Nov 20, 2021
    Taylor do the same thing to not lose the attention of public, with a flood of 3 albuns in a year she shows how desesperate she is.
  5. Nov 20, 2021
    Songs sound way worse than original and I’m disappointed this better not have eligibility at the Grammys it probably won’t it just isn’t that good
  6. Nov 22, 2021
    simplesmente o pior álbum dela. feito apena para vender. decadente.
    o red original é melhor.
    ela virou uma mendiga desesperada por chars,
  7. Nov 20, 2021
    As I see her grow the music gets more boring even Thor the original was so much better!
  8. Dec 4, 2021
    Sorry but it’s really bad, why she can’t do something new???? She should create new songs not the same
  9. Dec 1, 2021
    Way too over hyped. Definitely much better than the first, not very impressed. It feels like the hype is not because of the music but because it’s hers.
  10. Dec 10, 2021
    Es un album muy largo que se siente aburrido co ritmos repetitivos siento que Taylor debió de disminuir el número de canciones
  11. Mar 18, 2022
    this album is so bad. it’s a weird mess. it’s not pleasant to listen to. the only listenable song is FOR FREE. she tried so hard to create something extraordinary but the only extraordinary thing about this album is how extra bad it is. worst album i’ve ever listened to
  12. Nov 24, 2021
    Trash! Taylor again exploits empty-headed fans like slot machines with bad music they already own.
  13. Nov 20, 2021
    Taylor wanted to make a recording of her album but she was far from overcoming it or doing better, her voice is forced and without the intention of doing it well, just scoring by the numbers which is sad because it only shows how desperate she is, she couldn't even do it. listen to this full album. Taylor needs to speak to her fandom and stop victimizing her and throwing hatred at her fr ex's.
  14. Nov 24, 2021
    Terrible production and voice choices. I don't know what's the point of these re-recordings other than making money for her. She has become the EA Games of the music industry with these different versions it is sad to see.
  15. Jan 7, 2022
    This is the worst album I have never seen the worst album like this.Taylor swift might want to Use this album to catch money.You know,Taylor swift always add her loving and apartment loving and apartment into her album,It means that her album was meaningless.So we can guess if her want to use this album to remake money.Taylor swift hasn't got any heart to catch higher glory.So it meansThis is the worst album I have never seen the worst album like this.Taylor swift might want to Use this album to catch money.You know,Taylor swift always add her loving and apartment loving and apartment into her album,It means that her album was meaningless.So we can guess if her want to use this album to remake money.Taylor swift hasn't got any heart to catch higher glory.So it means that taylor swift dosen't want to write new songs new products.She just wants to Use old product to get new owner.Is just meaningless Expand
  16. Nov 15, 2021
    Still trying to pass for the "Wrongful Girl", Taylor Swift once again brings an unnecessary remake of what is one of the best albums of her monotonous career. "Red" is a great album, and it worked really well in 2012 on its original release seamlessly blending quality country music with beautifully crafted pop, but now "Red (Taylor's Version)" brings something that boring with nothing toStill trying to pass for the "Wrongful Girl", Taylor Swift once again brings an unnecessary remake of what is one of the best albums of her monotonous career. "Red" is a great album, and it worked really well in 2012 on its original release seamlessly blending quality country music with beautifully crafted pop, but now "Red (Taylor's Version)" brings something that boring with nothing to add and still wanting to appear that the author is not going through a good situation. Her great notable heartache is a matter of a few million dollars from her old record label, but in a process that was never fully explained, the princess girl with big blonde hair decided to go public and say that she was not satisfied with the proposal of her music catalog which is now with the past label, but we all know she has enough money to buy the label if she wanted to. But I'm not going to go into these monetary details... Unfortunately she will continue this wave of re-recording your albums with your own versions, just for the extra power, which was never taken from her hands. Expand
  17. Nov 20, 2021
    Puerile and overrated. It's a shame since most artists evolve with experience but Swift is embalmed in adolescence.
