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Universal acclaim- based on 89 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 74 out of 89
  2. Negative: 8 out of 89
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  1. Nov 8, 2018
    Hands down the best album I listened to since 2016. Honestly I hated it the first few listens.
  2. Dec 8, 2017
    At first this album is hard to digest, it took me a while to fully accept it and start to fall in love with it. This album is insane, its experimental, its LOUD. It has beautiful and somber tracks like "Take Me in Your Army" "Human Sadness" and "Off To War.." but it also has super raw and punk songs like "Crunch Punch" "Business Dog" and "Father Electricity". Its is just a huge adventureAt first this album is hard to digest, it took me a while to fully accept it and start to fall in love with it. This album is insane, its experimental, its LOUD. It has beautiful and somber tracks like "Take Me in Your Army" "Human Sadness" and "Off To War.." but it also has super raw and punk songs like "Crunch Punch" "Business Dog" and "Father Electricity". Its is just a huge adventure and an amazing one at that. Expand
  3. May 16, 2017
    This album, upon the first 2/3 listens I thought was absolute garbage. A messy, over-indulgent, contrasting layered and all-round weird record. But I decided to give it another listen.. and another.. and then another.. and (you get the picture).

    The final outcome is an amazing piece of art. Listening to this record is the sort of feeling you get from overcoming a really hard maths
    This album, upon the first 2/3 listens I thought was absolute garbage. A messy, over-indulgent, contrasting layered and all-round weird record. But I decided to give it another listen.. and another.. and then another.. and (you get the picture).

    The final outcome is an amazing piece of art. Listening to this record is the sort of feeling you get from overcoming a really hard maths question, that has brought anger, frustration and reduced concentration levels, before the "YES I GOT IT RIGHT" euphoria. People who love this record will understand what I mean by that analogy.

    This record is great for so many reasons, songs like "dare I care" are unpredictable no matter how much you listen to it, it bridges the gap between Pop and African-punk-psychedelia (or something like that). Which, is no easy task as you would probably gather.

    My personal highlights off this records will have to be the more pacy upbeat and more overtly political songs such as "M.utually A.ssured D.estruction", "Where No Eagles Fly" and of course my personal favourite "Business Dog".

    I understand why many may dislike this record, I completely get that this record will never be (nor was it ever designed to be) a crowd pleaser. Casablancas has used his mainstream popularity, and knowledge that hardcore Strokes fans will always give-his-stuff-a-go, to tap into the breakdown of this very dense, meshed and vocoded masterpiece that is Tyranny.

    If you want entertainment and clarity this is not for you, If you're looking for invention and an artistic portrayal of modern politics, then this most certainly is.
  4. Jul 18, 2015
    This album took a long time to make sense. It seemed like a mess the first couple of times through. However, over several months I kept going back to individual tracks, and have now found a really deep album. Flip to Johan Von Bronx and Nintendo Blood; I would argue the singles aren't the best tracks on the album, albeit Human Sadness is extremely compelling.
  5. Feb 24, 2015
    What I enjoyed from this record is how Julian never goes back to where he was before. The album doesn't sound like he's going straight to one destination, however. It's like if you held onto a skeleton's hand, and that skeleton actually had no idea where the hell he was going. The album is compelling, twisted, and overall it's just a good record. 7.7/10
  6. Oct 28, 2014
    I find a lot of people complaining about all the different parts.. to me that's what makes it so good. I love every song on the album. They're brilliantly arranged, and if something sounds off it was more than intentional. He knows exactly what he's doing. And in comparison to what he's been making for the past 14 years, he's very true to himself. I feel like I finally completelyI find a lot of people complaining about all the different parts.. to me that's what makes it so good. I love every song on the album. They're brilliantly arranged, and if something sounds off it was more than intentional. He knows exactly what he's doing. And in comparison to what he's been making for the past 14 years, he's very true to himself. I feel like I finally completely understand his vision. You just have to be open minded, and hear past the first impression of this kind of overwhelming, thrashing music. It's a beautiful album, lyrically and musically. Expand
  7. Oct 16, 2014
    After reading some of the reviews, I felt it completely necessary to leave a review of my own. One can assume the ones rating this album 0-5, are not fans of real music. This falls far from the Strokes tree, but this album has SO much to offer. Julian Casablancas is a genius. There are moments on the album that are complete brilliance and then there are some that leave you wanting more.After reading some of the reviews, I felt it completely necessary to leave a review of my own. One can assume the ones rating this album 0-5, are not fans of real music. This falls far from the Strokes tree, but this album has SO much to offer. Julian Casablancas is a genius. There are moments on the album that are complete brilliance and then there are some that leave you wanting more. That's why I like Julian Casablancas so much, he doesn't just leave you hanging...he will provide! The melodies mesh so well (it's Julian Casablancas...).

