User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 64 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 47 out of 64
  2. Negative: 11 out of 64

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  1. MarkW
    Sep 7, 2005
    very good album. really gets you thinking.
  2. DrakeL
    May 30, 2006
    I can't believe the low rating here. I thought it was an average record, but I listened to it a few times, and it's now one of my favourite records in the last few years - every song is a classic! Anyone who thinks it's boring or comatose has no business reviewing records.
  3. JohnR
    May 3, 2005
    A recipe for narcolepsy (sp). Man, this one is slowwwwww. The forced drama is extended and repeated and soothed into you....yawwnnnn.
  4. matta
    Jul 6, 2005
    Not quite as bad as the critics score would indicate, but pretty damn close. Lots of critics have said that they are a crappy version of coldplay but I think that this album is just barely below X and Y. If you're looking for truly thought-provoking indie/british rock, look elsewhere--Athlete is pretty much on the same emotional level as your standard emo/screamo band.
  5. Mauve
    Aug 8, 2005
    I reckon music fans and critics fall into two categories. Those who know what they like, and those who like what no one else knows. Me, I couldn't give a s**t about exclusivity - I just want a song that moves me. Tourist is full of such songs. Great album.
  6. [Anonymous]
    Feb 18, 2005
    Pretty dull.
  7. NickD
    Feb 22, 2005
    Joel Pott can't emote, I'm sorry, and if they were just-about-above-average on their debut, this is dull dull light, lit up by Wires and Trading Air, which would be weak points on another album, but are strengths here. Pott's lyrics are one-dimensional still, but when tackling the kind of subject matter where depth is important, this album seems to have the emotional depth Joel Pott can't emote, I'm sorry, and if they were just-about-above-average on their debut, this is dull dull light, lit up by Wires and Trading Air, which would be weak points on another album, but are strengths here. Pott's lyrics are one-dimensional still, but when tackling the kind of subject matter where depth is important, this album seems to have the emotional depth of a greetings card. Expand
  8. lottiej
    Feb 22, 2005
    maybe it's just the accents, but these guys definately have something going for them!
  9. DavidP
    Feb 25, 2005
    Surprisingly better than their first album, Tourist is sweeping and anthemic. Athlete have traded in their drunken chorus style melodies for obviously Coldplay influenced emotion. They seem to have matured both musically and lyrically.
  10. malcomX
    Feb 9, 2005
    there are 3 highlights to this album that stand well above the rest. They are half life, wires and modern mafia. As for the rest of the abbum; pleasent but average. Shows great potential for the future.
  11. TimJ
    Mar 23, 2005
    While this album may not be groundbreaking it certainly is worth a listen just for the fact that there has not been such radio friendly indie pop since Keane. While both this band and Keane may be viewed as copycats (despite being pretty different anyhow), there are certainly some pretty witty lyrics and interesting hooks to prop up this moderately radio friendly release. Doesn't While this album may not be groundbreaking it certainly is worth a listen just for the fact that there has not been such radio friendly indie pop since Keane. While both this band and Keane may be viewed as copycats (despite being pretty different anyhow), there are certainly some pretty witty lyrics and interesting hooks to prop up this moderately radio friendly release. Doesn't really have to be completely original to be worth a listen. Expand
  12. CaretteJ
    Jul 19, 2005
    Very good album! Not as bad as some people say
  13. Ben
    Jul 26, 2005
    Some realy fantastic tracks. The song 'wires' is so emotive its amazing, the lyrics are amazing and sung with so much emotion - i believe he is singing about his baby being put in A&E. I cant understand all the comparisons to coldplay however.
  14. tinytot
    Jul 31, 2005
    cool album. amazing lyrics
  15. AlbertoM
    Aug 4, 2005
    Coldplay was born as a Radiohead clone. Then they became theirselves. Now we've got Coldplay clones. It gets tiring...
  16. JayR
    Feb 8, 2006
    Sure it isn't record of the year but it is refreshing andis much better than listening to My Humps all day with such beautiful songs like Wires (about his baby) and Twenty Four Hours
  17. gg
    Feb 14, 2007
  18. JeffB
    Oct 3, 2005
    I stumbled upon Athlete by chance and haven't looked back. These guys are writing some of the most progressive and interesting songs out there. Just give them a chance.
  19. KyleB
    Feb 12, 2005
    Adam X said it perfectly. This is horribly boring, stupid stuff.
  20. Taural
    Feb 24, 2005
    Agreeing with Scott M, it isn't as good as Vehicles and Animals but is still a great album. The tracks aren't as varied as V&A but each one is excellent in its own right. To give this album less than 6 is just wrong, you just have to look at the descriptions of the low scores to see that there is very little thought going on in there!
  21. AdamX
    Feb 7, 2005
    One of the most uninspired, plodding and downright dreadful albums of recent times... And to think I thought it couldn't get worse than Keane...
  22. chrism
    Feb 7, 2005
  23. GeorgeC
    Feb 9, 2005
    This album although drowned in melodramatic circumstances cannot help to tug at the heartstrings and is undoubtedly an enjoyable listen given time. An admirable effort
  24. ScottM
    Feb 9, 2005
    So, it's not as good as their first release, but it's still pretty damn enjoyable. Standout tracks include Half Light, Tourist, Wires (the first single), and Twenty Four Hours. All of the songs possess great mellow vibes and what I think to be beautiful lyrics supplemented by great music.
