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Universal acclaim- based on 195 Ratings

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  1. Mixed: 0 out of 195
  2. Negative: 15 out of 195

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  1. Sarah
    Jan 1, 2005
    The deftones are the best!
  2. Arlette
    Jan 1, 2005
    White pony along with around the fur are the best albums that the deftones have ever created. The deftones are truly original and white pony's lyrics are meaningful and deep. The singer has the most unique voice that draws you into a different world.
  3. Rob
    May 4, 2006
    The most complete and amazing album on this planet
  4. Rusty
    Aug 7, 2006
    Excellent album, not the best Deftones album though... I think that Adrenaline is their best! Very good album though!
  5. JayTwo
    Oct 20, 2007
  6. Mithyus
    May 3, 2007
    Heavy, soft, mad, intense.. this White Pony runs many ways, but as deep as it can into each, with astounding determination.
  7. JanisK.
    Jan 13, 2008
    Pure genius.
  8. Megan
    Jun 26, 2004
    By far this is The Deftones' greatest cd. With both Chino's voice, and the chilling guitar riffs, this album cannot be topped by any other. If you dont have it, go out and buy it!
  9. Primo
    Mar 15, 2005
    In my opinion, this album is one of the best hard rock albmus ever recorded. it can be compared to such 'monsters' as koRn's and system of a down's self titled albums...i hated it for a few weeks,but then just like somebody would shot me in the face...i fell in love with it...if you won't like it just don't listen to it for a while and when you'll put it In my opinion, this album is one of the best hard rock albmus ever recorded. it can be compared to such 'monsters' as koRn's and system of a down's self titled albums...i hated it for a few weeks,but then just like somebody would shot me in the face...i fell in love with it...if you won't like it just don't listen to it for a while and when you'll put it on again,it will simply blow your head off...there are no bad songs on this album,becouse it's just perfect. Expand
  10. JustinR.
    Apr 6, 2005
    This album is incredible. Some people blow the Deftones off and label them as another screaming, manufactured nu-metal band. But the true fans know that this is a completely false notion (The Deftones were around way before Korn, Limp Bizkit, and definitely that crappy pop band Linkin Park , and they actually listen to good bands like the Smiths and the Cure and the Bad Brains) This album This album is incredible. Some people blow the Deftones off and label them as another screaming, manufactured nu-metal band. But the true fans know that this is a completely false notion (The Deftones were around way before Korn, Limp Bizkit, and definitely that crappy pop band Linkin Park , and they actually listen to good bands like the Smiths and the Cure and the Bad Brains) This album should prove everyone of those labeling losers wrong, but some people still take one listen to this album disregard it. It is not "mooky." It has nothing about self-mutilation, and the song "Elite" does not literally have to do with "bleeding out of control." Get a good taste in music and then come back and complain. Expand
  11. AEOlson
    Dec 17, 2006
    Deftones at their finest.
  12. AlacránA
    Mar 23, 2006
    Knife Prty is one of the best songs I´ve ever heard
  13. WhitneyS
    Jul 29, 2006
    This Record, Along with Around the Fur are the two best albums probably on this planet Earth. The lyrics mean so much and it feels you are part of their situations. You understand what they feel by their voice expressions. =)
  14. ChinoShoegazer
    Sep 28, 2006
    I love the deftones, and this is far and away thier best record, measuring the rabid intensity of the first two LP's with a much more diverse sonic palatte. Unbelievably heavy, undeniably powerful. A monster of an album.
  15. justing
    Feb 14, 2007
    very good . the best album so far
  16. MandyH
    Feb 6, 2007
    Deftones is my favorite band ever!!!! This would be my favorite album because the beats and lyrics of the songs move in a way that I can't put it into words! ~*~ I love Deftones!~*~
  17. JasonE
    Oct 25, 2003
    Each song on the album provides a different feel or sound which makes listening to it a much needed breath of fresh air. There are songs for just about everyone on this album. Just listen to "Change (in the House of Flies)" and you'll see what I mean.
  18. dank
    Apr 26, 2003
    great album!
  19. AshleyM
    Mar 28, 2005
    This album... Its truly something. it has touched me on such an emontional level its insane. the lyrics are so deep and meaningful. im just mind blowen these guys are truly talented.
  20. SteveH
    Nov 1, 2006
    Not only is this their best album to date, but it'll be looked at one day as one of the greatest albums ever made.
  21. Nov 6, 2010
    Purely a fantastic album. This is the album where they learn when they need to be quiet, and it pays off. This album is sonic, and heavy, and grungy. But always delicate and soothing and dark. Somehow, Deftones can mix 'dark' with 'soothing' and make it work.

