
Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. At her best--which must not come easy, or they'd release more and more consistent albums--Rennie Sparks is a great American realist.
  2. Uncut
    An unqualified triumph. [Jun 2006, p.122]
  3. Although their entire catalog this far is remarkably solid, Last Days of Wonder probably one-ups its predecessors as a consistent band’s most consistent album.
  4. Songs of weirdness and wonder, set in a half wild, half urban, entirely mysterious place where trees that grow in small squares of dirt hide man-eating boars.
  5. Mojo
    Last Days Of Wonder is rich in history and nature imagery, yet the couple are equally obsessed with modern life. [Jul 2006, p.101]
  6. The Wire
    There's such a freshness to Brett Sparks's music that few comparisons can be made. [#269, p.42]
  7. Last Days of Wonder finds the Handsome Family hitting a comfortable stride.
  8. If the lyrics weren’t so surreal, you could imagine yourself dining with George and Tammy before a Grand Ole Opry performance.
  9. Blender
    The Sparks' performances are so understated, their arrangements so mechanically soothing, that it's easy to miss Rennie's brutal, elegant twists on folk cliches. [Jul 2006, p.99]
  10. The layered caramel of [Brett's] voice stays thick from track to track, but finally, it's Rennie's poetry that gives Last Days Of Wonder its legs.
  11. Alternative Press
    Transcend[s] the alt-country tag. [Aug 2006, p.206]
  12. It's still better than most of the records that have come out this year; it's just that the Sparks family has set such a high precedent that even slight missteps are bound to disappoint.
  13. Paste Magazine
    What's new is the sense of glory that pervades the madness. [Aug 2006, p.94]
  14. An uneven album that unfortunately contains several such missed opportunities.
  15. One can't help but think that just a little bit more spice might have elevated all of these beautiful ideas out of the trappings of their now painfully insular song structures.
  16. It's easy enough to listen to the album as a whole, but roughly a third of the songs are clunkers.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 5 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 1 out of 5
  1. CarlB
    Jul 31, 2007
    This album is a classic, cold surreal lyrics dilivered with warmth and wit. Before this album, I hated anything country, after I am a true This album is a classic, cold surreal lyrics dilivered with warmth and wit. Before this album, I hated anything country, after I am a true convert. Roll out the back catalogue...... Full Review »
  2. MattL
    Jun 11, 2007
    A truly amazing piece of Americana. One of the best albums to come out in years with wonderfully wacky lyrics and beautiful vocalization via A truly amazing piece of Americana. One of the best albums to come out in years with wonderfully wacky lyrics and beautiful vocalization via Brett Sparks. It doesn't get much better than this! Full Review »
  3. EricS
    Jul 11, 2006
    Their best album yet! Rennie Sparks has a wonderfully skewed take on modern life.