• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Jan 18, 2010

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. The Betrayed is not an underachieving record. It sweats hunger and ambition, and while it’s not flawless, it’s a success on their own, aggressively populist terms.
  2. Remarkably the chuck it all in and see what happens approach works, mainly because the superb sheen of production papers over any cracks. What we are left with is an inescapably solid album.
  3. The Betrayed plays to their strengths in that it sounds more like the work of blue-quiffed CGI-animated ninja warriors than real people with wrinkles.
  4. With no outside influences to force these leek-lovin’ lads’ song-writing hand, they’ve delivered an album that, although not as polished as previous efforts (but that’s part of the charm), is purely Lostprophets; and the real sound of progress, for sure.
  5. They’re darn right they still belong, since Lostprophets have delivered an excellent album that is a reminder to all and sundry that this is a band with not only a storied past, but also a very bright future.
  6. There's enough going on sonically to justify the reported half a million quid spent on it, and enough gruff pop moments to ensure continued teenage adoration. But if your eyeliner doesn't belong to your mum, you'll probably find it hard to love.
  7. This is a collection of solid, excellently-produced and sporadically brilliant alternative songs, and nothing more.
  8. Uncut
    Still present is a populist edge that, while occasionally somewhat saccharine, shakes out some great choruses. [Feb 2010, p.90]
  9. Mojo
    Lostprophets neuter any genuine bite their music may have had with slick, histrionic choruses that render them as impotent as the dozens of other MTV-worshiping derivatives. [Feb 2010, p. 92]
  10. Q Magazine
    Whether a fanbase reared on moshpit anthems is ready for such artful desolation remains to be seen, but as an exercise in skin-shedding and score-settling The Betrayed is brutally effective. [Feb 2010, p. 103]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 28 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 28
  2. Negative: 3 out of 28
  1. Apr 4, 2012
    The Betrayed has a much darker sound than their 2006 effort Liberation Transmission. A lot of people where expecting a another LiberationThe Betrayed has a much darker sound than their 2006 effort Liberation Transmission. A lot of people where expecting a another Liberation Transmission with catchy more pop based songs, instead they got more intense and heavier songs, for example Dstryr / Dstryr and Next Stop Atro City. This in my opinion made this album a great follow up to such a big album. Full Review »
  2. Nov 9, 2010
    Another great album from the Lostprophets. The Betrayed shows the different musical styles of the band in one album. The first half is perfectAnother great album from the Lostprophets. The Betrayed shows the different musical styles of the band in one album. The first half is perfect but a couple of songs in the second half seem 'filler'. Nevertheless, The Betrayed is definitely a brilliant album 9/10. Full Review »
  3. Aug 27, 2010
    A gritty powerful album from Lostprophets. With the heavy edge of Thefakesoundofpropgress combined with the ambition of Start Something andA gritty powerful album from Lostprophets. With the heavy edge of Thefakesoundofpropgress combined with the ambition of Start Something and the poppy sing-along side of Liberation Transmission. After 1 listen you have the "meh" effect, but after 3 or 4 listens, you will find yourself continually coming back for more. Full Review »