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Universal acclaim- based on 215 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 14 out of 215

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  1. FanMorgan
    Jul 9, 2002
    Jesus, I've had this album for a few months now. I don't usually write this kind of thing. Perfect. Like nothing else in the world. Indescribable.
  2. BobR
    Jun 29, 2007
    Gah... this album's making me stay up late - -;;;... but yeah, it's awesome stuff... Catches your attention right from Svefn-g-Englar. Recommended for Radiohead fans. Now i'm attempting to sing along :(..
  3. TrevorT.
    Oct 21, 2001
    Absolutely mesmerising. You will stop what you're doing and listen. You have no choice.
  4. Aug 22, 2010
    im glad it was given the reviews it deserves. definitely one of my top 5 favorite albums of all time
  5. Jun 18, 2012
    Since 'Svefn-g-englar' to 'Avalon', these masters of post-rock can express hundreds of emotions every second of his songs, and although in some songs the words are incomprehensible due to its pronounce in Vonlenska, the musical and expressive quality of this album make it a work that should be heard by all people.
  6. Jun 28, 2013
    This is an amazing album. The intro and the closer (Avalon) are excess fat but the meat in the middle is something to sink your teeth into. It is an experience unlike any other.

    If you are a fan of the 3 minute 30 second crafted pop song this probably isn't the thing your looking for. Possible turn offs for some people may be the voice of Jonsi and the "on the surface" plodding these
    This is an amazing album. The intro and the closer (Avalon) are excess fat but the meat in the middle is something to sink your teeth into. It is an experience unlike any other.

    If you are a fan of the 3 minute 30 second crafted pop song this probably isn't the thing your looking for.

    Possible turn offs for some people may be the voice of Jonsi and the "on the surface" plodding these songs can seem like they are doing if you aren't looking for subtle changes and shifts.

    One of my all time favorite albums
  7. Mar 23, 2016
    Probably the best album to ever be recorded. Stunning instrumentation, great vocals, songs that stick with you for the rest of your life and will make you wonder what else mankind can achieve.
  8. May 1, 2017
    Seeing this name and the legendary album cover makes me just forget everything, start playing Svefn-g-englar and go on a journey that spans 70 minutes.