    Personal Highlights: Change, Digital Bath, Knife Party, Passenger, RX Queen.
  22. Mar 21, 2015
    White Pony is one of the best albums of the 2000's. The lyrics here are thought provocative and abstract, the sound is diverse, chino has a great voice, the instruments are great. Overall, I would recommend to everyone!
  23. Nov 13, 2012
    It took me 12 years to realize that this is probably one of the best metal albums out there. Full spectrum of emotions within this album. Every song is enjoyable and they somehow get stuck in the head so deep that you can remember every detail and note even after prolonged period of not listening to any of the songs. In other words - there isn't a single song that I do not like in thisIt took me 12 years to realize that this is probably one of the best metal albums out there. Full spectrum of emotions within this album. Every song is enjoyable and they somehow get stuck in the head so deep that you can remember every detail and note even after prolonged period of not listening to any of the songs. In other words - there isn't a single song that I do not like in this fantastic album. Expand
  24. Apr 7, 2014
    Deftones magnum opus. An incredibly diverse album, and while that may make it unfocused compared to an album like Diamond Eyes, it's the bold step off the nu metal band wagon and the key tracks from White Pony that makes it their best.
  25. Jul 4, 2017
    This is what I call "Masterpiece", Deftones proved to be one of the most interesting band of the last 20 years, great work guys.
    This album is full of little diamonds, from the beginning to the end, the listener will be fascinated by what he's listening to.
    Digital Bath, Change and Korea are astonishing, while Passenger is one of the greatest songs of the '00s and Feiticiera and Elite
    This is what I call "Masterpiece", Deftones proved to be one of the most interesting band of the last 20 years, great work guys.
    This album is full of little diamonds, from the beginning to the end, the listener will be fascinated by what he's listening to.
    Digital Bath, Change and Korea are astonishing, while Passenger is one of the greatest songs of the '00s and Feiticiera and Elite introduce perfectly this incredible album.
  26. Oct 26, 2018
    Deftones took a BIG turn in opposite direction from the Nu Metal genre they were born out of and the end result is one of the most decade defining metal albums of the 2000s. This is right up there in my 10 favorite albums of all time. Deftones offer a more dark, fantasy, atmospheric and almost soothing approach on this record with Chino Moreno giving out his soothing yet glass shatteringDeftones took a BIG turn in opposite direction from the Nu Metal genre they were born out of and the end result is one of the most decade defining metal albums of the 2000s. This is right up there in my 10 favorite albums of all time. Deftones offer a more dark, fantasy, atmospheric and almost soothing approach on this record with Chino Moreno giving out his soothing yet glass shattering vocal proformance, Stephen Carpenter giving off amazing guitar riffs, Chi Cheng's unforgetable bass performance, Abe Cunningham's killer drum skills, and Frank Delgato on the Turntable giving out the atmosphere of the tracks, everything about this album should be praised. The songs that really stand out are Digital Bath, Elite, Teenager, Knife Party, Passenger, Change, and Pink Maggit. Expand
  27. Sep 6, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Expand
