
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Dec 12, 2016
    The warmth of the beats and the tasteful melodic arrangements are perfectly suited to McMorrow's soulful, blue-eyed delivery, and the occasional stylistic detours and offbeat turns of phrase make for welcome deviations from the formula.
  2. Sep 28, 2016
    McMorrow loyalists may bemoan the polished sheen that characterises the tracks on We Move, but there is some genuine pop-soul mastery at display here, McMorrow’s sound more wholesome without renouncing the spectral quality that characterised his earlier material.
  3. Sep 9, 2016
    It's said to be his rawest grapple yet with anxiety, but it's full of lush, buoyant pop songs.
  4. Mojo
    Sep 9, 2016
    We Move is warm, slick and modernist. [Oct 2016, p.96]
  5. Sep 9, 2016
    In a genre based on repetition, standout moments are critical, and We Move provides too few of them to be impactful. But when they show up, the results are stunning.
  6. Sep 9, 2016
    The ideas are articulated much more distinctly than on past recordings, bringing added significance to the gorgeous compositions.
  7. Sep 19, 2016
    While Post Tropical showcased McMorrow’s fondness for hip-hop’s rhythms and R&B’s sensual spaciousness, it didn’t represent a formal conversion into either one of these genres. We Move, by contrast, is a definitive step toward pop, but one that also demonstrates the Irish belter’s willingness to take risks and tear out of his sensitive-soul comfort zone.
  8. Uncut
    Sep 9, 2016
    It's an assured and heartfelt work built carefully around McMorrow's falsetto vocals. [Oct 2016, p.35]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 9 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 9
  3. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. Feb 5, 2018
    JVM's 3rd album has silky tunes but it is all built upon ultra slick R&B style production. Opening song, "Rising Water"is driven along by aJVM's 3rd album has silky tunes but it is all built upon ultra slick R&B style production. Opening song, "Rising Water"is driven along by a pulsing bass line and provides an immediate hook to catch audiences and draw them in. It's the quickest tempo song on the record and also the standout song on the album. "We Move" is packed full of good songs, arrangement superbly in studio but we could definitely do with a few more standout moments. Stylistically, he's come quite a distance since his folky debut. A man who is seemingly growing in confidence in his craft and abilities with each record he creates. One of the under rated stars of current Irish music scene. Full Review »
  2. Oct 24, 2016
    Saw him live in Utrecht, amazing voice! His music has so many dimensions with all the different kind of keys and voices of the other bandSaw him live in Utrecht, amazing voice! His music has so many dimensions with all the different kind of keys and voices of the other band members. Especially like the songs 'Evil' and 'Get Low'. Full Review »