
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Aug 16, 2023
    There are experiments with ambience, risky beat switches, theatrical and hook-free pop, and orchestration that Scott has never attempted before. The multi-platinum guest features might set the album up for global conquest, but the most exciting moments come when it sounds like Scott is discovering a new way to push his craft forward.
  2. 90
    Overall, arriving nearly five years removed from his prior studio album, UTOPIA sees Scott stay true to his style, his preferences, and his principles, going against the grain of the tendencies in the viral-hungry world that is 2023 rap.
  3. Jul 28, 2023
    A record that stretches the boundaries, ‘UTOPIA’ feels like his finest hour.
  4. Aug 4, 2023
    The beats sometimes bang in typical trap fashion, like on Topia Twins or Meltdown, but are not afraid to go surreal and alien.
  5. Aug 2, 2023
    Even if the album sometimes feels thematically hollow, Utopia is still one of the most forward-thinking mainstream releases of the year. Scott is still pushing the boundaries of his psychedelic trap sound after ten years in the industry, and shows no sign of stopping anytime soon.
  6. Aug 30, 2023
    Nevertheless, while it’s difficult to get past the wording of Travis Scott’s “Astroworld” follow up, the instrumental completeness and overall energy is difficult to forget.
  7. Jul 31, 2023
    He seems less concerned with what he’s saying than with the emotion and feeling his music conveys. It’s a bit of a lopsided approach, but few in today’s hip-hop landscape can truly be considered an auteur the way Scott is. While his artistic vision may be a shaky one, there’s no denying that Utopia, bumps and all, is one hell of a ride.
  8. Jul 28, 2023
    Where “Astroworld” brought spectacle, “Utopia” brings subtlety and innovation.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 197 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 16 out of 197
  1. Jul 28, 2023
    The album is fells like a mix of Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight and ASTROWORLD. Such a dark and spiritual journey. It's not only a music it'sThe album is fells like a mix of Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight and ASTROWORLD. Such a dark and spiritual journey. It's not only a music it's an experience... Full Review »
  2. Jul 28, 2023
    What can you say it is a masterpiece travis scott singed in this album very good i think it is his best album because its beats are very goodWhat can you say it is a masterpiece travis scott singed in this album very good i think it is his best album because its beats are very good and well travis scott is very good at autotone he is one of the best singers ever except k-pop every song of him is masterpiece and very good he is the god of the songs Full Review »
  3. Jul 31, 2023
    This album is great and shows what Travis Scott is capable of as an artist and a producer, however the downside to the album is the features.This album is great and shows what Travis Scott is capable of as an artist and a producer, however the downside to the album is the features. This album is VERY feature heavy and at times, the features CARRY him, but that's not the case the entire time. The production honestly sounds like Kanye West Yezzus. You listen to this album and afterwards you say, Yezzus Part 2. In my mind, i feel like at times this album does sound like what a Rodeo Part 2 would sound like, but all in all i guess this is the closest we will ever get to that. I DO NOT hear Owl Pharaoh or D.B.R. Vibes, at all whatsoever. The hype will carry this project just like everything else Travis Scott does but that doesn't take away from the music being presented, as i feel like this is honestly some of Travis Scott's best work. I want to give this album a 8.5/10 but Metacritic doesn't have .5 grades, so I will officially give this a 9/10 based of first week listen. [NOTE: This review will be elaborated & extended over time - This review was based on 6 FULL Listens since launch day and will be edited with a Track by Track breakdown in the near future, especially after i get the entire list of Features and Production Credits & also after I receive the actual album packages in the mail.] Full Review »