  28. May 9, 2021
    Banger after banger after banger. "Digital Bath" is quite possibly the greatest song i've ever heard, the emotions it conjurs is truly breath taking.
  29. Jun 19, 2023
    Магнум-опус, тут и говорить нечего. Вероятно, уже классика.
  30. Jan 21, 2022
    Never Sounds old.
    Deftones definitive quitting with Nu-Metal. An Album Full of melancholic classics like „Passenger“ and „Change“, angry Riffs like „Korea“ and „Elite“.
    Even if there are so many different Types of Songs ,this album commites one speciric vibe
  31. Daniel
    Mar 8, 2005
    WTF?This may not be the best deftones album, but it's better than over 90% of albums today. About as good as slipknot-Iowa
  32. tableviewhigh
    Apr 5, 2007
    truly superb, haven't heard anything better to date.
  33. mattj
    Sep 24, 2004
    this cd is a great cd doesnt quite measure to the eccentric genious of around the fur but is still a awsome cd with gnarly riffs in change, and passenger, but is still great
  34. VincentF
    Mar 13, 2007
    I can not stop listening to this album. This was the sound I was looking for when nu-metal was insanely popular. The Deftones mixed many renowned influences while staying true to metal. This ablum will probably become more and more popular as time goes on. I wouldn't be surprised if I still hear about White Pony ten years down the road.
  35. Nov 17, 2011
    I Wanted to give the album a 10 but sometimes the album bores me, but when i'm in the mood the album is a masterpiece with a great intro song Feticeira a Maynard James Keenan colaboration and a grammy award winning song (Elite). Also being one of the albums that has one of the deftones most succesful single (Change). It's in resume.An outstanding deftones album, but the deftones alwaysI Wanted to give the album a 10 but sometimes the album bores me, but when i'm in the mood the album is a masterpiece with a great intro song Feticeira a Maynard James Keenan colaboration and a grammy award winning song (Elite). Also being one of the albums that has one of the deftones most succesful single (Change). It's in resume.An outstanding deftones album, but the deftones always make amazing music but this one just launched them to success. (I'M A HUGE DEFTONES FAN) Expand
  36. Feb 20, 2012
    White Pony stands as the release the band will always try and topple. It is rich, engaging, and melodic without sacrificing the sound the band built their popularity on. 'Digital Bath' and 'Rx Queen' stand at the top of what is a very consistent and cohesive piece of work.
  37. Apr 19, 2013
    Deftones has always been difficult to explain or categorize a specific musical genre. But despite not feeling comfortable in that place have been one of the best capitalized groups of Nu Metal's move in the early 90s.
    His first two jobs Adrenaline (1995) and Around the Fur (1997) were used to be known in his own country, but his third plate White Pony (2000) Deftones achievement acquire a
    Deftones has always been difficult to explain or categorize a specific musical genre. But despite not feeling comfortable in that place have been one of the best capitalized groups of Nu Metal's move in the early 90s.
    His first two jobs Adrenaline (1995) and Around the Fur (1997) were used to be known in his own country, but his third plate White Pony (2000) Deftones achievement acquire a name worldwide earning the respect of critics and managing to sound massively.