  18. Nov 24, 2021
    She needs to focus on creating new, more versatile music. She refuses to step out of her comfort zone so much that she need to re record her old music. I understand her vocal abilities are very limited, but creatively she’s stuck in the past, she’s no longer a teenager and all her music sounds the same.
  19. Nov 19, 2021
    Nothing much different from the first version, catchy tunes but a little bit basic. her best work still folklore
  20. Nov 17, 2021
    Very boring. Sounds like all her older albums. Vault tracks were nothing special.
  21. Nov 30, 2021
    This álbum is so Bad, i hate the sound and the topic, She always talk about her exes
  22. Dec 3, 2021
    Album of the year. A masterpiece. Much better than the original version. This is an amazing mix of songs that u can listen forever. And an amazing UP to Girl At Home.
  23. Mar 18, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. ma flop Expand
  24. Nov 12, 2021
    Tired. Juvinelle. Petty. Grow up. Evolve. Move on. This is an example of her one note ability to do little more than rewrite the same version of childish bitter prose - no one more vindicating than its former.
  25. Nov 12, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es un álbum repetitivo en cuanto a sonidos, podría haber sido mejor y con canciones más acordes !!!. Expand
  26. Nov 12, 2021
    Sin duda una porquería de álbum, como toda la discografía de Taymierda, se sabe que esta desesperada por comer y saca cada semana un álbum nuevo
  27. Mar 20, 2022
    Basura, taylor se quedó sin inspiración lanzando los mismos álbumes
  28. Mar 20, 2022
    te duermes en vivo, muy largo y aburrido.
    encima en ingles no se esta señora por que sigue haciendo musica
  29. Aug 22, 2022
    Just didn't like it. Always the same thing, like can she explore something else or just quit?
  30. h4n
    Jul 26, 2022
    Uninspired. Carried by a few features. All To Well wasnt original or revolutionary, it was self indulgent and cloying. Lyricism attempts grandeur but falls disappointingly flat in that it is more focused on flowery verbiage than it is on conceptual depth or value. Was already not a big fan of Taylors vocals but decided to give this a chance and wish i hadn't to be completely honest. VeryUninspired. Carried by a few features. All To Well wasnt original or revolutionary, it was self indulgent and cloying. Lyricism attempts grandeur but falls disappointingly flat in that it is more focused on flowery verbiage than it is on conceptual depth or value. Was already not a big fan of Taylors vocals but decided to give this a chance and wish i hadn't to be completely honest. Very standard tone, lacking character and inspiration. Expand
  31. Mar 20, 2022
    refracción y ley de y el parlante estaba por anotarme que no se yo también estoy con un mensaje al final no se puede hacer nada de nada que no se puede esperar hasta mañana
  32. Mar 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Absolutely overrated project with terrible re-recordings that sound even worse than they were in the original album. Ratings were definitely bloated for this one Expand
  33. Mar 18, 2022
    no he escuchado ni escucharé este álbum en la vida, pero este 0 se lo quiero dedicar a los granjeros en busca de empleo, de parte de un motopapi, un besazo
  34. Mar 19, 2022
    Me lo he escuchado con detenimiento y no entiendo muy bien tan buenas críticas que tiene, ha repetido la misma fórmula de siempre que ya nos tiene acostumbrados, 0 innovación.
  35. Mar 19, 2022
    I don't like the album, it's really boring and i don't understand the good reviews
  36. Mar 19, 2022
    Creo que hay muchos mejores discos para escuchar por ahí, nada nuevo en el panorama musical.
  37. Mar 19, 2022
    Realmente no me pareció muy buen álbum, para gustos colores, pero se me hizo largo y tedioso de escuchar.
  38. Mar 19, 2022
    This is so bland and boring. Fell asleep in the 1st minute. This is like licking concrete.
