
Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
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  1. Sep 30, 2014
    Intriguing but muddled, Tyranny puts plenty of musical distance between Casablancas and the Strokes, but too often it lacks the clarity to be anything but challenging in the wrong ways.
  2. 60
    Those willing to take the plunge are likely to find enough here worthy of a future return to explore further and ignore, or more likely respect, its self-indulgent qualities.
  3. Sep 30, 2014
    Largely though, this is the sound of Casablancas giving a middle-fingered salute to his past.
  4. Sep 19, 2014
    While it would be interesting to hear the album with sharper production and a little more focus, that would ultimately be its very end. This one thrives on the fringe.
  5. Oct 14, 2014
    It might just be one of those rare treasures which keep us reluctantly, unstoppably, coming back again and again.
  6. Sep 23, 2014
    While these "in-between areas" are not always sonically pleasant, you can't accuse them of being dull; they make Tyranny the compelling album that it is.
  7. Magnet
    Nov 12, 2014
    His artistic sophistication and derring-do has reached a new (and, frankly, unexpected) level of maturity. [No. 115, p.56]
  8. Mojo
    Nov 7, 2014
    For all its ambitious and admirable wilfulness, the sound of Casablancas playing in his sandpit is still an acquired taste. [Nov 2014, p.94]
  9. 60
    While Tyranny is wildly self-indulgent--and often at the expense of quality - you could never say that it's boring.
  10. Sep 23, 2014
    Tyranny plays out like an album-length version of that epic song, stumbling upon moments of success in the way that a drunk dart player hits a bullseye every once in a while.
  11. Sep 25, 2014
    On Tyranny, that guy has simply worked too hard, and that sense of needless toil bleeds through in every bum lick, brick-walled sound, and garbled burst of noise shoved onto the record.
  12. Oct 22, 2014
    While the songs are definitely different and eccentric, there’s a real lack of a notable melodies or hooks, and while the effort is there, Tyranny just doesn’t feel very memorable or significant.
  13. 75
    An unexpectedly weird, inventive and invigorating album that sounds absolutely nothing like The Strokes, and for that reason alone you should be really excited, and maybe even a little hopeful, to give this record a spin.
  14. Q Magazine
    Oct 3, 2014
    For the majority of Tyranny, it's almost impossible to understand what's going on or why. [Nov 2014, p.121]
  15. Sep 23, 2014
    It's the sound of a man shedding his skin. Not pretty, but more compelling for it.
  16. 65
    Tyranny is a fantastically interesting idea, which doesn’t always work as an album, but could make one hell of an installation
  17. Uncut
    Nov 11, 2014
    A triumphant, ridiculous mess. [Dec 2014, p.73]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 89 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 74 out of 89
  2. Negative: 8 out of 89
  1. Sep 28, 2014
    You have to take this record for what it is, an experimental attempt to fill the gaps between genres as Julian Casablancas has defined it.You have to take this record for what it is, an experimental attempt to fill the gaps between genres as Julian Casablancas has defined it. It's true that sometimes it feels like there is too much going on but that's the point. If you analyze the lyrics (though job, I know) and listen to the record carefully you'll find a lot of beauty, grotesque beauty perhaps, in it. For certain this is an album that requires us to listen with care if we want to really get it

    I do find myself wishing for some songs not being so noisy and rough, with more clear sound and specially vocals, punk isn't my thing, but I guarantee you that Tyranny has high-quality songwriting on it. You just need to be open minded enough not to panic the first time you listen to it. I would give it an 8 but given the many exaggerated reviews that give it 0s and 1s I'll give it a 10 to compensate a little.
    Full Review »
  2. Oct 13, 2014
    Genius that requires at least 5 listens before an opinion is made. It's getting better and better.. Best album of the decade. It's the soundGenius that requires at least 5 listens before an opinion is made. It's getting better and better.. Best album of the decade. It's the sound of the coming revolution. Full Review »
  3. Sep 23, 2014
    This is a pure experimental album with many layers in each song. Take it for what it is. Its a refreshing change of pace from what isThis is a pure experimental album with many layers in each song. Take it for what it is. Its a refreshing change of pace from what is 'regular' or normal music. Long live Jules. Full Review »