    "Change (In the House of Flies)" and "Digital Bath" were the themes emblematic of White Pony. Few others like the quiet "Teenager" surprised by the change from the style of the band.'s Also worth noting the presence Maynard James Keenan of Tool singer who develops nicely in the duet performed with Chino Moreno on "Passenger".
    Despite denying the label "key band of Nu Metal", thanks to this current Deftones astronomically increased his popularity and managed to stay through the years mutated into their sound.

    In conclusion: White Pony is one of the best albums of Deftones, its evolution in sound, creativity and complexity. not listen, would be an offense to the music.
  38. Aug 8, 2017
    This album is truly something special. It creates a blend of brutal heaviness with the sonic complexion of something you'd hear on Smashing Pumpkins' "Siamese Dream". In a world of mediocre (and sometimes cringe worthy) nu-metal acts, Deftones' "White Pony" is a breath of fresh air, even if it did come out in 2000. They take from a variety of influences ranging from Alternative rock, toThis album is truly something special. It creates a blend of brutal heaviness with the sonic complexion of something you'd hear on Smashing Pumpkins' "Siamese Dream". In a world of mediocre (and sometimes cringe worthy) nu-metal acts, Deftones' "White Pony" is a breath of fresh air, even if it did come out in 2000. They take from a variety of influences ranging from Alternative rock, to shoegaze while still maintaining their heavy roots; Chino's ethereal and spacey vocals solidify their shoegaze influence while their heavy rhythm and guitar sections keep things consistently aggressive. Every once in a while things calm down in this album (ie; Digital Bath, Teenager, Pink Maggit), but for the most part the album remains heavy throughout. The only things keeping this album from a perfect score are the brief moments of mediocrity in some songs that almost sound like their nu-metal peers, while the rest of the album sounds wholly unique. All in all, White Pony remains an impressive work in a sonic and musical regard.

    -Digital Bath
    -Knife Prty
    -Pink Maggit

    -Rx Queen
  39. Jan 27, 2014
    white pony was something a little different from its predecessors. The commercial success of the band was the extreme. Songs thematically quite different from one another, ranging from Zen and heavy rhythm, with a touch of melancholy and special effects while also addressing drug use. A battery well executed by Abe Cunningham with more "turns" than before, not unworthy of the rest ofwhite pony was something a little different from its predecessors. The commercial success of the band was the extreme. Songs thematically quite different from one another, ranging from Zen and heavy rhythm, with a touch of melancholy and special effects while also addressing drug use. A battery well executed by Abe Cunningham with more "turns" than before, not unworthy of the rest of insturumentos well executdos, but less prominently. Each track has something special, more experimental and new, however, following the standards of the band, White Pony was the biggest commercial success of the band, even won a Grammy in 2001 for the song Elite, and rightly so, because the album is good, but if you are not a fan of more contemporary rock or even the band, your ears need to get used to it. Expand
  40. Dec 23, 2013
    Best Songs
    -Digital Bath
    -RX Queen
    -Knife Party
    -Back To School
    -The Boy's Republic
    Personal Favorites:
    -Digital Bath
    -RX Queen
    -Knife Party
  41. RobT.
    Dec 20, 2007
    Not my favourite Deftones release, but it's fantastic all the same.
  42. MarcW
    Aug 24, 2003
    This is a fantastic album which truly illustrates how this genre can grow and develop in such a creative way. The 'Tones have managed to retain their distinctive Nu-metal sound while going in a more thoughtful direction lyrically. A great album.
  43. Jan 30, 2021
    There best album. It has at least 6/7 songs that even 15 years of listening to it, seem fresh as the day you heard it.

    Chinos voice is at his best, raw, digital yet ambient. The drumming is more repetitive, perhaps techno’esque than other albums.
  44. Sep 24, 2015
    While White Pony registers the complex and sonic tendencies Deftones discovered that let them kick it into sixth gear on their later albums, some of its songs seem forced to the point of mediocrity. Sure, it's an unpopular opinion, but let me tell you about "Knife Party"... absolute bliss. And the album's closer, "Pink Maggit" is a haunting and stunning epilogue to what I can't evenWhile White Pony registers the complex and sonic tendencies Deftones discovered that let them kick it into sixth gear on their later albums, some of its songs seem forced to the point of mediocrity. Sure, it's an unpopular opinion, but let me tell you about "Knife Party"... absolute bliss. And the album's closer, "Pink Maggit" is a haunting and stunning epilogue to what I can't even disagree is Deftone's real breakthrough. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15
  1. A dense and textured rock affair that builds a bridge between grunge, goth, and industrial stylings.
  2. White Pony ends up being more accessible than the group's two previous albums, because it's not a half-formed mess but a classic alternative-rock album, as gentle and catchy as it is dark.
  3. 80
    Far and away Deftones' most daring and impassioned work to date.