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1973-1980 Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: The album collects some of the last recordings from the Senegalese artist when he was in the Black And White Band as well as working with Orchestre Massako.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Jul 15, 2015
    It’s a spellbinding portal into a horrific cultural experience that continues to burn and radiate spiritual sustenance to the world.
  2. Jul 15, 2015
    1973-1980 is a fitting, touching and extensive tribute to one of Africa's greatest musicians.
  3. Jul 15, 2015
    With nary a filler in sight, it’s an exquisite, richly evocative listen infused with the very smoke and steamy atmosphere of its natural nightclub habitat.
  4. Q Magazine
    Jul 17, 2015
    The melting-pot approach, amplified by Toure's raw, yearning vocals, is what makes these 10 tracks so tantalising and evocative. [Jul 2015, p.119]
  5. Jul 15, 2015
    As catchy as the Black and White singles are, they feel almost embarrassingly timid next to the four vibrant songs recorded with Orchestre Massako.
  6. The Wire
    Jul 27, 2015
    Toure's tone is richly sonorous, his vocal strength such that he actually buttresses and strengthens the tracks... It's a great shame that the sound quality falters on the later tracks. [Jul 2015, p.58]
  7. Mojo
    Aug 4, 2015
    Baobab fans will love this, though the Massako tracks have audible distortion. [Sep 2015, p.101]