
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 13
  2. Negative: 1 out of 13
  1. If you're looking for irony, you're out of luck; if you want to hear a rock band confront the blues with soul, muscle, and respect, then thickfreakness is right up your alley.
  2. Alternative Press
    What you hear on Thickfreakness is no less faithful than what old black guys on porches on the Delta have churned out for the last hundred years. [June 2003, p.105]
  3. Sounds like something carved out of the earth, a soulful howl of Hendrixian guitars and Zeppelin stomp.
  4. The songs on Thickfreakness are all near masterpieces.
  5. Magnet
    When they fall into slow, sullen standards like minimalist closer "I Cry Alone," it's magnificently evil. [#59, p.86]
  6. Mojo
    A rich, compelling album. [Jun 2003, p.93]
  7. Thickfreakness isn't quite their debut, but it's still a powerhouse, even exceeding its ancestor in total spectacle. Raw rock grandeur as so frequently conjured up on this album is hard to come by in any capacity; if that means having to overlook a few minor flaws, it's worth it.
  8. The best record to come out this year.
  9. Q Magazine
    A lesson in untouched simplicity, raw groove and my-woman-done-left-me throat wobbling. [Jun 2003, p.94]
  10. Spin
    The production is muddy, the sentiments vague. [June 2003, p.105]
  11. Thickfreakness is an unrelentingly dour record - perhaps this music was best left in the past.
  12. A steamy, boozy, looser take on the amped-up miserablism of the band's overly rigid 2002 debut The Big Come Up.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 62 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 55 out of 62
  2. Negative: 2 out of 62
  1. Feb 4, 2021
    In comparison to their first album, It's a massive step up across the board and it really puts the stamp on their definitive sound. At leastIn comparison to their first album, It's a massive step up across the board and it really puts the stamp on their definitive sound. At least the style of sound that dominated a lot of their earlier records. It's fantastic, I have nothing bad to say about it. It's everything you want in a second album. Full Review »
  2. Jul 2, 2013
    The music here is thin but you gotta respect what two people can pull off on their own. It does get a little same-y and you gotta like bluesThe music here is thin but you gotta respect what two people can pull off on their own. It does get a little same-y and you gotta like blues rock to get into this because this band is steadfast in their sound.

    I have always believed The Black Keys to be just a tad overrated and I still feel that way. They are good. And this is good. But it can all blur together. There are some real highlights. Top 3 being

    7) Everywhere I go
    5) Have Love Will Travel
    1) Title Track thickfreakness
    Full Review »
  3. Jan 30, 2012
    Kick ass blues rock and my favorite Keys record to date. Basically love every track on the record. Favorite tracks: Hold Me in Your ArmsKick ass blues rock and my favorite Keys record to date. Basically love every track on the record. Favorite tracks: Hold Me in Your Arms Hard Row
    If You See Me
    Full Review »