
Generally favorable reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 29
  2. Negative: 0 out of 29
  1. The Dears have never sounded so comfortable in their own skin.
  2. For the first time, the cantankerous Lightburn matches his lyrics--from rapture to self-exploration to joy both lived and missed--perfectly with the music, which nods to Britpop but never succumbs to any genre trappings.
  3. Uncut
    This... is still very much a Dears record: confused and unfocused, a messy kind of masterpiece. [Sep 2006, p.90]
  4. A haunting disc that lingers long after the laser dies.
  5. The Dears stamp enough of their own personality to make this one of the best and most vital alternative US albums of 2006.
  6. The Dears sound like a band who have finessed their vision and are ready, finally, to take on the world.
  7. In the end, what makes the Dears a cut above, a band that deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as its Canadian indie compatriots the New Pornographers or Broken Social Scene, is the voice of Lightburn.
  8. Under The Radar
    Lightburn’s tendency toward over-the-top melodrama has evolved into straightforward and heartfelt lyrics of love and loss. [Summer 2006]
  9. Vibe
    Excellent. [Oct 2006, p.142]
  10. Mojo
    Inventive, shape-shifting arrangements always go the extra mile. [Oct 2006, p.112]
  11. Spin
    Gang of Losers leaves behind the preciousness of 2003's delicate No Cities Left. [Oct 2006, p.105]
  12. They're a little less baroque, they're a little less depressing... but they're just as emotional and affecting, which makes Gang of Losers very good indeed.
  13. Urb
    Expect to see this album on 2006 Top 10 lists. [Oct 2006, p.118]
  14. One of the year's more understated and beautifully paranoid gems.
  15. The real difference between this album and past Dears efforts, though, is not so much musical directness as Lightburn's lyrical attempts to become the spokesman for the dispossessed.
  16. Alternative Press
    Here's the thing about originality... You don't really need it when you play this proficiently. [Dec 2006, p.188]
  17. Filter
    When the band shines, it reaches stunning heights. [#22, p.102]
  18. The overall tone of the album isn't entirely dark and hopeless, although Lightburn fails to leave us with any specific resolve, instead content for some questions to remain unanswered.
  19. Strangely, what the sloppier approach really does is highlight bandleader Murray Lightburn's wondrous voice.
  20. The band is, if anything, more confident than ever, but the sound's grandiosity too easily verges on melodrama, a too-bold-to-be-believable misery.
  21. The Dears are now less idiosyncratic but have successfully made the kind of straightforwardly satisfying album that you'd expect from a band on their second decade.
  22. The Dears' biggest coup with Gang Of Losers, though, is Lightburn's newfound ability to express his own sturm und drang through varied delivery rather than just a bloodcurdling caterwaul.
  23. Q Magazine
    Precisely assembled, melodic songs that shiver with emotion. [Sep 2006, p.107]
  24. Blender
    Though less indebted to the Smiths... these tidally anthemic doom-ditties still manage to sound more dire. [Oct 2006, p.135]
  25. So, no, this isn't the sound of The Dears taking it to the next level, but the level they're on is still pretty solid.
  26. The Dears really do sound a lot like late-'90s Blur.
  27. Paste Magazine
    It's the band's fussiest, most elaborately conceived work to date. [Nov 2006, p.83]
  28. A much more mediocre, boring, phoned-in, lyrically tripe-y batch of tip-toeing Brit-pop snooze-o-rama-fests.
  29. Shorn of the orchestral lushness that distinguished their previous effort, The Dears now have little to recommend them.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 23 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Cat
    Aug 11, 2007
    Truly emotional and powerful stuff from this talented band. This was the best album of 06.
  2. BlakeL
    Aug 11, 2007
    Great, great album.
  3. YannickW
    Jun 21, 2007
    a ultra melodic record, smooth yet crunchy at times with beautiful vocals and rich sounds. different from their previous release but still a ultra melodic record, smooth yet crunchy at times with beautiful vocals and rich sounds. different from their previous release but still fully fullfilling. a great record by a great band Full Review »