• Record Label: Epitaph
  • Release Date: Jul 15, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Aug 5, 2014
    Yesterdays is a heartfelt memorial to a fallen comrade as well as a reminder that Pennywise remember their roots well, and haven't lost sight of the ideas and ideals that drove them.
  2. 60
    It won’t satisfy the appetite of fans of the band that are salivating over the thought of a brand new album with Lindberg’s patented shout-sing back and leading the charge. But as a stopgap and look back at the band’s early years, Yesterdays is a rowdy Pennywise romp.
  3. Aug 5, 2014
    Presented as a new studio album, it only manages to recapture the band's spirit, rather than its soul.
  4. Kerrang!
    Aug 5, 2014
    Some people may find this outdated, but it's an absolute treasure chest for slavish fans. [19 Jul 2014, p.53]

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