• Record Label: Downtown
  • Release Date: Nov 17, 2009

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. 80
    Yet even this fits with Kid Sister's vibe of retro irrepressibility. Dream Date's every track virtually dares you to resist her.
  2. Urb
    While the new songs don't reach that across-the-board crossover appeal, there are some synthed-out gems that get a proper unveiling. [Nov/Dec 2008, p.86]
  3. Though Kid Sister might lack some versatility, her club-friendly material is more than above average, and gleams colorfully if synthetically, like her outstretched hand of freshly painted nails.
  4. Filter
    Speaking if cheese...well, yeah, there's a lot of it on Dream date, with a healthy topping of enthralling production and slick, meaningless rhymes. [Winter, p.102]
  5. 60
    Rather than go fierce, Kid Sis has gone house, crafting a debut that's high on her Chicago hometown's pulsating synthetic beats and '80s freestyle reinventions, but low on chiseled rhymes. Move along; no savior to see here.
  6. Dream Date does more than achieve its purpose, which is to get bottoms leaking.
  7. 80
    A few cuts ('Big N Bad,' '54321' or 'Step') don’t succeed in showcasing her talents as well as the rest of the album, but Ultraviolet succeeds in bringing together older Kid Sis favorites with new material, and--most importantly--is just a really fun party record.
  8. Alternative Press
    Fun with out being frivolous or dumb, the album lives up to pre-release hype and solidifies Kid Sister as the fiercest new hip-hop female on the block. [Feb 2009, p.107]
  9. There’s a lot about Ultraviolet you might want to like. But it runs more on concept rather than talent; too often it feels self-conscious and low on hooks.
  10. Ultraviolet is brimming with the artist's down-to-earth candidness.
  11. I's a 40-minute, 12-track dance-rap full-length without a single hard punchline or trenchant moment, the sort of thing that sounds like it could've been banged out in a couple of weeks.
  12. Kid Sister’s winking lyrics and charismatic flow elevate the album beyond a mere throwback.
  13. Like her breakthrough with mentor Kanye West ('Pro Nails'), they're testaments to hip-hop/club fusion--an old-school idea that this Kid gives the 21st-century treatment.
  14. Kid Sister’s debut is utterly lacking in catchy hooks, fun-filled call and responses, or even those unspeakable dirty lyrics that you would never repeat to mother. Instead, the majority of the album plays out like a bunch of throwaway b-side beats over dull, unoriginal rhymes despite Kid Sister’s tight flow.
  15. She hits rock bottom on the repetitive, bland Daydreaming. It really does feel like a daydream, this whole idea of crowning a new female rap queen.
  16. After 20-something years of rap and dance running in mostly parallel lines, Kid Sister's imagining of their intersection is fresh and unapologetically fun.
  17. The album is undeniably solid, so why does it feel faintly underwhelming? Context is key.
  18. Kid Sis has elected to keep things simple--so when the album works, it becomes clear that it really works.
  19. The potential Young shows is infectious and encouraging, but her debut was going to be a buzz kill from the start, if only because of the hype.
  20. Kid Sister is certainly on the right tracks, but Ultraviolet is a sadly patchy affair.
  21. It's taken a while to get here, but Ultraviolet finally introduces a fresh talent who may not have too much to say just yet, but what's going on in the background goes some way to making up for such deficiencies.
  22. Ultraviolet certainly doesn't sound like the work of the salvation of female rap: if anything, it's at its least successful the closer it gets to straightforward hip-hop. What it sounds like is a great pop album, packed with indelible tunes and potential hit singles.
  23. Q Magazine
    Functional but fun. [May 2010, p.122]

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