Description: Two soulmates live in a fairytale world. But when evil came to their world, they lost each other. Now both of them need to head towards each other, facing many difficulties and dangers along the way. And only by finding a fragile connection between one another and going hand in hand will they be able to defeat evil and meet again. It's a story about how we can help one another even when you're apart, and be far from one another even when you're nearby. It's a story about the importance of relationships and mutual support. But every story has an even deeper meaning... Hand In Hand is a 2D split screen puzzle platformer, where the player can control two characters at once, or two players can play in co-op mode on one device.


  • PC
  • Nintendo Switch
  • Xbox One
  • PlayStation 4
Initial Release Date: Nov 30, 2023
  • MaxMedia
Publisher: MaxMedia