
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Q Magazine
    Oct 19, 2016
    The Last Hero won't make them any new friends, but those they have won't be disappointed. [Dec 2016, p.105]
  2. Kerrang!
    Oct 12, 2016
    When an album imbued with the spirit of heroism, the opening track has to boldly throw down the gauntlet. Job done. [15 Oct 2016, p.51]
  3. Oct 10, 2016
    Alter Bridge’s The Last Hero provides us with a great--if at times flawed – record whose meaning is even bigger than the music that comprises it.
  4. Oct 7, 2016
    They aren't necessarily breaking new barriers here, but that's not really what Alter Bridge are looking for. For longtime fans, there's enough heft and craft here to satisfy, while new listeners will find a solid entry point into the band's growing canon.
  5. Mojo
    Oct 6, 2016
    The Last Hero captures them approaching the peak of their powers. [Nov 2016, p.94]
  6. 80
    It’s a bold, bombastic rock album that really chimes with our troubled times. Alter Bridge got issues, and that’s a good thing.
  7. Oct 6, 2016
    Everything’s here from a band that still pack arenas, whilst there’s enough progression to ensure they’re ahead of their peers.
  8. Oct 6, 2016
    66 minutes of this kind of overwrought caterwauling is a little exhausting. That said, there are great songs here.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 32 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 32
  2. Negative: 3 out of 32
  1. Oct 7, 2016
    Contrary to another review on here, this album isn't perfect, but it is another excellent addition to the Alter Bridge discography. Where itContrary to another review on here, this album isn't perfect, but it is another excellent addition to the Alter Bridge discography. Where it falls down is when you compare this album as a whole, particularly to their previous efforts: it doesn't have the progressiveness of Fortress, nor the memorability of Blackbird.

    There are a number of fantastic tracks on this record. The lead single, Show Me a Leader, is the album opener: it starts with a beautiful instrumental introduction, that leads into the kind of driving riff and soaring chorus with memorable, sing-along lyrics that we've come to expect from Alter Bridge over the years. As opening tracks go, this is a good one that serves its purpose well.

    This continues on the first half of the album. Plenty of the songs on their own are a very entertaining, consistently catchy listen. The Writing on the Wall, The Other Side, Poison in Your Veins and Crows on a Wire are excellent songs in their own right: the latter in particular has some of Tremonti's best riffing paired with some of the best lyrics on the record. Island of Fools has the potential to catch you off guard: after a fairly reserved intro, it suddenly blows your head off with by far the heaviest riffing on this album, possibly even their heaviest riff ever.

    The best song on this album is, in my opinion, This Side of Fate. It's also the longest track on the record, clocking in at almost 7 minutes, and is very reminiscent of Blackbird in the way that it switches between beautiful clean guitar arpeggiated verses and distorted choruses, and builds to a crescendo with a pair of winding melodic solos from Tremonti. When Alter Bridge tend towards progressive tendencies, this is where they truly shine in my opinion. This song is a perfect example of that, which stands out against the remainder of the record.

    The album does have a few flaws, however, and this is why I haven't scored it more highly (I'd give this closer to 7.5 if I could, which bear in mind is a good score). As fantastic as the aforementioned songs are, I challenge anybody to try and remember/hum any of the riffs on this record after a first or second listen. Some of the choruses (Show Me a Leader and Crows on a Wire are good examples) are memorable enough to stand out, and This Side of Fate certainly leaves a lasting impression, but far too many of the songs blend into one another when the album is listened to in one continuous sitting. As incredible as some of Tremonti's riffs are, there are sometimes too many: you don't get a chance to properly process each riff. Once one grabs your attention, another is fired your way. This is especially true after an almost relentless 66 minute listen.

    Many of the songs on this album seem to cry out for a shorter, more streamlined listen, where they can stand out more. As it is though, many of the songs often get lost in the noise of the album, which is why they work better as standalone songs.

    Another issue is that there are a couple of duds that completely failed to grab me in the slightest. You Will be Remembered is generic as hell, which is compounded by coming immediately after the progressive and bombastic This Side of Fate. Twilight also falls flat, providing little reason to pay attention: a cardinal sin for a band that has produced a plethora of songs designed with an arena in mind.

    In summary, The Last Hero fails to provide a listening experience that demands your attention for the entirety of the 66 minute running time. Alter Bridge can be accused of being too consistent sometimes, in that their songs often follow a similar pattern or style, and this is evident on the first half of the album. While the second half certainly offers a refreshing change of pace with three excellent tracks, all with different personalities (This Side of Fate, Crows on a Wire and Island of Fools), along with a decent closer in the title track, noticeably weaker tracks serve to kill the momentum built by each of these songs.

    As a collection of songs, The Last Hero is at the very least on a par with previous releases, with over half of the songs on the record likely to make it onto many playlists around the world (including my own). As an album though, a few missteps bring the overall listening experience down a notch.
    Full Review »
  2. Oct 7, 2016
    Simply the best album i've ever heard.

