• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Jun 24, 2014
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 37 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 37
  2. Negative: 9 out of 37
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  1. Jun 24, 2014
    Riff Raff's ability to take his style and make it entertaining, stylish, and hilarious is what makes this album great. It's a must listen because before each song you just don't know what he's going to say next.
  2. Aug 26, 2014
    Riff Raff is so versatile and his new age, almost futuristic sound is hypnotic. I bought this album the morning it dropped and it has yet to become old to me.
  3. Jun 24, 2014
    An absolutely astounding release. Riff's flow is a psychedelic Lisa Frank 90's neon haze of imagery, and every song is produced immaculately. It reminds me of the best of Big Boi and Kool Keith/Ultramagentic MC's. Diplo bet large on Riff Raff, and this album shows that bet paying off in spades.
  4. Jun 24, 2014
    This album showcases Riff Raff's various talents in a playful manner that can be enjoyed by rap fans and non rap fans alike. The introduction perfectly captures his randomness and carefree attitude as he raps over the entire track, while other tracks have more radio friendly hooks accompanied by memorable verses from Riff as well as his rapping cohorts (Gambino, Mac Miller, Slim Thug, Paul Wall).
  5. Aug 20, 2014
    As a whole, this one is very impressive to me. I always wrote off Riff Raff as being terrible, but I was very wrong. While this album is not amazing, it certainly has some very high highs to go with its few low lows. Tracks like "Tip Toe Wing in My Jawwdinz", "Aquaberry Dolphin", and "Versace Python", are some major standout tracks that showcase everything that make him so likable;As a whole, this one is very impressive to me. I always wrote off Riff Raff as being terrible, but I was very wrong. While this album is not amazing, it certainly has some very high highs to go with its few low lows. Tracks like "Tip Toe Wing in My Jawwdinz", "Aquaberry Dolphin", and "Versace Python", are some major standout tracks that showcase everything that make him so likable; enjoyable verses, great flow, great delivery, and great beats. "How to Be the Man" is another example of that and I am usually not a fan of including remixes on the standard edition, but the inclusion here is a solid one as the remix is different enough to make it feel like a new track. However, there are some lows here, such as "Time" and "VIP Pass to My Heart". They are not completely horrible, but they are far and away the worst tracks on this album that is otherwise very solid. While Neon Icon is certainly not an example of music as an art, it is a great example of music as entertainment and how far flow, delivery, and beats, can go for you. Expand
  6. Jun 28, 2014
    In one of the most innovative hip-hop albums, "Jody Highroller" brings us into a all-new sound that he's never done before. This album has a song for everyone, even if not a fan of hip-hop music. It has lots of diversity including some country/pop themes that are present in some songs. His flow couldn't be any better, with some slick rhymes RiFF RAFF brings us his best work yet. This isIn one of the most innovative hip-hop albums, "Jody Highroller" brings us into a all-new sound that he's never done before. This album has a song for everyone, even if not a fan of hip-hop music. It has lots of diversity including some country/pop themes that are present in some songs. His flow couldn't be any better, with some slick rhymes RiFF RAFF brings us his best work yet. This is truly just a introduction of the iCON and I am sure we will see lots more of Riff in the future. Overall this album is a must-hear, and will be the most fun/wackiest album of 2014. Expand
  7. Jul 19, 2014
    Neon Icon is the 2014 young adult. RiFF RAFF may as well change his name to Society and change this album's title to 2014. The album is filled with cocaine (and other drugs), Jordan's, braggadocio, heartbreak, and the popular musical genres right now (pop, rap, country, and EDM). As only a fellow young person could understand, this album perfectly captures the imperfect,Neon Icon is the 2014 young adult. RiFF RAFF may as well change his name to Society and change this album's title to 2014. The album is filled with cocaine (and other drugs), Jordan's, braggadocio, heartbreak, and the popular musical genres right now (pop, rap, country, and EDM). As only a fellow young person could understand, this album perfectly captures the imperfect, sudo-introspective, drug-filled, and bewildering globalized world high school and college students are experiencing right now. Don't get me wrong, as a rap lover I know RiFF RAFF is not a traditionally talented hip hop artist. I truly understand where people are coming from when they say he's "not a good rapper." But like other experimental artists before him such as Childish Gambino and, recently, Kid Cudi, the fact that critics and traditionalists don't like their music does not mean their albums aren't important and culturally significant.
    The best critic review I've seen states "Neon Icon is either the greatest social commentary on 21st century music, a moderately funny joke or a terrible hip-hop album." He's right. Neon Icon truly is one of the greatest musical snapshots of society and current music that has ever been, for better or probably worse. As one of the rare people who was aware of RiFF before this album, I know that the album is a combination of those three things. He knows exactly what he's doing when he makes music like this, it all indeed seems like a fun joke at times to him, and Neon Icon is definitely a "terrible hip-hop album" (as Gambino's last album was as well) if you wall off every album to one genre. It's a creative stroke of genius, and yes it's meant to piss off traditionalists.
    Neon Icon is creative, clever, and entertaining. And RiFF RAFF, while purposefully not having traditionally "good" lyrics, does have a good flow. NOTE: If you don't think RiFF is capable of rapping traditionally, listen to his second verse on the Houston Remix of "How to be the Man" where he raps slower and without his signature higher-pitched, rapid style.
    Despite all of this, this picture of society encompasses the good and bad. There are certain songs (Maybe You Love Me and Time) where it's almost painful to continue listening.
    Other than these weak spots, Neon Icon is a standout album and a must-listen.
    Drugs, Jordans, club bangers, heartbreak, and more drugs: this is 2014. ~ 7.8/10
  8. Jul 7, 2014
    I was very pleased with album. It really was a Versace adventure all the way through. While it isn't a classic in the sense that Illmatic or Slim Shady LP was, it is a classic because it is so darn fun to listen to. He excels at rapping over a rock beat, a trap beat and even a country beat. And people say he is just a joke rapper. He proved that he was a real boy with this album, whichI was very pleased with album. It really was a Versace adventure all the way through. While it isn't a classic in the sense that Illmatic or Slim Shady LP was, it is a classic because it is so darn fun to listen to. He excels at rapping over a rock beat, a trap beat and even a country beat. And people say he is just a joke rapper. He proved that he was a real boy with this album, which will almost certainly be the most fun album of the summer. Expand
  9. Sep 18, 2014
    I really liked this album. Riff Raff isn't trying to be serious and that needs to be taken into consideratiom when giving this a listen. It has some really catchy songs and overall is a very good album. If you have a decent system in your vehicle you can really jam out. It is cheap and worth your time!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 14
  2. Negative: 2 out of 14
  1. Jul 17, 2014
    The bottom line is that you walk away with a pretty solid collection and the realization that RiFF RaFF probably isn’t going to fade away.
  2. 80
    Riff’s lyricism, rightfully lionized for its eccentricity and boundary pushing--Riff Raff, along with rappers like Heems and Kool A.D., extend the idea of rapping as abstract expressionists did painting--is not so often hailed for its dexterity, which Neon Icon demonstrates in its barbed hooks, lackadaisical lopes, professional wrestler entering the ring peacocking.
  3. Jul 9, 2014
    There are punk, country and EDM experiments that sound like Nineties novelty act the Bloodhound Gang without the jokes.