  39. Mar 19, 2022
    I'm not really impressed, always same kind of music, same rythms, same lyrics...
  40. Mar 20, 2022
    Creo que tiene talento, pero este álbum no merece para nada la pena la verdad.
  41. Mar 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Un álbum igual que el otro, sin ningún cambio que mejore al anterior, totalmente sobrevalorado Expand
  42. Mar 20, 2022
    Bueno… Taylor no canta mal es una gran artista pero te quedas como ¿ ya no tiene nada nuevo que ofrecer ?
  43. Mar 20, 2022
    Pues que saque otra vez lo mismo con algunas canciones nuevas pues ok, sin más Algunas están bien pero otras lo mismo de siempre
  44. Mar 21, 2022
    Pues na pa joderla un poco y que Rosalía la supere, que se lo merece más que la colega esta, que es muy pesa y siempre canta lo mismo
  45. Apr 22, 2022
    Very boring ………………………….
    …. But i don’t like it ……. Its sooo boring ….
  46. Aug 22, 2022
    Boring, overrated, and BAD !
    This album gets a lot of praise when it’s not even that good ! It has 30 tracks and every track was 4+ min long and included a 10min song which made it more boring than it already is! There is no vocal techniques no excitement it’s just as boring as the rest of her albums she should’ve just unrereleased it to save our ears and mental health
  47. Aug 14, 2022
    Very boring album, and the voice is not brilliant. She's so pitchy and off key live, I assume the amount of autotune used for this album is insane
  48. Sep 4, 2023
    Letras patéticas, clichés, estética asquerosa. Una falta de respeto a la música y composición. Desagradable.
  49. Nov 28, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Significado da palavra ruim:
    adj. (adjetivo)
    Mau ou perverso; que não possui nem expressa sentimentos bons; que pratica atos de maldade.
    De péssima qualidade: sapato ruim.
    Prejudicial; que ocasiona danos; em que há prejuízos: colheita ruim.
    Estragado; que não pode ser consumido; cujo gosto não é bom: a fruta madura está ruim.
    Cujo funcionamento está prejudicado; que não funciona corretamente.
    Inadequado; que não alcança os efeitos esperados: medicamento ruim.
    Desagradável; que causa uma sensação de descontentamento; que não é agradável: filme ruim; cheiro ruim.
    (Etm. do latim: ruinu)
  50. Jan 13, 2023
    Terrible productions
    Mediocre lyrics Lackluster vocals White mediocrity at it's best
  51. Mar 17, 2023
    Horrible album and PIECE OF TRASH. Boring as all the other ones, terrible production, not a single good vocal in this entire album nor her others. She should’ve kept this in the drafts. Shouldn’t have dated 20 different men and minors. Horrible ped0 woman.
  52. Aug 6, 2023
    We're talking of one of the worst abominations known to the human species. That's one of the most repetitive and meaningful lyrics lacking albums. But, since we're talking about a Taylor Swift creation, we could 've expected that.