    AB's my favorite band of all time, their music is complex, melodic, epic, technical, various style
    Simply the best album i've ever heard.

    AB's my favorite band of all time, their music is complex, melodic, epic, technical, various style etc...
    Fortress was in my opinion the best album of all time and i didn't think the last hero could be better but i was wrong. It took me numerous listen to fully appreciate every song of the album (beside one..) so don't judge it to quickly.

    As far as the album is concerned :

    First of all, it has a unique sound and style, as usual, alter bridge delivers an album that doesnt sound like the previous ones. It has also a true cohesivness inbetween the songs. They are not repetitive but it feels like they belong in the same theme and sound and that's pretty great. The overall sounding is dark and dramaticly epic but with some brighter songs as well

    the vocals and lyrics are really great just like in fortess but maybe a bit more high and sensible in a way.
    The solos are really great but not as great as fortress. There are some solos that are mindblowing like the two in this side of fate or in the title track but overall i liked fortress solos better.

    A lot of the songs in the album are among AB's best : there is big epic chorus, epic solos and long songs with clean verses and complex structures, ballad and upliftings songs, dramaticly sad songs like blackbird's verse. Shorter, heavier songs very straightforward but always catchy as hell. There is something for everybody in there and fans of the previous records will love this one.

    Show Me a Leader is like addicted to pain but more epic. It’s not as heavy sounding but it’s more catchy, the intro and solos are great and the chorus is really great. I love this song
    The Writings on the Wall, along with losing patience and crows on a wire and poison in your veins, is a shorter, more straight forward song. They are heavy songs, catchy songs, solos are good and technical (check out myles ‘ solo on Crows on a Wire ) but not as epic as what we could hear on fortress. The chorus, especially on poison in your veins and losing patience, are really catchy and huge sounding. Riffs of those songs are really great too.
    The other side is one special song, unlike anythng the band has written so far. It’s heavy AF, vocal of the verse are not catchy but creepy sounding but The chorus are so huge and epic and everything we love. The bridge is like the verse, heavy and creepy sounding but in a goood way. It’s a song you will have to hear many time before you like it.
    As far as ballads goes, My champions is an uplifting rock anthem, with a great chorus. It’s cool, nothing more. You will be remembered on the other hand, is emotional and the chorus is so epic. Love this one.

    Island of fools is probably the heavier song in there along woth the other side. It’s probably my favourite shorter/simplier song of Alter Bridge. The chorus is the best. It’s giant, It’s epic, it’s dramatic sounding like everything around you is falling apart. The bridge and final chrous with tremonti’s solo are just epic.
    Twilight is not a ballad but not heavy, it’s the song i like the least. Not bad but it just don’t suit me well.

    This leaves us with Cradle to the grave, This side of fate and the last hero. Long tracks.
    Cradle is heavy, the power chord riff is really catchy and the chorus is great but the verses … So sad and beautiful. Just like blackbird. The solo is one of tremonti’s best on the album.
    This side of fate is the longest track. The verse are clean and pretty cool but not as epic or dramatic as i’d like to. The chorus is cool. The song really kicks in for the bridge which is epic, heavy melodic with strings and **** Myles solo is his best solo. Highly technical, highly epic, highly everything. The last chorus is not like the other ones in this song, this last chorus is really epic and dramatic and tremonti’s solo is really incredible here. The song is not as epic as i imagined it but it’s definitely one of my favourite of all AB’s song catalog.
    The Last Hero is the best song on the album. Maybe my favourite song of the band. It’s huge, dramatic, epic, heavy, melodic, epic solos etc… The verse are myles best vocal ever in my opinion. The bridge and the chorus are truly epic just like both solos.

    In the end, this album is their best. You need to listen to it numerous time to appreciate it. It’s different form their other records but it’s still a very AB style album. The main difference with fortress is, in my opinion, that it sound less like „metallica riffs“. The songs are less classic riffs base but more huge sounding. It may sound bad but it’s not. For example, fortress bridge’s riff or addicted to pain’s riff or calm the fire’s riff sound more classic than the ones in the last hero.
    Anyway maybe you didn’t understood what i was saying but please understand that this album is a masterpiece, hard to listen to but so f****** good in the end.
    Full Review »
  3. Oct 8, 2016
    Well, fans won't be disapointed, it's the same old and dance... Some good riffs, heavy, powerful energy but for me the problem are the vocalsWell, fans won't be disapointed, it's the same old and dance... Some good riffs, heavy, powerful energy but for me the problem are the vocals : Miles Kennedy has a good voice, ok good point, but that's all... Vocal melodies are ALWAYS the same, it's always like listening to the same song again and again... It's a shame because it's a good band thanks to the good guitar work... Full Review »