    A mesmerising experience.
  9. TimE
    Nov 8, 2005
    Not as good as their mastepiece Takk!!
  10. JohnF
    Jan 7, 2005
    The first album i've ever listened to, that made me realise maybe music wasn't just entertainment, maybe there was something more at work. This album changed my life!
  11. Mikeh
    Dec 30, 2006
    this is a ridiculously good album. anyone looking for a breath taking direction on rock and shoegaze need look no further, sigur ros have forged one of the most beautiful sounds in modern music history, and even though it feels pretentious to say that, one listen of Svefn-G-Englar justifies any foolish overblown statements. definitely one of my favorite albums of this decade so far.
  12. JuliaA
    Aug 20, 2006
    a good beginning it is...Jonsi,Georg,Kjartan,and Orri are really talented musicians.for some people they might sounded boring,but as for those who love them or trying to,each song got such a revelation of enlightenment.'Flugufrelsarinn' and 'Ny Batteri' are just two of their best cuts
  13. EricH.
    Jan 26, 2002
    I want to say this is embarassing spacey emotional post-shoegazer crap - but then for some reason I get embarassingly emotional everytime I listen to it. I don't know if it's Sigur Ros or my fault.
  14. TylerB.
    May 11, 2002
    i love this album! any idiot would know that this is a must have.
  15. FabioC.
    Sep 5, 2002
    this cd will bring you to outer space, which is, you will discover, an extremely cold place. this record brings you to a white, good feeling. track four and six are unbelievable, they seem to have been made by the instruments themselves, and not by 20years old guys. experimental and simple as a kiss between boys in an open square. great.
  16. JasonL
    Sep 8, 2002
    Myself being an american, I could never imagine anything this amazingly original and breathtaking ever coming from the U.S. Astonishing!
  17. tato
    Jul 30, 2005
  18. matta
    Aug 11, 2005
    Great, but I agree with the reviews that say that there is, at times, overkill with the sonic, spacey electronics, etc. That is really the only thing keeping this from being a true masterpiece. As it is though, 90%(hence the 9) is gorgeous.
  19. TalkingHead
    Sep 16, 2005
    I HATE IT! I just can't stop listening to it!
  20. PatrickO
    May 10, 2006
    Spellbinding emotion.
    Jun 2, 2006
    better than anyone on this music style, this cant be compared with radiohead this is pure!!!
  22. FredS.
    May 22, 2001
    This is a briliant album. Beautiful with unintelligble lyrics and shockingly good instumentation lending to undefinable mood music.
  23. SebastianS.
    Jul 25, 2001
    If only you could pronounce the title, you'd tell everyone you know to buy this album now. An uncommonly excellent recording.
  24. JakeM.
    Sep 12, 2001
    This album is a stunning counterpart to its 10 year elder MBV's Loveless. Refined, beautiful, and thoroughly inventive.
  25. JeremyG
    Jan 10, 2004
    This album, more than any other, will evoke spontaneous bursts of emotion in me. For example, I'll just break out in goosebumps at one point, or laugh aloud at another. Not to sound *too* stoner-turned-music-critic... but sometimes it feels very much *above* music. I love wading through it.
  26. JohnM
    Jan 7, 2004
    One of those albums where you remember exactly where you were and what you were doing the first time you heard it. Quite astonishing.
  27. RobertD
    Nov 13, 2005
    There are no exceptions, Sigur Rós' "Àgætis Byrjun" is unlike anything I have ever heard before: it is beautiful, mystical, sensetive and down right excellent! There's noe one like Sigur Rós.
  28. NunoA
    Oct 13, 2005
    Dazzling. Perfect for soundtracking a stary night at the seaside.
  29. JoshuaS.
    Oct 21, 2007
    First of all, if you find Radiohead dull, and any song longer than seven minutes long; you aren't gonna like this. Also, if you are a Blink-182 obsessive or a Metallica worshiper or a casual fan of Drop Dead Gorgeous, Enter Shikari and the like, you won't like this album. sorry, but this music is more than "tunes"'s multi-dimensional, and I guess some people just First of all, if you find Radiohead dull, and any song longer than seven minutes long; you aren't gonna like this. Also, if you are a Blink-182 obsessive or a Metallica worshiper or a casual fan of Drop Dead Gorgeous, Enter Shikari and the like, you won't like this album. sorry, but this music is more than "tunes"'s multi-dimensional, and I guess some people just won't ever get it. Expand
  30. DevynM
    Apr 11, 2007
    this is one of my favorite and probablly will always be because of its beauty and original sound that sigur ros created. The use of the bow makes this album so much different then von or () because of its mellow and sleek noise it gives off. This album deserves its rating
  31. aldom
    Oct 12, 2005
    so much depends in your status of "ego or humor" but however it´s kind a dramatic and pured emotions are discribe in this album.. pretty cool. i love it!
  32. SamF
    Jul 27, 2005
    A stunning, beautiful fusion of electronica, orchestral, rock and raw emotional singing. Highly recommended for anyone who loves music.
  33. KrisS
    Dec 31, 2006
    To all who posted "0"s, NO, Nickelback is NOT the greatest band in the world... XP~
  34. tbmurphy
    Feb 13, 2006
    Viõrar Vel Til Loftárasa is beautiful beyond words.
