
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Breaking Kayfabe is a record that demands and deserves undivided attention, its creator fashioning a brain-searing patchwork of ragged rap, electronic flourishes and truncated rhythms.
  2. Breaking Kayfabe is a cohesive set of songs, backpacker in the best of senses, smart and witty and provocative, experimental and well-produced, but at the same time very raw and very real-sounding.
  3. His vivid, scattershot rhymes are clever without being cryptic, and his techno-tinged beats never veer off into tuneless arhythmia.
  4. Pemberton’s crafted a uniquely engaging sonic statement that stands on its own legs.
  5. Breaking Kaytabe is without a doubt one of the most impressive releases you'll hear all year, regardless of genre.
  6. Raised in a library of music and having already dissected his influences, Rollie takes confident first steps as Cadence Weapon.
  7. Uncut
    A dense and abrasive record of astonishing precocity, which, if it has a fault, is only that it occasionally offers brute intensity in excess of the impact Pemberton's razor-sharp verses. [Oct 2008, p.87]
  8. Too exciting for the underground (maybe), too weird for the overground (hopefully not), he deserves to be heard by both.
  9. Q Magazine
    This superior debut from Alberta rapper Roland Pemberton cuts adroitly from Oliver Square's booty shaking electro to the spare funk of Black Hand. [Oct 2007, p.101]

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