
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. Jimmy Eat World have not just changed the game - they continue to reinvent and redevelop it entirely, each and every time.
  2. Invented is less a return to form than a compendium of what Jimmy Eat World does so well.
  3. 'Coffee And Cigarettes' and the title track slowly uncurl themselves over the course of a few days and before you know it, it feels like Jimmy Eat World never went away.
  4. Seven albums in, Jimmy Eat World are still going strong, and Invented is an enjoyable record. But it also fails to dispel the concern that the band's well of ideas is about to run dry.
  5. Kerrang!
    Invented is a return to the creative peaks of yore. It's a record rich with twinkling sonic subtleties, timeless melodies and characteristically layered, epic tunes. [25 Sep 2010, p.52]
  6. Alternative Press
    The first six songs include plodding modern rock that sounds like the Offspring's "Gone Away," an attempt at dark disco with clumsy lyrics and cheeseball pop. But if you stick it out, you'll be rewarded: Invented's second half features gorgeous "Littlething," Adkins' top-notch duet with Rachel Haden and Linton's punchy "Action Needs An Ambulance." [Oct 2010, p.112]
  7. If the band is in danger of anything at this point in their career, it may only be that by now they pull off this sound a little too effortlessly, leaving a noticeable lack of tension or novelty at the center.
  8. Invented reins in Jimmy Eat World after Chase This Light. It still possesses the same inviting, feel-good sentiment, but it's expressed more personably, and in this regard it makes for a very rewarding listen.
  9. 62
    Invented finds the foursome loosely hanging on to the punk-emo sound of its early years, and the same melodically catchy, lyrically emotive song craft encapsulates Jimmy Eat World 2.0--even if it's now flavored with the sweetness of bubblegum.
  10. 60
    Hip-hop-style braggadocio doesn't quite jibe with the band's relentlessly earnest outlook, which comes packaged here in songs no less hooky or propulsive than usual. It might have provided a jolt of excitement, though; even the amped-up standouts (like "Coffee and Cigarettes") are beginning to feel a bit by the numbers.
  11. Q Magazine
    With singer Jim Adkin's genuinely inspiring vocals and thoughtful lyrics separating them from the herd, there's much more life here than might have been expected. [Nov. 2010, p. 111]
  12. Oct 22, 2010
    The reality is that it's more complicated than simply saying I preferred their early stuff, because all bands have to change. The fact is though, it's impossible to forget that Jimmy Eat World can, and have, done so much better.
  13. Invented doesn't entirely lose those attributes that make Jimmy Eat World such a doggedly likable band, but it struggles to know what happens when emo kids get over it.
  14. Invented, as tuneful as it may be, still plays an odd role in Jimmy Eat World's discography, since it can't quite figure out how to transcend a genre -- one that Jimmy Eat World helped invent, no less -- that exclusively caters to younger listeners.
  15. Ultimately, while Jimmy Eat World doesn't exactly break new ground on Invented, they have proven to be a band continually willing to challenge themselves while delivering the same sonic push and pull their fans expect.
  16. 40
    If there's one thing that this Arizonan four-piece have been masters of since their inception in the early '90s, it's consistently possessing the over-bearing sentimentality of a teenage girl. Their seventh studio album certainly doesn't veer very far from their past emotional sensibilities.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 21 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 21
  2. Negative: 2 out of 21
  1. Aug 30, 2011
    This album is one the VERY few albums I can listen to straight through multiple times and not get bored. Every song is pure gold to me. I likeThis album is one the VERY few albums I can listen to straight through multiple times and not get bored. Every song is pure gold to me. I like the mix of soft rock and rock and I always love Jimmy's epic 7 minute songs, they are my favorite. They are my favorite band and this album just reinforces that position. Full Review »
  2. Oct 28, 2010
    First off, a disclaimer. I do like this album. I really do, and I've always thought Jimmy Eat World was one of the best pop rock bandsFirst off, a disclaimer. I do like this album. I really do, and I've always thought Jimmy Eat World was one of the best pop rock bands around. But something about this one seems a bit weak. Although every Jimmy Eat World album has songs I like a bit less than the others, this one seems to be a compendium of those kinds of songs. The musicianship on this album isn't as tight as I would have liked, and there are no "fun" songs make up for it. "My Best Theory," "Mixtape," and "Higher Devotion" are highlights. The album is just good enough to make me hope they come out with something better next time. Full Review »
  3. Oct 20, 2010
    Not a terrible album. It doesn't even come close to measuring up to their previous works such as clarity and bleed american. I don't know whatNot a terrible album. It doesn't even come close to measuring up to their previous works such as clarity and bleed american. I don't know what happened to Jim's voice, i don't like it. The lyrics in this album are very good though. Instrumentals are also good its just Jim's voice. I love Jim he's a genius but i want his old voice back Full Review »