  25. HeatherC
    Mar 7, 2005
    What can I say, this album bored me to tears.
  26. JakeC
    Apr 14, 2005
    I got the CD given too me and I would have sold it but I serioulsy didn't want anybody to be ripped off, the store or the buyer
  27. GraemeH
    Apr 19, 2005
    I agree that it's not as strong as Coldplay but it's stronger than their first album and it's a good listen. The magazine reviewers have got it wrong.
  28. JonN
    Apr 21, 2005
    I didn't like this at first, but it really does grow on you. The voice an be a little irritating but the songs and tunes are very good.
  29. BW
    Apr 29, 2005
    all the way from deptford high street this is the best album I have bought this year. Fantastic hooks and real music neither over produced or undercooked. See them live they fly to El Salvador
  30. jayjay
    May 17, 2005
    i have read a selection of what the critics have said about this album. i don't agree with any of the comparisons to coldplay - they are dull and pompus and have (in my opinion) gone downhill ever since their first album. i would however agree this album is not as immediately catchy as the first but after quite a few listens it does grow on you considerably. athlete are amazing live i have read a selection of what the critics have said about this album. i don't agree with any of the comparisons to coldplay - they are dull and pompus and have (in my opinion) gone downhill ever since their first album. i would however agree this album is not as immediately catchy as the first but after quite a few listens it does grow on you considerably. athlete are amazing live i saw them play a lot of these tunes last year before the album was finished and cant wait to see them again later this year so i can sing along this time! Expand
  31. WestonW
    Jun 4, 2005
    you'll never be coldplay, so stop pretending you are, athlete.
  32. CosmoPrelog
    Jun 7, 2005
    I was in a good mood when I bought this album. After repeated spins it did triggered something profound in me. I realized I hate this band. The hate that is boiling deep in my heart for this piece of piss is brewing like hate has never simmered. It is a hate that dwells and smolders. Electric is my hate for this record. My hate mongering self is angry. Hatefully pitiful. Athletically I was in a good mood when I bought this album. After repeated spins it did triggered something profound in me. I realized I hate this band. The hate that is boiling deep in my heart for this piece of piss is brewing like hate has never simmered. It is a hate that dwells and smolders. Electric is my hate for this record. My hate mongering self is angry. Hatefully pitiful. Athletically hatful indeed. Expand
  33. izata
    Sep 23, 2006
    deaf critics they are... givin 1-5 scales.... this is an ingenious, beautiful, catchy(some songs) n mostly brilliant...
  34. Corpuss
    Nov 23, 2005
    One of the most boring, uninspirational pieces of shit ive ever heard. this band are truly talentless, how the fucking hell did they get signed to a label???? anyone who likes this shit should be fuckin ashamed, its got nothing going for it. this band is on a fuckin mission to bore as many people to death as they fuckin can.
  35. MarcR
    Nov 3, 2005
    amazing album, its only old farts at the guardian reviews or r & b lovers at some sites that dont like this! Athelte will be huge and this is a massive step forward! I recommend everyone buy it
  36. PhilipJ
    Dec 11, 2005
    Who cares if bands sound like other bands- its the bloody music that matters, and this happens to be a very good album.
  37. danielb
    Dec 21, 2005
    athlete are LEGENDS nd any1 who says different has no taste in music. if you dont like em u must be into the more classical shit
  38. RichardC
    Mar 31, 2005
    Very good album. A slight improvement on their debut. I agree the tracks are all similar however I feel that they all stand up to repeated listens. There are so many bands that cant write slow songs its nice to find one that exells in it.
  39. GavinR
    Jun 18, 2005
    its not coldplay buts its not a kick in the balls off! a few stand out tracks and meaningful lyrics throughout. all in all, a damn good album
  40. AlA
    Jul 12, 2005
    Not a bad CD - don't jump on the bandwagon
  41. SeamusS
    Aug 13, 2005
    I wouldnt so much call this a coldplay clone. being a big coldplay fan and a radiohead fan i can hear the influences but appreciate the differences in what is a different album to the already spectacular vehicles and animals and a thrilling complilation of great singalong balads that wont seem dated, ever.
  42. RobC
    Nov 29, 2006
    Just one or two good songs. They came late, the bri-pop wave is not here anymore.
  43. Jun 20, 2013
    Its a logical progression but it sounds too much like Coldplay; clearly Athlete wanted to stay commercially successful after their debut netted a nomination for the Mercury Prize, unlike that album this is a more mature sounding record. Gone are the toy-etic sounds of their debut in favour of piano-rock, simple structured songs, also gone is the fun and energy of that album replaced byIts a logical progression but it sounds too much like Coldplay; clearly Athlete wanted to stay commercially successful after their debut netted a nomination for the Mercury Prize, unlike that album this is a more mature sounding record. Gone are the toy-etic sounds of their debut in favour of piano-rock, simple structured songs, also gone is the fun and energy of that album replaced by depressing moods and lyrics. Clearly people will criticise this album for ripping off Coldplay, but in my opinion this really is a natural progression from their old sound and one that it is far more mature. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 19
  2. Negative: 7 out of 19
  1. Unfortunately "Tourist" is derivative in only a one-dimensional sense: its imagination stopping where Wayne Coyne’s begins.
  2. Athlete seem to have found a formula in the studio and left the autopliot in reverse.
  3. Drama in music works perfectly fine in mediated, tactical doses, but for Tourist, the stakes are unrealistically high.