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Universal acclaim- based on 56 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 50 out of 56
  2. Negative: 2 out of 56

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  1. Orbitt
    Sep 8, 2006
    Gran álbum con algunas grandes canciones pero le falta algo. Espero al siguiente álbum impaciente.
  2. EduardoO
    Apr 1, 2007
    My second favorite album of 2006. This is smart people making music and I appreciate that, do you?
  3. GuyH
    Jan 11, 2007
    The album is a good listen but I find that the best tracks tend to beat the rest into submission. Luckily there are 6, maybe 7, great songs which is not bad going. If the quality control is improved on future releases then Hot Chip will have an absolute classic on their hands.
  4. JC
    Feb 3, 2007
    Catchy and amazing. Way better than there debut.
  5. AC
    Feb 3, 2007
    A Pop/Electronic masterpiece. Beautiful, catchy songs all around for your enjoyment (And I Was A Boy From School, The Warning, So Glad To See You, Just Like We, Over And Over, Arrest Yourself, basically, the whole entire album) but my personal favorite is No Fit State, great song. To really appreciate the album it requires a few listens but besides that you'll love it. This & A Pop/Electronic masterpiece. Beautiful, catchy songs all around for your enjoyment (And I Was A Boy From School, The Warning, So Glad To See You, Just Like We, Over And Over, Arrest Yourself, basically, the whole entire album) but my personal favorite is No Fit State, great song. To really appreciate the album it requires a few listens but besides that you'll love it. This & Hard-Fi's Stars Of CCTV are my tied for my favorite album of 06. I Highly recommend. Expand
  6. DamienM
    Apr 20, 2007
    This is the best electronic album I've ever listened to. Really cool album.
  7. Lucky
    Apr 30, 2007
    The most upbeat album I've heard in the last 6 years. Really, really good music here. Electronic at it's finest.
  8. DJ
    Apr 8, 2007
    One of the greatest achievements of this century. An incredible work of art. Great songs after another and they never get old. This album is catchy, original, thrilling, upbeat and amazing. My pick for best album of 06.
  9. RG
    May 12, 2007
    a solid record, couple of misses here and there but some unbelievable tracks on this. some trax lack the extra umph. the lyrics kinda reference themselves and the group seems to have a serious and not so serious side. the grooves on the more upbeat trax are brilliant and beckons the dance floor.
  10. Drake
    Aug 1, 2007
    Fun as hell to listen to, especially at a party. This band is definitely a bunch charming fellows that know how to make great, unique music.
  11. LawrenceP
    Nov 20, 2006
    One of the most fun and exciting dance LP's of the year. Only "Arrest Yourself" misfires. Everything else is a highlight.
  12. DanS
    Jun 12, 2006
    My score should actually be an 8.5. It's always pleasent to see a band tweak their style successfully on a new album. This way they still sound like the band you liked from their last one, but they avoid redundancy. The Warning is such an album for Hot Chip. I enjoy the more dancable angle of upbeat tracks like "Over and Over" while also delighting in the downtempo Coming On My score should actually be an 8.5. It's always pleasent to see a band tweak their style successfully on a new album. This way they still sound like the band you liked from their last one, but they avoid redundancy. The Warning is such an album for Hot Chip. I enjoy the more dancable angle of upbeat tracks like "Over and Over" while also delighting in the downtempo Coming On Strong-ish songs like "Look After Me." Complaints are minimal. I'm buying. Expand
  13. NickP
    Jun 14, 2006
    Overall I am impressed. The steady base beats and mellow sound are reminiscent of Of Montreal and the stylized vocals resemble Spoon. To describe it, I'd say Arcade Fire remixed by Of Montreal with just a hint of Spoon. A lot better than their last album. Can't wait to hear more.
  14. Joris
    Jun 18, 2006
    "Careful" and "Over and Over" are astonishing !!!! DEfinitely Check Careful out. Other highlights are "The Warning" and "No Fit State", great album -refreshingly good after -I agree with that particular reviewer here- all the static Daft Punk's and boring LCd Soundsystem's Robot techno of these days! If I would start with nzmedroppng here I would say: The Postal Service meets "Careful" and "Over and Over" are astonishing !!!! DEfinitely Check Careful out. Other highlights are "The Warning" and "No Fit State", great album -refreshingly good after -I agree with that particular reviewer here- all the static Daft Punk's and boring LCd Soundsystem's Robot techno of these days! If I would start with nzmedroppng here I would say: The Postal Service meets The Beach Boys.... Will suerly be in my top 5 of 2006 Expand
  15. connorn
    Aug 12, 2006
    hot chip is the greatest band The Warning is a great cd
  16. TrekD
    Feb 27, 2007
    Best album of 06. Is that good!
  17. Gill
    Apr 21, 2007
    A great second album by Hot Chip.
  18. Logan
    May 15, 2007
    So much fun to listen to,
  19. Paco
    May 9, 2007
    The coolest album I've ever heard!
  20. DecepticonPom
    Jul 13, 2007
    If you thought The Postal Service were too intimidating, THIS is the album for you!
  21. [Anonymous]
    Jul 26, 2007
    it's ble!!!!!! Kind of retro. Nothing new. A bit of a disapointment
  22. Will
    Sep 25, 2007
    Cooler than LCD Soundsystem will ever be. The track 'Over and Over' must be one of the tracks of the decade! This is inventive music at its best, one of the most refreshing listens in recent memory.
  23. ReubenF
    Dec 18, 2006
    The highlight of electro pop for 2006, their lead single 'Over and Over' was rated as the best single of 2006 by NME. Other stand out songs, which show different dimensions to a sophisticated album, include 'And I Was A Boy From School', a touchingly melancholy song, 'Just Like We (Breakdown)', which made it onto the DFA Remix LP, as well as The highlight of electro pop for 2006, their lead single 'Over and Over' was rated as the best single of 2006 by NME. Other stand out songs, which show different dimensions to a sophisticated album, include 'And I Was A Boy From School', a touchingly melancholy song, 'Just Like We (Breakdown)', which made it onto the DFA Remix LP, as well as 'Colours' (the remix by Fred Falke is recommended). Expand
  24. DaleZ
    Jun 13, 2006
    great album
  25. PoppyG
    Jun 26, 2006
    absolutely spot on album. the only song i'm not so keen on is arrest yourself, the rest are brill. Hot chip i love you.
  26. tchsatoris
    Jul 23, 2006
    Look at those Critic ratings! I can't believe they found 2 'bad' reviews!
  27. KeleO
    Aug 12, 2006
    This is good! It made me do the funk all over myself. I think that song about mashed potato on here is excellent, as well as the one about their school uniform.
  28. DEE
    Apr 24, 2007
    Electronica hasn't been this good or fun since the 80's, when New Order was at the top of their game. Hot Chip is one of best bands in the world.
  29. Smith
    May 26, 2007
    Solid production from start to finish. All the tracks are fun, catchy, and original. Gets more rewarding the more you listen to it.
  30. LouiseS.
    Aug 25, 2007
    Really catchy songs and solid production.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    The quintet's refined funk tweaks the genre-busting dance rock of classic Prince and New Order with a modern, synth-happy sheen. [16 Jun 2006, p.77]
  2. Their second album continues in a similarly delicious vein, melding wonky electronics, pillow-soft soul and lyrics that manage to weave strange violence into gorgeous soul songs.
  3. Blender
    Hot Chip's relentless stylistic hopscotch... ends up in an intricate muddle that fully engages neither hips nor heart. [Jun 2006, p.138]