
Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
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  1. Aug 12, 2016
    Nothing may not be particularly imaginative, but it’s so competent at its craft it’s hard to imagine any fan of the style complaining.
  2. Jun 14, 2016
    Tired Of Tomorrow presents with a clearer, crisper sound than its predecessor. To call it clean would be neatening it up too much, but for better or worse it does feel sleeker.
  3. 70
    They move a rung up on the shoegaze ladder by toning things back even more than their 2014 record and what's even more noticeable is that quite a few directions taken here, ring similar to bands Yip worked on over the past couple years. Nothing, however, still have an extra something to their music.
  4. Jun 1, 2016
    There's no grand resolution on Tired Of Tomorrow, but you can't help but hope Palermo finds some peace in all the noise. That's what making noise is for.
  5. 80
    A melancholy blend of shoegaze, hardcore and alt rock overlaid with Palermo’s dark and dreamy vocals.
  6. May 27, 2016
    For all of the melancholy, it's far from a depressing experience; if anything, it's an oddly uplifting album, one that manages to find a great deal of beauty lurking just beneath the ugliness we sometimes find ourselves confronted by.
  7. May 18, 2016
    It’s familiar but new; varied but consistent; full of ambience but sturdy.
  8. May 17, 2016
    For as indecisive of an album as Tired of Tomorrow seems to be from a conceptual standpoint, the overall musical quality and talent level never wavers.
  9. 80
    With their warm, evocative, hot fuzz production, muted vocals and keening atmospherics that set them down somewhere between Slowdive, Mew and early Radiohead (see the surely deliberate echo of Creep in Eaten By Worms for evidence of the latter), they sigh their way through a set of tracks that are simply billowing with maudlin beauty.
  10. May 12, 2016
    The resulting sound is one of wistful melancholia, designed for dark rooms, loud headphones and the flickering feeling that while life can be shitty at times, there’s always a chance to find happiness.
  11. May 11, 2016
    There's no romance on this album. Nothing shine a stark white light on reality. As they always have.
  12. May 11, 2016
    With a lean run time of about 45 minutes, Tired of Tomorrow is a welcome and long-awaited addition to Nothing’s catalog. It can be a rough emotional ride, but the fact that the band can show its battle scars with such a great selection of songs should give everyone hope for the future.
  13. May 11, 2016
    Tired of Tomorrow is both warm and cold, complex and straight to the point.
  14. 70
    Whilst no-one wishes further misfortune on NOTHING, Tired of Tomorrow proves they've learnt how to make the most of it and turn it into something dark, but beautiful. Its title suggests despondency, but its content should certainly leave them hopeful.
  15. May 10, 2016
    Nothing have definitely learned a thing or two in between albums about using crushing dynamics to great effect. Unfortunately, there are times when the combination of a particular note and lyric rob the band of its power.
  16. May 10, 2016
    Nothing had every element in place to make Guilty of Everything very close to brilliant, a modern shoegaze/noise rock classic; on Tired of Tomorrow, they seem to have lost their way and have made something quite standard issue and disappointing.
  17. May 10, 2016
    As a shoegaze record, Tired of Tomorrow‘s production is too metallic, its chord progressions sometimes bordering on pop ­punk. But as a post-­hardcore record, its guitar parts are overly­ simplistic and its vocals are sleep-inducing. It’s got one foot in each camp, but doesn’t benefit from either as much as it should.
  18. May 10, 2016
    Tired Of Tomorrow is a bold, expressive grandiose album that proves capital-R Realists can make something just as beautiful as capital-R Romantics.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 19 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Mar 7, 2019
    Dropping the apocalyptic sound for a more melodic hangover, the misery is still there, but there’s glimpses of life in this follow up record.Dropping the apocalyptic sound for a more melodic hangover, the misery is still there, but there’s glimpses of life in this follow up record. Less emphasis on 90s worship, and more about creating a unique and timeless sound. Full Review »
  2. Jun 6, 2016
    Hazy My Bloody Valentine style riffs that have an almost spiritual feel to them mixed with debut Foo Fighters album type grunge. And if that'sHazy My Bloody Valentine style riffs that have an almost spiritual feel to them mixed with debut Foo Fighters album type grunge. And if that's not enough there are moments of pure beauty Full Review »
  3. May 25, 2016
    This album was destined to get mixed reviews. Admittedly, this album took several listens to like, but Tired of Tomorrow is certainly not yourThis album was destined to get mixed reviews. Admittedly, this album took several listens to like, but Tired of Tomorrow is certainly not your typical shoegaze record which is something that has to be noted from the get-go. Tracks such as "Our Plague" and the title-track display that this band have become much more than a bunch of fuzzed out punks with a pedal board. This album is certainly a homage to the 90's alternative scene with the droning guitar influences of Slowdive, the fuzzed-out punk sound of Nirvana, and at times the seemingly dreamy surfer rock tones of Starflyer 59 à la the Americana album. The band also pays respect to other 90's influences with the obvious presence of The Smashing Pumpkins and My Bloody Valentine in the track "Curse of the Sun". Overall, the album has a very upbeat feel to it but ultimately is a very somber production once the lyrics are unearthed. This is not easily achieved and that aspect of this album is overlooked. From everything that has happened to this band in the past year, to put out an album like this is nothing (no pun intended) short of incredible.

    Standout tracks: Fever Queen, Vertigo Flowers, Curse of the Sun, Our Plague, Tired of Tomorrow, The Heavenly Blue Flu (Bonus Track)
    Full Review »