    Overall, I'd give this album an 8/10 and one of the best experimental albums of the year. However, with the barrage of horrible reviews, I'm going to give it a ten!!!
  8. Oct 13, 2014
    Genius that requires at least 5 listens before an opinion is made. It's getting better and better.. Best album of the decade. It's the sound of the coming revolution.
  9. Oct 8, 2014
    It's clear that Julian Casablancas has just given up completely on trying to impress his old audience. With his latest album backed by The Voidz, Casablancas has effectively flipped all Strokes fans the musical bird. You either enjoy it or you do. The quality of the album is unquestionable, whether or not you enjoy the tunes. A lot of work went into the production, and the band certainlyIt's clear that Julian Casablancas has just given up completely on trying to impress his old audience. With his latest album backed by The Voidz, Casablancas has effectively flipped all Strokes fans the musical bird. You either enjoy it or you do. The quality of the album is unquestionable, whether or not you enjoy the tunes. A lot of work went into the production, and the band certainly achieved what they were going for: a weird long jazzy punchy electronic rock record. Down the line people will realize the brilliance of this record, just as they did with Sergeant Peppers. Expand
  10. Oct 8, 2014
    This album is possibly my favorite album of all time. It is the first NEW sounding thing I've heard in a while. I have had this album on repeat since they first leaked it on Rolling Stone.
  11. Oct 4, 2014
    It's understandable that critics will pan the album -- Strokes are a popular target, Casablancas is an egomaniac, the lyrics are trash. However, there are just too many good melodic ideas here, too many clever changes, too many tones, too much work, for this to get thrown in the garbage. The criticisms being played are bankrupt: It's dissonant? No kidding, is that an absolute negative?It's understandable that critics will pan the album -- Strokes are a popular target, Casablancas is an egomaniac, the lyrics are trash. However, there are just too many good melodic ideas here, too many clever changes, too many tones, too much work, for this to get thrown in the garbage. The criticisms being played are bankrupt: It's dissonant? No kidding, is that an absolute negative? There's too much going on? Are you a critic or not? It's not groundbreaking? It's derivative of other artists? I hear all the things I liked about the movements Casablancas is invoking, and these criticisms run contrary to the criticism that there's 'too much going on'. That's no crime -- that's how music works. This might be the best thing Casablancas has ever made. I hope he makes more. Expand
  12. Sep 29, 2014
    A beautiful, messy, post-modern masterpiece. Every song has a moment that has the ability to surprise, awe, and weaken the knees. I have been brought to tears by "Human Sadness" and "Dare I Care" on multiple listens. This is an album that some people will hate, for sure, and I commend JC + the Voidz all the more for it. This is a bold, daring album, full of raw emotion, shocking beauty,A beautiful, messy, post-modern masterpiece. Every song has a moment that has the ability to surprise, awe, and weaken the knees. I have been brought to tears by "Human Sadness" and "Dare I Care" on multiple listens. This is an album that some people will hate, for sure, and I commend JC + the Voidz all the more for it. This is a bold, daring album, full of raw emotion, shocking beauty, and powerful commentary about modern society. Many of this songs require more than one listen to understand - on the 6th or 7th time through the album now, I can honestly say that there is not a single track that does not have some merit. Bravo, Julian and Co. I can't wait to see in you San Francisco. Expand
  13. Sep 29, 2014
    At first listen this album comes off as loud, noisy and perhaps too experimental. Once you start to get into it however, the distortion becomes natural and contrasts the beautiful, often hidden, melodies in a great way. There are plenty of gems on this album but also a failure or two, which is to be expected given the experimental nature of the album. Personal favorites are "Where noAt first listen this album comes off as loud, noisy and perhaps too experimental. Once you start to get into it however, the distortion becomes natural and contrasts the beautiful, often hidden, melodies in a great way. There are plenty of gems on this album but also a failure or two, which is to be expected given the experimental nature of the album. Personal favorites are "Where no eagles fly", "Johan Von Bronx", "Dare I Care" and the brilliant "Nintendo blood". Expand
  14. Sep 28, 2014
    You have to take this record for what it is, an experimental attempt to fill the gaps between genres as Julian Casablancas has defined it. It's true that sometimes it feels like there is too much going on but that's the point. If you analyze the lyrics (though job, I know) and listen to the record carefully you'll find a lot of beauty, grotesque beauty perhaps, in it. For certain this isYou have to take this record for what it is, an experimental attempt to fill the gaps between genres as Julian Casablancas has defined it. It's true that sometimes it feels like there is too much going on but that's the point. If you analyze the lyrics (though job, I know) and listen to the record carefully you'll find a lot of beauty, grotesque beauty perhaps, in it. For certain this is an album that requires us to listen with care if we want to really get it

    I do find myself wishing for some songs not being so noisy and rough, with more clear sound and specially vocals, punk isn't my thing, but I guarantee you that Tyranny has high-quality songwriting on it. You just need to be open minded enough not to panic the first time you listen to it. I would give it an 8 but given the many exaggerated reviews that give it 0s and 1s I'll give it a 10 to compensate a little.
  15. Sep 28, 2014
    Rubbish basically..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  16. Sep 28, 2014
    Whilst those who fancy themselves as punk might latch onto the idea of this album, the very core of it is rotten and crumbly. That means that very little remains once the initial screaming and shouting is over. Its basically a brown sloppy mess.
  17. Sep 28, 2014
    This noir, dirgey nonsense is an incredible misstep for Casablancas. The only commendable thing about this offering is the spirit of experimentation. It didn't pay off. The result is a dark and directionless sojourn around the sewers of musical inspiration.
  18. Sep 23, 2014
    This is a pure experimental album with many layers in each song. Take it for what it is. Its a refreshing change of pace from what is 'regular' or normal music. Long live Jules.
  19. Sep 23, 2014
    It is a fine record that is extremely dirty. If you are looking for something like Phrazes for the Young, look elsewhere. Casablancas alway delivers though.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Magnet
    Nov 12, 2014
    His artistic sophistication and derring-do has reached a new (and, frankly, unexpected) level of maturity. [No. 115, p.56]
  2. Uncut
    Nov 11, 2014
    A triumphant, ridiculous mess. [Dec 2014, p.73]
  3. Mojo
    Nov 7, 2014
    For all its ambitious and admirable wilfulness, the sound of Casablancas playing in his sandpit is still an acquired taste. [Nov 2014, p.94]