  53. Jul 16, 2023
    How can you even like this project. Straight **** please stop making music taylor
  54. Jul 13, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Me gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el Motorola G52, para ser exactos. Aunque mientras hacía el proceso de compra, no supe exactamente que se debe hacer para lograr comprar los celulares en cuotas, y si bien investigué un poco, la información no me llevó a ninguna solMe gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el MMe gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el Motorola G52, para ser exactos. Aunque mientras hacía el proceso de compra, no supe exactamente que se debe hacer para lograr comprar los celulares en cuotas, y si bien investigué un poco, la información no me llevó a ninguna solución.otorola G52, para ser exactos. Aunque mientras hacía el proceso de compra, no supe exactamente queMe gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el Motorola G52, para ser exactos. Aunque mMe gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el Motorola G52, para ser exactos. Aunque mientras hacía el proceso de compra, no supe exactamente que se debe hacer para lograr comprar los celulares en cuotas, y si bien investigué un poco, la información no me llevó a ninguna solMe gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el MMe gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el Motorola G52, para ser exactos. Aunque mientras hacía el proceso de compra, no supe exactamente que se debe hacer para lograr comprar los celulares en cuotas, y si bien investigué un poco, la información no me llevó a ninguna solución.otorola G52, para ser exactos. Aunque mientras hacía el proceso de compra, no supe exactamente queMe gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el Motorola G52, para ser exactos. Aunque mientras hacía el proceso de compra, no supe exaMe gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el Motorola G52, para ser exactos. Aunque mientras hacía el proceso de compra, no supe exactamente que se debe hacer para lograr comprar los celulares en cuotas, y si bien investigué un poco, la información no me llevó a ninguna solMe gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el MMe gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el Motorola G52, para ser exactos. Aunque mientras hacía el proceso de compra, no supe exactamente que se debe hacer para lograr comprar los celulares en cuotas, y si bien investigué un poco, la información no me llevó a ninguna solución.otorola G52, para ser exactos. Aunque mientras hacía el proceso de compra, no supe exactamente queMe gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el Motorola G52, para ser exactos. Aunque mientras hacía el proceso de compra, no supe exactamente que se debe hacer para lograr comprar los celulares en cuotas, y si bien investigué un poco, la información no me llevó a ninguna solución. se debe hace r para lograr comprar los celulares en cuotas, y si bien investigué un poco, la información no me llevó a ninguna solución.ución.ctaMe gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el Motorola G52, para ser exactos. Aunque mientras hacía el proceso de compra, no supe exactamente que se debe hacer para lograr comprar los celulares en cuotas, y si bien investigué un poco, la información no me llevó a ninguna solMe gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el MMe gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el Motorola G52, para ser exactos. Aunque mientras hacía el proceso de compra, no supe exactamente que se debe hacer para lograr comprar los celulares en cuotas, y si bien investigué un poco, la información no me llevó a ninguna solución.otorola G52, para ser exactos. Aunque mientras hacía el proceso de compra, no supe exactamente queMe gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el Motorola G52, para ser exactos. Aunque mMe gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el Motorola G52, para ser exactos. Aunque mientras hacía el proceso de compra, no supe exactamente que se debe hacer para lograr comprar los celulares en cuotas, y si bien investigué un poco, la información no me llevó a ninguna solMe gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el MMe gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el Motorola G52, para ser exactos. Aunque mientras hacía el proceso de compra, no supe exactamente que se debe hacer para lograr comprar los celulares en cuotas, y si bien investigué un poco, la información no me llevó a ninguna solución.otorola G52, para ser exactos. Aunque mientras hacía el proceso de compra, no supe exactamente queMe gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el Motorola G52, para ser exactos. Aunque mientras hacía el proceso de compra, no supMe gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el Motorola G52, para ser exactos. Aunque mientras hacía el proceso de compra, no supe exactamente que se debe hacer para lograr comprar los celulares en cuotas, y si bien investigué un poco, la información no me llevó a ninguna solMe gustaría poder adquirir un celular de su tienda, el Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 16
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 16
  3. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Dec 16, 2021
    Swift lays the groundwork of her songs with good chords in Red (Taylor’s Version), but she also enhances the songs’ power with catchy lyrics and melodies (“You fooound me / You fooound me / You fooound me-e-e-e-“).
  2. Dec 2, 2021
    Truth is that this is now the definitive version of Red. It may also ensure that the good old boys who casually sold her music, seemingly out of a mixture of greed and spite, won’t get one red cent from Red, and it proves you can take a masterpiece and make it sound even better.
  3. Nov 19, 2021
    The highlight of these is a ten-minute version of "All Too Well," a bitter ballad that was already one of the peaks of Red and is now turned into an epic kiss-off. This, along with excavated songs, are reason enough for Swift to revisit Red and they, not the re-recordings, are the reason to return to Red [Taylor's Version].