  35. TomB
    Apr 22, 2006
    Life changing
  36. mr.hankey
    May 12, 2006
    This is by far Sigur Ros' best record. It is inspiring, optimistic, pessimistic and most of all beautiful. Reaching at great lengths to draw you in with it lush sound Agaetis Byrjun is a masterpiece that is already an ambient classic. A dreamy soundscape is thrown into you and the first mental objective you have is to fall asleep because the music has so much potential and it delivers it.
  37. JimmyH.
    Dec 11, 2007
    truly moving album, it evokes sonic textures that leave impressions in you mind that will have these songs ringing through your ears for weeks, perhaps months after listening. Flawless except for the Overdrawn Ny Batteri, if it didn't take so long to get to anything good in that song then this entire album would be perfection. a must buy.
  38. dna13
    Apr 16, 2007
    Beautiful and ancient. New and utterly original. Trippy and grounded. Of this world and another...... This music is oxymoronic in more ways than a critique could ever validate.
  39. Jun 16, 2011
    Complete and utterly sublime from beginning to end. No other band can capture an atmospheric, mesmerizing, haunting yet beautiful sound like Sigur Ros has done with this album. It's not an easy listen but to the most patient, it is one of the most unique musical experiences you will ever have.
  40. Oct 21, 2011
    I think that many people may wonder how come a band from Iceland singing in Icelandic, a language that about 300.000 people around the world speak, instead of singing in English, the lingua franca of music nowadays, and made such a breakthrough in countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom. This album answers how they have done it. It is perhaps one of the greatest musicI think that many people may wonder how come a band from Iceland singing in Icelandic, a language that about 300.000 people around the world speak, instead of singing in English, the lingua franca of music nowadays, and made such a breakthrough in countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom. This album answers how they have done it. It is perhaps one of the greatest music albums that have been released in the last 15 years. Expand
  41. May 6, 2011
    It's scary how drawn you get to the music. The enchanting feel of the strings along with Jonsi's eerie falsetto creates a musical beauty that will be near impossible for other bands to attempt. If you liked Kid A or Since I Left You, or In Rainbows this album is for you.
  42. Jun 22, 2011
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Definitivamente el mejor álbum de su tiempo. Los sonidos tan extravagantes y bizarros en algunas de sus canciones es encantador. Este es el verdadero arte. Expand
  43. Mar 18, 2012
    Although Sigur Rós isn't for those who is accustomed to popular radio stations, their second studio album Ã
  44. Dec 6, 2012
    Brilliant! Even if you don't look at the English translations, you get touched by this album so hard. Sigur Rós is one of the best music groups of all time and they show it off with this fantastic CD. It's like an independent movie that gets all of your attention because it's so inexplicably ingenious. Not every song itself gets a top rating (actually, only 3 of them) but the wholeBrilliant! Even if you don't look at the English translations, you get touched by this album so hard. Sigur Rós is one of the best music groups of all time and they show it off with this fantastic CD. It's like an independent movie that gets all of your attention because it's so inexplicably ingenious. Not every song itself gets a top rating (actually, only 3 of them) but the whole release is magnificient! Expand
  45. Jan 26, 2014
    One of the most beautiful experiences you can have with music. Definetely a recomendation. (Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd is another good one) ,
  46. Mar 12, 2015
    An epic, beautifully made post-rock album filled with a psychedelic tone and an unique way of presenting it to you. Most of the tracks are really mind-blowing and relaxing to hear. If you are a post-rock fan, check it out
  47. Jan 9, 2015
    Es una colección de canciones compuesta por canciones que te brindarán un momento jovial, relajante y un ambiente en la que, en su especialidad, no es de sorprender del post-rock, y más de estos grandes exponentes.
  48. May 8, 2022
    Cold,brittle and moving this record is a rewarding experience with no comparison. It's hard to pin down exactly why it it works so well but it does.

Universal acclaim - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 14
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 14
  3. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. They evoke folks as diverse as Led Zeppelin and My Bloody Valentine, but the gently woozy Sigur Ros don't sound like anything or anyone else so much as a classic-rock band bewitched by white magic.
  2. Waves of unidentifiable noise, dulcet vibraphone pulses and singer/guitarist Jonsi's ethereal singing (more like some ghostly instrument than any conventional vocal, borne out by Jonsi's fictional 'language', Hopelandish, which he often sings in) mesh to create an elegant, grand music that's equally ambient and epic.
  3. Each song drifts in and out of focus like snatches of street noise on a half-awake Sunday morning - no need to get up, just lie there and listen quietly.