• Record Label: Nonesuch
  • Release Date: Aug 23, 2005
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 20 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 20
  2. Negative: 3 out of 20

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  1. JeremyF
    May 7, 2007
    This is definitely a captivating, enchanting, magically pictured album. Veirs' "okay" voice is in fact what makes it so enjoyable. She proves that with great instrumental work, and some beautiful lyrics (many including nature-scenes and scopes) you can get by without a perfect voice. However, despite the beautiful imagery and the whole porcelain-fragile gorgeousness, this album is This is definitely a captivating, enchanting, magically pictured album. Veirs' "okay" voice is in fact what makes it so enjoyable. She proves that with great instrumental work, and some beautiful lyrics (many including nature-scenes and scopes) you can get by without a perfect voice. However, despite the beautiful imagery and the whole porcelain-fragile gorgeousness, this album is NOT better than it's 2-time predecessor "Troubled By The Fire." That record captured each song in a beautiful cocoon that just let you gaze blinded-by-beauty. The guitar work was excellent there, and it is no exception here, but i think Veris is a TINY bit more capable than this. Collapse
  2. madsl
    Mar 13, 2007
    this effort is nowhere near as captivating as the stunningly beautiful predecessor, Carbon Glacier. that album had a haunting quality to it and a cool elegance - this new album is more laid back, warm-sounding and band oriented. it kind of smoothes the edges off of veirs' brilliant songwriting ability.
  3. AdrianoC
    Jun 26, 2006
    The more I listen to this album, the better it gets. It takes me to beaches and to the backstage of a concert; dream pop indeed. "Year of meteors" is damn perfect.
  4. Ian
    Dec 7, 2005
    This is a great album - fabulous melodies (remember them?), engaging lyrics, interesting noises throughout. I really enjoyed the previous album (Carbon Glacier) - and it took me a few listens to get into this, and I now believe Year of Meteors is better. I don't know if it's alt.country, or folk pop, or alt.pop or whatever - buy this record.
  5. ChrisinAustralia
    Dec 5, 2005
    Seem to read a lot of comments around the place inferring that Laura's sound is not very original and that it is a bit cliched. I completely disagree. I think her songwriting and sound is both unique and fantastic. I don't think that Meteors is quite as good as her previous Carbon Glacier, but it is close! I enjoy her lyrics especially, they always take me on a journey and fill Seem to read a lot of comments around the place inferring that Laura's sound is not very original and that it is a bit cliched. I completely disagree. I think her songwriting and sound is both unique and fantastic. I don't think that Meteors is quite as good as her previous Carbon Glacier, but it is close! I enjoy her lyrics especially, they always take me on a journey and fill my mind with all sorts of images. Not many artists can do that! Expand
  6. Kaylie
    Oct 29, 2005
    Generally Unfavorable. Laura Veirs inherits the legacy of pop pseudo-intellectualism crafted for mass consumption. Nonesuch is rife with this kind of toothless stuff. But if you think bands like Wilco are clever and moving, you might like this.
  7. Way
    Oct 28, 2005
    Catchy but stale nerd pop with a pretty voice and a dull detachment.
  8. Matt
    Oct 11, 2005
    Good music with some eccentric touches, but the lyrics are the biggest strength. The lyrics are detailed while remaining animated.
  9. RossA
    Oct 3, 2005
    Laura Veirs just keeps gettin better as Patrick K points out. If you listen to her previous albums, you can tell that she continuously searches to improve her sound while still keeping her own unique musical style and perspective. On that basis alone, Years of Meteors deserves an A for effort; the other albums of hers really pale in comparison to this. Furthermore, the album stands Laura Veirs just keeps gettin better as Patrick K points out. If you listen to her previous albums, you can tell that she continuously searches to improve her sound while still keeping her own unique musical style and perspective. On that basis alone, Years of Meteors deserves an A for effort; the other albums of hers really pale in comparison to this. Furthermore, the album stands fantastically on its own. Her high notes are well hit, sweet, and sensual. Her guitarwork perfectly suits all the songs. Each song individually has character. Truely, my favorite album of this year thus far. Ignore the critics rating. They don't know anything as far as this artist goes. Expand
  10. royl
    Sep 18, 2005
    Just saw Laura at Southgate House. Didn't know who she was. I was utterly blown away. How come 99% of what I hear on the radio and MTV is such crap when there are people like Laura out there writing such good stuff? The new album, and Carbon Glacier before it, are both great. There isn't a bad song on either. She is much bigger in Europe than here, I found out.
  11. [Anonymous]
    Sep 4, 2005
    Overall just a great CD.
  12. PatrickK
    Aug 28, 2005
    amazing album, you can hear the experience in her voice, and she keeps making changes in the right directions.

Awards & Rankings


Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Q Magazine
    Showcases her luminous vocals, rich lyrics and subtle arrangements. [Sep 2005, p.120]
  2. Mojo
    Through it all, Veirs' voice remains intimate but deadpan -- a la Suzanne Vega. [Sep 2005, p.96]
  3. The New York Times
    It can suggest Suzanne Vega's studio work, Neil Young's Crazy Horse or the latter-day Wilco. [22 Aug 2005]