
Universal acclaim - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
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  1. Jul 7, 2016
    By focusing on outsiders instead of trusting their crate-digging genius, the Avalanches shortchanged themselves and ended up making the best psychedelic Chemical Brothers album ever instead of making another classic Avalanches album.
  2. Jul 18, 2016
    Daydreams don't get much more vivid than the Avalanches iconic debut album, but Wildflower is a worthy--if not quite as revelatory--sequel.
  3. Jul 6, 2016
    Wildflower comes out swinging.
  4. Jul 8, 2016
    Multiple minute-long interludes flesh Wildflower out, feeling like breaks to an all-out, never-ending stage show. It needed to take something substantial to feel satisfied after those sixteen long years, and The Avalanches have gone beyond their calling.
  5. Jul 5, 2016
    Far from being frozen in time, Wildflower shows a willingness to move forward with a sense of personal history, but unhindered by obligations to it.
  6. Jul 11, 2016
    While the days of heavily sampled music seemed dead and gone forever, the Avalanches have somehow managed to pull off an album that's as much a mastery of red tape as it is of musical prowess.
  7. Magnet
    Aug 11, 2016
    The Avalanches bag production, they roller-coaster; got to be jokers, they just do what they please. [No. 134, p.51]
  8. Mojo
    Jul 27, 2016
    Wildflower can either be enjoyed as a horizon-filling album-long trip, or by zooming in on the array of every changing, intra-song moments, as sounds and ideas flit in and out of focus. Whatever your preference, it was worth the wait. [Sep 2016, p.92]
  9. Aug 10, 2016
    Wildflower is simply a joy, an euphonious hour-long journey that exists in some wonderfully naive and blissful alternate universe. It’s an aural paradise you’ll never want to leave.
  10. Jul 20, 2016
    At worst the album gets a bit too cutesy (lead single Frankie Sinatra), but its unrelentingly cheery harmonies and melodies are so effervescent that it practically makes the air sparkle.
  11. Jul 8, 2016
    It took a childhood-and-a-half to come to fruition, but Wildflower is another album that snatches elements from the past but sounds like the future.
  12. Jul 8, 2016
    The Avalanches are all about feel. And Wildflower, though it misses some of its predecessor’s thematic unity and from-nowhere sense of surprise, has that feel in spades.
  13. Jul 21, 2016
    Wildflower proves the group hasn’t lost what made them special, and with any luck, that next disc will be showing up in a time period that’s no longer than, say, a decade.
  14. Jul 13, 2016
    As with their debut, the exquisitely painstaking craftsmanship, the overriding sense joy and wonder, the ears wide open to an infinite universe of sonic possibility are all there. It sounds like the Avalanches, and nothing else does.
  15. 91
    Is Wildflower the best album of the year? Probably not. But it was made by one of the most influential artists of our generation. Take note.
  16. Q Magazine
    Jul 1, 2016
    The whole album flows like a rainbow-hued river animated by the spirit of generosity and wonder. [Aug 2016, p.116]
  17. Jul 11, 2016
    This album tells a deeper story that only grows more vibrant with every listen.
  18. Jul 8, 2016
    What still sets the Avalanches apart, besides their careful groove pacing, attention to detail, and uncanny ability to move you from inside a track to outside looking in, is their sweet sense of nostalgia.
  19. Jul 6, 2016
    For those fascinated by the Avalanches's process, as opposed to merely impressed by its most endearing results, Wildflower is a rewarding and challenging listen.
  20. Jul 7, 2016
    Wildflower is a shaggy document, to be sure. Not everything’s a stunner like “Because I’m Me” or “Harmony”--sometimes there’s moldering AM Gold like “Light Up.” But now it’s not about the journey into paradise, more like a rush to the finish line. They’re out of time, but they still made it.
  21. Jul 12, 2016
    Wildflower might not be perfect, but it is gorgeous, heartwarming and fun. Its upbeat outlook is infectious and sure to be the soundtrack to many summers to come.
  22. Jul 8, 2016
    Wildflower may not inspire the same years of obsessive unpacking as its predecessor, but the joyful feelings it leaves behind linger just the same.
  23. Jul 7, 2016
    It’s testament to the power of their original vision that it all still sounds so fresh.
  24. 100
    The wonderful Wildflower is cause for celebration, its Zappa/Beasties-style collage of voices, samples, beats, sounds, and especially laughter offering a joyous affirmation of life.
  25. 85
    It’s The Avalanches’ efforts that make this album, although the deeper forays into hip-hop on "Because I’m Me", "The Noisy Eater" and even the poorly-received comeback "Frankie Sinatra"--much stronger in context--lend a nice variety and harder edge.
  26. Jul 11, 2016
    A pastoral, wistful brand of psychedelia holds sway throughout this absorbing record.
  27. Jul 5, 2016
    Even if it could never feel like a childhood's worth of lovingly curated music, and even if the shock of the new's way out of its reach, it's still another out-of-its-time, forensically assembled wonder.
  28. Jul 7, 2016
    Wildflower isn’t going to shift any paradigms, and it’s not going to leave the same impression on the world that Since I Left You did all those years ago, but none of that makes it any less of a delight to listen to.
  29. Uncut
    Aug 5, 2016
    Wildflower does a robust job of reiterating core skills rather than offering radical reinvention. [Sep 2016, p.66]
  30. Jul 12, 2016
    While Wildflower comprises many, many elements, ultimately, it's a testament to the craft and time it takes to build such a seamless and joyful record.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 136 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 11 out of 136
  1. Jul 5, 2016
    I signed up for Metacritic just to write this review. I find this album to be so special that I want to be a part of theI signed up for Metacritic just to write this review. I find this album to be so special that I want to be a part of the art-objectifying-via-ranking community to help secure its place in the collective consciousness for years to come. This album is a joyful swirl of nostalgic funkiness. It's beautiful. Wistful. I have long considered SILY to be a desert island album to keep my joy alive if I was all alone on this planet, so I had the highest of hopes for their follow-up, and, amazingly, not only did it not disappoint me it revealed new depths of joy, gratitude and dance moves in my emotional and physical lexicon. I will be returning to this album, I expect, for the rest of my life. It makes me happy and sad at the same time, while propelling me in time through dance.

    Full Review »
  2. Jul 19, 2016
    As much as it is rewarding to listen to, it often feels as if it crumbles under its own weight as a dense and scenic album. While it may be aAs much as it is rewarding to listen to, it often feels as if it crumbles under its own weight as a dense and scenic album. While it may be a tribute to the barren beauties of Australia, "Wildflower" somewhat fails to encapsulate them. Full Review »
  3. Jul 5, 2016
    I've waited a long time for this album and I'll be honest if I say that I'm slightly disappointed. The rap parts are a great bonus, yet theI've waited a long time for this album and I'll be honest if I say that I'm slightly disappointed. The rap parts are a great bonus, yet the tracks do feel a bit repetitive and tiring at times. Full Review »